The secret, for those curious, is to click the "culture" button. A clever subterfuge, as the culture section is bereft of culture.
A record one click after discovering this secret turned this up:
thedrgngrl. The Dragon Girl? I usually don't think of dragons has having a gender. Aren't knights supposed to kill them and rescue the damsel in a metaphoric conquering of earthly sin? I don't usually think of them as possessing reproductive organs.
Well whatever.
So I immediately skip the first entry (July 16, 2008) because I'll be goddamned if I link an entry in a blog that links a blog in my blog.
Moving back an entire month (sparse updates, points for that) to June 16, 2008. It's a wishlist of very, very odd things. I belt used to store shotgun shells, flasks, some kind of hat one of the three musketeers might wear (not a chapeau as that requires a feather, if I recall) a fencer's glove, and the classical dictionary of vulgar tongue.
It's like a crazy's checklist. Why would you need all of this shit? Or more importantly, what kind of crazy Tom and Jerry situation are you going to create that could possibly warrant the use of all of these things at the same time?
Scrolling past some blurry photographs to April 12, 2008.
The United States Government is trying to take away our copyright
Awesome. I can't wait for relaxed copyright laws like Hong Kong.
Since I'm devout enough to read this entire article in the off chance I can make fun of it, I shall do so.
Jesus Christ this goes on for three pages. Nevermind fuck the whole thing. If you had such a great idea in the first place you'd probably copyright it. No one wants to print your "totally awesome" fanfic involving Harry Potter and Naruto anyway. Even if they did it'd still be illegal because the legal owners of those things probably did copyright them.
Then something about how she's going to start writing again and to see it I have to reply. I'd love nothing more than to critique that no-doubt bombshell, but it looks like I can't.
Instead I'll have to settle for a rant on how she CANNOT CREATE WOE IS HER.
I hate this
My head is brimming with pictures that beg to be made.. and I cannot.. get them down, not just commissions, but the things that inspire -me-, they refuse to be put to table or tablet, and I get pain for my efforts
some rare days I'm somehow able to work through it and .. oh god its good to draw, I want to cry when I actually manage, and not from what it does to my hand either..
I want to -draw- I want to create, I want to give life to these things in my head. I find myself wanting to commission other artists just so I can -See- the pictures my mind is filled with..
I'm not depressed by any means, frustrated and yearning perhaps..
Just more random thoughts on my part.. and thanks anyone who replies to my journals, I -am- reading them, I just.. don't generally know what to say, I want you to know you're appreciated.
So that's what it's like to be a no-talent loser. I always had a suspicion that it was like that, but I never knew because instead of feeling sorry for myself I continued to work at it. Now look at me, I'm a huge success. ALL OF MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY READ THIS. THAT'S LIKE SEVEN PEOPLE.
Also it sounds like it stopped being fun for you. Unless you have a real passion (look up passion in the dictionary because I doubt it means what you think it means) then you probably don't possess the patience to turn it into a real skill, and you should just keep it as a fun hobby.
December 7th, 2007 applies directly to me so I better address this.
random thoughts for the night:
What makes people think its 'okay' to get their jollies by degrading others? I'm just curious, really, this hasn't happened to me lately. I want to know how these people justify 'Mine is the one and only True point of veiw and anyone who disagrees with me is a moron'. Then someone calls them on this stuff and they're like 'You can't hate on me for this! free speach!' .. I wonder if it occurs to people that freedom of speach might mean the -right- to say whatever you wish to, but it does not mean that its a -good idea- to do this. If you're an asshole.. people are going to react to you appropriately.
Eh, My POV : If what someone is doing isn't hurting anyone in any way physically, emotionally, or somehow I have missed in that definition.. theres no need to attempt to ruin it for them.
I mean who the hell cares -why- something is fun or enjoyable long as it is, and everyone is enjoying themselves?
