If you've been following this journey at all, I think you know what's about to happen.
If this is your first entry, then allow me to clue you in.
You'll click on it. It'll be black font with some "lol ironic" avatar, usually white text on a black background. Then you will look at the words in the blog. At this point your brain will tell you it's crap and you'll have to labor to keep your eyes from rolling right out of your head.
Here we are~
Do i ever post good things?..yes...
I guess we should define "good" here. Positive, maybe. Good (as in quality)? Never.
Did alot of laundry *grr* hate laundry
Got that done
Took out the trash
took a break and leveled Sheryna (World of warcraft chary) to level ten...
Wow, level 10? That ranks up there with not zipping your dick into your jeans after taking a piss.
Actually I doubt he could have posted a level or achievement in World of Warcraft that would impress me. Play a real game.
Tried to apply to mcdonalds for extra job and money and almost done through the application...the computer desides its done with its virus scan and restarts without asking me for permissions...
Let me guess, you have a Vista box and let it run amok and control your life? You know most of that shit turns off.
so i say fuck that for a while...
Go to take out more trash and start dinner
I don't know how you do laundry (for all I know you take it down to the crick and get your wash board out) but you seem to be missing a few hours of your day. I know if you're absolutely shit at WoW it takes maybe two hours to level to 10.
big spider walks into the house while im out there aparrently because he was just sitting there like "hellllooooooo there"...when i walked in..
atempted to shoe it to death, broom it out the door *nicely*, then gave up and desided a bad chemical death would be nice....some pagan wiccan I am...
What the fuck is a Pagan Wiccan? What is that? I've heard these words spoken before, but I never endeavored to speak to anyone claiming to be one because I was sure what would follow would be a litany on par with when Christians try to convert people.
I know "Pagan" is the generic term Christians apply to anyone not Christian/Jewish/Muslim so that's not really helpful. You could worship Odin for all I know.
Consulting Wikipedia now.
Wiccans typically worship a Horned God and a Triple Goddess.
So, what, Hecate and Pan?
Ugh this is too stupid to even warrant thinking about.
Work has cut down hours to like 2-4 dyqas aweek...for everyone...wtf
gas is near 299 a gallon...^_^ SQUEE
Samhain is comming YAY....
Non-douches know this holiday as Halloween or All-Saints Day.
Wife is angsty about the whole thing, how do you tel someone you love that what happens happens...however hard it is to say that and believe it...
W-- this is a guy writing this? I'm surprised. Usually guys don't claim to be Wiccans. That's a stupid girl thing. I think guys claim Odinism as their thing so they have an excuse for the homo shit they do in the gym showers.
Today is Solans birthday, YAY...hes 3...yay...
You named your kid Solan?
but then the world better watch out because im already makeing my long horror movie line up for the whoooollllle month of October...and if anyone wishes to know waht I will be for halloween im going to be a fairy
... Is this a girl writing this I can't tell now. Also "making" doesn't have an e. I know third grade grammar is tough but come on.
so a week or so ago heather dabbled in the male species so to say...
and...now she feels all things written below
... F--
and...really really tired
...which all sound remotely like the earlier symptoms of something
this should be interesting...
AH SHIT. You shouldn't be allowed to have children. Mandatory abortions.
Why is it people are close minded, its so much easier to be open minded, think of all the time and effort that it takes to dislike things...when you could not care and like them anyways because they are people and not a religion or a sex...
Because that means I filter out SHIT LIKE THIS.
Why is it every human being is selfish, in one way or another everyone is out for good ole number one...
Is this a rhetorical question? I can't tell because there's NO QUESTION MARK.
Why is the christian god so fucking pushing, if he wanted people to follow him, he should stop makeing
his existing people " shove it down your throat" seriously if this God guy wants me to follow him he needs to stop being sexist, ignorant, and closed minded...
There is no God. Not one. The people who follow this deity may be backwards, ignorant fucks but the actual creature doesn't exist. It's like being mad at the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus.
... Who don't exist either, in case you didn't know.
How come men dont know what NO means...its a very simple, word, prehaps it is too complicated for their heterosexual pea sized brains...
According to the paradigm (s)he's set up here gay men cannot exist.
Also I bet I understand more than you ever will, so don't partonize me you stupid cunt.
Why are people stupid?
Ask yourself why you're stupid and you may come to an understanding.
Here's what a hypocritical douche this person is:
Why don't people take into consideration peoples feelings before they say things...it would avoid alot of hurt...
Fair enough, I guess.
Oh but wait. Not ten items down:
If we all just die in the long run, why do we spend our whole lives trying to perfect life...
CAN'T HAVE IT BOTH WAYS. I fully realize that just because two things are contradictory does not mean that both cannot happen (morals are often confusing that way) because this isn't science, but somehow I doubt this person has the mental faculties or the a knowledge of philosophy wide enough to pull a stunt like this.
ok i'm done LOL...anyone who can remotely answer these go for it...
Also if you're really looking for an easy answer you can understand, allow me to answer a question with a question: why not?
I wonder at times why RPG causes more drama then real life lol
Then she posts her results to the Dante's Inferno Hell Quiz. I had to take this shit in High School when I read the Inferno. It called me a heretic, which I can live with. If squares call me a heretic I'm doing something right.
She, however, is padding her results to look more "badass" than she really is. Look at this shit.
Level 5 | Extreme |
Level 6 - The City of Dis | Extreme |
Level 7 | Extreme |
Level 8- the Malebolge | Extreme |
Level 9 - Cocytus | Very High |
I remember me and the people I knew in the class tried to pad our results as much as possible to see if we could get extreme on everything (what else are you going to do) and we couldn't even get results like this when we tried.
Choose one word to describe me ... just one single word.
Just one word? Let me see, there are so many to choose from and this is all so sudd-

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