Oh well, time to grind my wheels with boring bullshit I'll bitch about until 19:00 PDT (that's 10:00 PM in real time [EST]).
I found this jackoff via the WRITER'S BLOCK wherein Livejournal actively encourages bullshit nothing posts by posing questions that you can answer straight from your blog for free posts. Today's question piqued my interest because, well, it's one of my personal interests:
What kind of craft would you design to travel through time and space? How would it work? What would it look like?
If your answer isn't "a Gundam" or "a Battle Barge to PURGE THE ALIEN" you are officially boring.
A giant cloud o_O
His blog's name is "Nick Rides Clouds". I get it.
No, that's great. Really.
What is your opinion of relationships where there is a significant age difference between partners?
Oh another one of these, brilliant. Well if one partner is underage and one is 40 I think it's morally objectionable, but otherwise I do not give a single fuck.
It seems to me that often the older person is doing it so that they can get away with being manipulative, which is wrong.
... What?
The younger person can also use perceived attractiveness for manipulation, which is also wrong. But, I think it's ok if there's mutual attraction and no manipulation. I also think it's inappropriate to date people who are teens if you're, say, past 25 (and I think that's a liberal range).
Aw come on, can't a guy date a girl old enough to be his daughter?
Lately, most of the movies I've watched have stupid endings. It's like the writers think they're being all cool and postmodern by making a movie with a dynamic character, and then instead of completing the character's transformation or completing the point of the whole movie, they make an inconclusive ending. I think movie makers ought to take a clue from Japanese RPG endings.
I almost did a spit take when I read that.
Have you played any JRPGs lately? They're more guilty of this than any movie I've ever seen in my entire life.
Except The Matrix trilogy, maybe.
Also the Star Wars prequels (which were just plain bad).
But other than that, yes.
They're always long, and drawn out, no stone left unturned.
Except Final Fantasy XIII, good Christ.
If you're a fan of narrow corridors with no branching paths, I have a game for you.
Goddamn it I HATE when people give you a deadline for something and then nag you about it before the deadline.
Join the education department, then.
The education department, where you're not told your deadlines a good 50% of the time and you've exceeded deadlines to things you didn't even know existed.
I graduated college! Bachelor's degree in music, Magna Cum Laude, from Allegheny College. I'm now 22.
Whew, man. Glad I picked a degree where I can get a job or I'd find myself in your situation shortly.
I'm not straight edge anymore, but after some experimenting, my lifestyle has remained essentially the same. The main differences are that now I'll have a drink once a week or so, smoke some tobacco once in a while, and occasionally get a little intoxicated with friends.
Yeah, contrary to what most straight edge fags think (and they are fags) people who don't outright CONDEMN ALCOHOL aren't all raging alcoholics.
In a way, I feel stronger about my desire to be in control of my own life now, because I know that I'm not in denial of anything. I'm still vegan (of course), and have been getting more into Macrobiotics lately.
Jeez, what a pussy. How can you ever play a badass guitar when you're this much of a pussy?
Since graduating, things have been very difficult.
Because you have a degree in music with a focus in guitars, Christ all mighty. Let's take a brief survey and find out if the three greatest guitarists of all time even went to college, shall we?
Carlos Santana didn't even go to college, apparently.
Eric Clapton went but was kicked out, and
Slash didn't even graduate high school.
So there you have it, that's what three of the best guitarists have to say about school.
I'm thoroughly convinced that the frenetic pace, excessive waste, obsessive competitiveness, and apathy of modern society are simply crazy.
>Obsessive competitiveness
Nope, can't have it both ways.
Farewell to one of the best straight edge hardcore bands ever, and definitely my favorite. I'm sad to see them go. I'm happy I got to see them play one more time though. I got kicked in the face a few times, but hey, that's hardcore.
Not really. Did you let those blows go unaccounted? If so, I have some bad news.
That's what knights used to do upon accepting a new knight into their ranks, don't you know. Wind up and crank them right in the jaw. "Let that be the only blow that goes unaccounted" and that was the end of the ceremony.
Goddamn people used to kick ass.
This Saturday, I went to D.C. to see the Holocaust Museum,
Oh I've been there. I also got to talk to a real life Nazi (who fought in the war, even). Shit was pretty cash, actually.
On the way up, I got to meet and talk to this girl Marla, who's actually from my hometown, so that was neat, but also a bit of an awkward situation to be in while the tv was simultaneously showing drunk blondes taking off their shirts. Hmm...
"Wanna follow their example? Eh? Eh?"
There's so much information and so many stories at the Holocaust Museum; I would have liked two full days to go through it instead of 2 hours.
Really? There's a lot of information at a museum? News to me.
71.7% done with this latest FFXIV patch. There have been three patches total between the end of closed beta and the beginning of open beta, which is exactly two more than I expected to have to download.
So, this semester at school, I decided I would go to the meetings of the college's Christian outreach club. It's designed to be for Christians of any persuasion, whether protestant, orthodox, catholic, etc... I felt as though I hadn't really given Christianity a fair shake.
Oh, that reminds me. I have to write a brief primer on a religion for "pussy sensitivity class" and worship of the Twelve Olympians isn't an option. Why are they discriminating against my religion? ;_;
I was raised protestant and orthodox
Err, okay?
You do realize the Protestants were protesting Orthodoxy, right (also Catholicism, which is the same shit basically)?
Many times, I find myself wondering how to live in this world, which has (as I like to put it) ended.
>world has ended
>the sun is still out, there are still TECHNOLOGICAL MARVELS ABOUND
wow what a drip.
Seriously we live in a world that is so technologically evolved when your aforementioned Christians were condemning witchcraft they might as well be condemning themselves, because to those primitives who wrote the Bible we are sorcerers one and all.
What does that mean? It means that the great world wars are over, and we generally live in a time of peace.
What'd Warhammer say about this? "It's not war that I fear, it's the unending hell of peace" or something?
We're not living in a world that's ended. We're living in the Roman Empire.
Goddamn my day just got better.
Out of the way, plebeians.
The U.S. has become, to a large degree, the enemy of goodness, and this is why it's so hard for us to see what's right or wrong anymore.
>Roman Empire
>enemy of goodness
Considering they enjoyed some of the highest standards of living (for the time) in the world and their collapse heralded a dark age that lasted for hundreds of years I'm not sure I really follow you here.
Think about it. Today, Americans are party to the killing of a million animals every hour for food.
Americans are also party to killing hundreds (probably) of people every day. So what?
The point is, things are essentially the same as always. When you take a good look, the "evil" in the world is plain to see, and it's obvious what's right to do: fight it. The biggest obstacle, really, is getting over our fear of confrontation, and I speak for myself most of all when I say that.
Hey man, you posted this to the greatest invention mankind has ever conceived (the instant sharing of information the world over) under a government where you can openly call the government murderers and they don't even arrest you. I can think of at least ten ways in which you have it better than the average Roman citizen.
I wish...
people showed kindness to each other more often.
Anyway my patch is done and I have some posts to make on another blog I'm keeping for school as well as BLACKBOARD POSTAN so I guess I'll be off.
Hey if anyone is reading this and playing FFXIV (no one) pick Jecht as your server and maybe we can hang out sometime :3
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