This has been my random thoughts for the night
Bold added for emphasis. Also I know "moron" is spelled right. I just found it kind of funny, given the context. Yes it has happened to you, otherwise you wouldn't be talking about it. Unless you're bringing up an old hurt, in which case fuuuuuuuuuuuuck get over it. Anyway, to the point: seems to me you're applying a double standard. It's okay for someone to have fun with something but not okay for me to have fun making fun of them for liking something? By your own admission "who the hell cares -why- something is fun or enjoyable (...) (A)s long as it is, and everyone is enjoying themselves?" Exactly. If it's so much fun why do you care what anyone says about it, since apparently what is fun is totally subjective?
Unless it isn't as completely subjective as you think it is. Maybe you can't just be happy with having fun, maybe you have to seek the approval of others around you as well. Maybe the approval of others is more important than having fun in the first place, since if everyone loves you and showers you with gifts and affection you'll be having fun no matter what.
I'm trying very hard to ignore her example of this in the first paragraph because it's so contrary to anyone I've ever heard speak before. I think this may be less about "PEOPLE ARE MAKING FUN OF ME" and more about people who get offended by people having differing opinions. I don't know because it's so poorly worded.
Either way the double standard kicks in because she's offended by people being offended. It might be easier just to say "you're a moron."
December 4th, 2007:
In further news:
EEeeeee~! I got a job! I start on the 26th, training later this week, I'm so excited..
And if anyones still watching this because I'm an artist who owes them something, yes this means a refund will be coming to you in January as long as you let me know who wants one. Every time I try to draw anything now I end up in agony.
The term "artist" is like writer or actor. Everyone would be one, given the opportunity, but few possess the talent, skills and intelligence to actually be successful at it. In fact, making any money at all in any of those three professions is pretty unusual.
You apparently tricked some blind kids into giving you their lunch money or actually had a modest store of skill to get people to actually pay you for your efforts, and you blew it. Also how do you end up in agony? Back in high school I used to watch this soap opera called "The Bold and the Beautiful" because it was absolute shit and so easy to make fun of (also I used to leave school around noon because apparently no one gave a shit) and in it there was this fashion designer who seriously fucked up his hand in a car crash and every time he tried to design something new the pain in his hand would bring him to new plateaus of pain. Is it like that? Was your main hand disfigured in a car accident?
Apparently something similar is true:
I wonder if its human nature not not believe something you don't want to until you've no other choice.
Its been obvious for a while..I'm sure who ever's reading this could see it coming.
But it didnt really hit me till I did a loose sketch and sat there and cried because it hurt my hands so much just to do that little bit..
I can't be a professional artist, I'll never illustrate any gaming books like I've always wanted.
Also no, that isn't human nature. To make a rather long whine session short, she has hypoglycemia. She then goes on to say "there's no magic pill or shot" which is true. Tough break, kid.
By this point I was rather curious as to the nature of this artwork. It must be impressive to warrant this much drama. Well I found a link to her deviant art account.
I'm amazed she got commissions. That's not to say she's completely terrible at drawing, but it's certainly not something I'd pay money for.
Also "furry" is listed as one of her interests, so that'd explain all the drama.
Yes, this bit of internet sleuthing has explained much.
After exploring more of her entries, she is completely terrible at drawing. I could do better, and I don't draw. She has absolutely no sense of perspective or anatomy.
This winged rabbit appears to have a thorax.
Absolutely atrocious.
one, two, three, four, five, six? Six limbs? Has she seen a rabbit before?
Wait a minute... Six limbs, front set with massive fingers for grasping, enormous maw for ripping through thickly-armored foes? I have a prediction that in 38,000 years that improbable creature begging for the release of death will resemble this:

Shit. To fight the Tyranids through conventional means is to foolishly move a beach one grain at a time. Also I didn't draw that picture blah blah. I shamelessly ripped it off from website I can't find now.
So in conclusion, to not be like this person:
don't be so whiny all the time.
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