But this blog has me standing in awe.
From my home turf at blogspot.com, no less. I guess this is my militant tribe moving into the nearby peaceful merchant tribe territories.
Tuesday, July 8th In The Year of Our Lord Two-Thousand and Eight. Most notably the text below the whole "hidden meaning of Amy" because I could get through one sentence without triggering my gag reflex:
And while my rather genteel friend probably would NOT knock people down I probably would (it's not pretty what that says about me). Oh well, there's always room for improvement right?I assume she did mean "genteel" and not "gentile", as this is what I intially thought she meant, but the sentence doesn't seem to have much to do with either word, so I think she's just doing that pretentious "har har look at me I have a big vocabulary" thing. I use big words as well, but I try to ingrain them into the sentence so much the reader wouldn't notice the difference. Looking back at one of yesterday's posts: benighted. Even though it's not a word I encounter daily, the meaning is clear enough from the shit around it.
Also you would knock people down, would you? Well consider this a lesson from the master of knocking people. I initially had some qualms about making this blog because my first thought is "this is totally unwarranted" then I remembered I wasn't a PUSSY and these people posted it for everyone on the internet to read.
Also, for the record, "genteel" is the quality of being stylish or trying to appear above the middle class, so someone who is "genteel" probably would knock people, you pretentious cunt.
Come to think of it, "genteel" does describe this blog perfectly. Falsly, pettily above it all.
All right cutting down to June 29. Great, a Bible quote. With a picture of some kind of octopus or whatever the fuck goddamn I can't tell.
I guess that was supposed to be inspirational, but it just strikes me as out of the blue. YOU KNOW GOD CREATED THE SEA AND THE SEA MONSTERS SO DON'T FUCK WITH HIM BECAUSE HE'S A BAD MOTHERFUCKER.
... Well maybe not exactly in those words because if she had typed that I wouldn't be here writing this.
Fantastic my job is done as I can't seem to go any earlier than this. I'm sure I could if I looked around a bit, but I don't give a shit.
So, in conclusion, to not be like this blog stick to words you know. If you're fairly certain you know the meaning of a word, look it up anyway. I knew the meaning of "genteel" but I looked it up anyway to make absolutely sure I was warranted in blasting her for it. Spend some time on this shit. Remember: nothing worthwhile has ever been achieved by taking the easy path in life.
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