The first one I click on threw me right back into Friday, though:
Anyways, we got there and I clambered around doing whatever, briefly spoke to the band's manager, and then went out into the audience to mingle. AND KYO WAS THERE. YES, DIR EN GREY'S KYO. So I walked over to him and started talking to him and telling him how much I loved his lyrics and his music and everything and he was just smiling at me so I gave him this big hug and he hugged back...
Here's me after reading this:

What is it with these blogs? I didn't know anorexics kept blogs about how much they're not eating, then I run into 50 of them, then it's the Christfags, now it's goddamn Dir En Gray.
What else? It seems to me I can't get any inspiration to write my movie script but... I really need to lol. I'm so behind, lovely.
If it's anything like your blog I'm sure it's an abortion.
Guys, tell me to stop spending money. I just bought an LM.C phone charm, and am about to buy a Kiyoharu poster as soon as I get my check for working the election.
Consume more. It's your duty as an American or something.
12. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go?
Back to Japan!! Or back to Jamaica. Actually Australia would be really cool. Or Pennsylvania to see Piotr.
Japan, Jamaica, Australia and Pennsylvania. One of these things is not like the others.
Monday and yesterday, I stayed home from school because I couldn't walk on my ankle even with the tensor bandage.
Maybe Canada is several centuries behind the rest of the world, but as I understand it there's an invention called crutches you might want to check into.
So basically I'm really sick of being called into work. I would really enjoy a set schedule rather than Lori calling me during third period and leaving a message telling me to come in so that I don't argue or whatever. In theory I could call and be like "No." but then she would get mad.
Also, you'd be fired.
So I have been wondering for ages how people make the (^v^)V face. I was like "Dude, is there an opposite to the ^ thing or what?"
... The letter V you illiterate fuck.
And then I realized it was a V.
If this happened to me no one would know about it. I would take this to my grave.
So I'm hoping my copy of Glass Skin came today.It's like I'm really making Friday's update!
I feel soooo ronery.
Somehow I doubt you appreciate the full meaning of this sentence but whatever all right I'll roll with it.
Glass Skin: Beautiful. Amazing. I can't even come up with any words to describe it, I almost cried when I first heard it.
All right I have to hear this now goddamn.
That's arguably the most boring song I have ever heard. That was bad and you should feel bad.
Am I just really stupid or what's the deal?
Hooked up with a friend Saturday night. A guy friend.
I know where this is going.
To make a long story with several, several digressions short:
On the other hand he was horny and used the fact that I was drunk and have a thing for him to get off. He pressured me and I didn't say no because I probably wanted it just as much as he did. Possibly more. But this could all be attributed to the whole drunk/liking him thing.
Then she offers this golden nugget:
He asked me not to get awkward about it... He established before anything happened that it would be a one time thing and then we would just be friends exactly the same as before.
How is that supposed to work? I don't understand how he can expect me to do something like that.
Followed by this one:
By the way, just so you know, I am still a virgin. Lol.
All right I give up. Is this one of those Zen riddles?
Lol I just went to the bathroom, awesome.
Is this really necessary?
Yeah, the chick who sits behind me in this class baaasically hates me. Oh well hahah, she's really pretty so I suppose I can't blame her.
This is the best logic ever. The noble's disdain-- doesn't want to sully her superior vision with the sight of the peasantry.
I'm really confused about how I feel about people.
Must be hard.
Now she's talking about getting a tattoo in Japanese because hurr.
The first one I am planning is a Dir en grey lyric (Hurrr) with a meaning that I really like [:
No, no I did the "hurr" thing to you. You're not allowed to do it to yourself because you're too douchey to be allowed to use that power. It's reserved for high level internet space marines like myself.
She told me once that she'd rather just stay home and not talk to anyone rather than being around people that she didn't like.
I think that's a hint.
And the fact that I'm really good at english hahaha
Ha, ha, ha no you aren't. If you were you'd know "English" is a proper noun and "anyways" isn't a word.
Mmm, I broke my vow of being uber cheerful all the time lol ;p
Don't take vows you can't keep, scum.
High school is stupid. No one is allowed to be happy in high school unless they are pretty.
Contrary to your "me me me" attitude everyone, except perhaps the football team and the drug dealers, is miserable in high school.
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