I guess emos are whinier whereas goths are-- no they're just as whiny.
Hmm. I guess goths are into CHAINS AND BATS while emos are into thin jeans and trendy box glasses.
One pretends to be a gay vampire while the other one is just gay--
And I don't mean that as a 9th grade insult, either. I mean literally homosexual.
Here we are.
I went to LiveJournal today because of what I can only describe as a portent. Today in biology, right before the test, the dumb girl proudly declares "I'm going to guess on all of the questions." So I knew it was the day of the dumb sorority girl. I was looking for a bubbly stupid girl but I found an emo girl instead. Fair enough, I guess.
First post is standard fare. Girl is angry her dad rifled through her room, no doubt looking for babies sacrificed to Baal Zebul.
2) I was being yelled at by a vegan.
I can honestly say that has never happened to me. I doubt many people could claim such a thing.
Ha, ha, ha my desk is a constant torrent of space marines and I never seem to have a problem. I have an inspector gadget-looking fellow, an artillery piece and a giant pod as I type this. Never stopped me once.
Also "angry" has no "e" in it. I know anger does and the process of turning nouns into adjectives is a scary one, but try to follow along. You're a big girl now.
Kay, so I'm fucked.
I cant find the critical thinking textbook... I must have left it somewhere in the school... there goes that money.
Critical thinking textbook. I wonder if you can think critically about the critical thinking text book and pass the class immediately? WHY DO I HAVE TO READ THIS? THIS IS BULLSHIT I ALREADY KNOW WHAT'S IN IT FUCK YOU I'M NOT READING IT.
Instant A, right? What else could the book be about?
At least that's how I take critical thinking. Doubt anything anyone says until they can prove it isn't bullshit.
Works for me, anyway.
-stapers WILL INFACT STAPLE YOUR SKIN. and I have the wounds to prove it.
Of course they will. What are you, stupid? (rhetorical question) The stapler has no way of discerning paper from skin.
I know this fact first hand. I stapled my finger once. Then I turned seven.
Now there's a long, long post about how everyone is going to abandon you and you're going to die alone so you might as well love yourself.
Which seems paradoxically exactly what I'd expect her to say and not at all what I expected. The "dying alone" thing generally fits with the message of these people but the whole loving yourself thing sure doesn't.
Unless I read into "I cut myself today" differently than they do.
Maybe I'll have a smexy date by then.
I know, these essays are seemingly getting more frequent; but it’s because I’ve been getting far more aware of the stupidity in the world, and I feel it’s my duety to show what the hell is going wrong.
This has to be a case of the blind leading the deaf, doesn't it? As someone I talked to once so astutely put, "well it's just spelling and grammar it's not like the meaning of their message is altered by it." Yeah that is true to a degree (although one might argue poor grammar can change the meaning of a sentence wildly) I tend to be less trusting of a message where "duety" occurs than "duty". It's just part of being a grown up. You agree to society's rules when you benefit from it, and one of the societal rules is spelling.
So now that that's out of the way, let's see what her "duety" is.
Girls, girls, girls. The idiocy, and bad judgements behind your decisions never ceases to astound me.
Sounds like how all my essays start too. Although the idiocy of others has long since ceased astounding me and has moved directly from "worrisome" to "expected".
I get it; you think you’re being sexy by showing off more than half your body, you think your crush will notice you if you practically strip in front of them.
I guess you think that this “feeling sexy” portrays you as having self esteem, or something far different than you really are.
I don't think how one dresses shows or doesn't show self esteem. It may be an indication (an often strong one) but I never say "oh she dresses like a whore she must have no self esteem" because that's a leap of logic even I'd be unwilling to take.
Now, I’m not against short skirts- in fact I own a few; but I take precausions; I wear shorts underneath them, and I make sure when I bend over my ass, and vag are NOT SHOWING!
Quick lesson on semicolons. Contrary to what every English teacher will try to get you to believe (it's a lie out of mercy believe me) there aren't as many hardened rules to semicolons as you might think. Usually they bridge two connected thoughts where a comma (this is the important one) would be grammatically superfluous or downright incorrect, but where a full stop (period) wouldn't be appropriate.
Since most people don't even know how commas work they can't really discern when it feels "sort of inappropriate" so hence why most teachers tell you to just restructure the entire sentence to avoid them.
So to make a long lesson short, comma after few, period after precautions. Same idea, no dumbass punctuation.
It should go without saying but no sentence should ever require two semicolons.
In all honesty, I’m sick of hearing the phrase “grow up” as if I’m acting childish in someway, as if dressing the way I do, or thinking the way I do is childish. Dressing out of the norm, with piercings and tattoos, does not make one childish, nor does it make them ignorant.
This seems a little hypocritical in light of the previous post. Also oooOooOoOOOOOoooo how unique of you. Buying clothes from Hot Topic and fashionably ripped up jeans from Hollister (I don't actually know who shops at Hollister but I do know my friends and I made it a sport to try to get from one end to the other without asking if we needed help).
In the world, there are those who take life way too seriously, and feel as if they should act a certain way, or the world will crumble. They’re the people with middle-class jobs, the people who are worried about what others think, and the people that are generally so stressed that they could explode any minute.
Which is funny because you sound exactly like a privileged, middle-class white girl saying this.
What I’m saying is to think, that you’re only allotted a specific amount of time for living, so why not live it with no regrets.
Introspection is part of living I think most people would say, but sure go through life never thinking about anything. That's also fine.
You know that girl you’ve been crushing over for years, tell her, what’s the worst she can do? If she bruises your ego; you stand right back up and think that you’ve still got any amount of years to find your beloved. No regrets.
No I don't. Why don't you tell me? Also if she bruises my ego; superfluous semicolons.
Want to be different, stand out, re-make originality? I’ll be the first to congratulate you… As long as it’s not hurting you, or anyone else, sit back and enjoy yourself.
Oh I get it. Be unique and creative as long as it doesn't step on any toes, is that it? Well fuck you. You're just as phony as everyone else.
Just… don’t tell me to grow-up; because I’m trying to live my life with out regrets, because I’m not afraid to have fun, and because I don’t follow in the norm. Don’t try to explain that I’m childish, because I don’t have the same perspective as you. And don’t, try to prevent me from living my life, in a way that’s best suited for me.
Yeah well my way of being unique and creative is to make fun of the freak with the mohawk and washable marker all over her face so go fuck yourself. Also she actually listed those two things as examples. I wasn't just drawing weird things from nowhere.
A friend of mine died yesterday, morphine overdose [again, another reason for me to dislike drugs even more], he'd been doing morphine all weekend and just never woke up on monday... We called him Roo, and he was a great kid, stood up for me a lot... He was only seventeen...
Now there's a genuine person.
Well, most of you probably have figured out that I want to be a rock star, a singer. I want to be famous, to have millions of people screaming my name, to effect millions of people through my music. To evoke a change in people, in society.
Ha, ha, ha, ha what change in society do you want to evoke? What issue do you feel so strongly about? Or is this just self aggrandizement change?
But after that, I know I can't live my life normally. It's sounds insane, but I was meant for this. This is who I am, who I will be...who I must be. It's a new need, just to make life worth it. I ... will say yes.
Are you familiar with the term "self-fulfilling prophecy"?
That's it I think. I could go on (because she goes on) but this is getting boring.
"And don’t, try to prevent me from living my life, in a way that’s best suited for me."
Zero necessary commas. Is this what schools are teaching these days? To just throw punctuation at a sentence until it looks pretty? Granted, I fuck up grammar and spelling on a somewhat regular basis; but jesus; really I, mean come-- on.
I'm sure they teach better. They have to, right? THEY HAVE TO.
Anyone who says "smexy" for really wouldn't know this, though.
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