So double updates today, I suppose. That should make up for the indiscretion. Today's first specimen is The Church of Truth Without Christ (good grief). The first thing immediately noticeable is the length of the posts. Hardly any over a paragraph. Points for that. Oh, and it's located here:
So after skipping through some posts I don't care about (Dark Knight was good, was it?) I come to this:
i had another strange dream, 'acourse.
i was in a mall supposedly at some 'goth" event with voltaire, and i was scrambling to get my clothes/outfit together-i had some success, but i couldn't find my hat. somehow along my travels, i found a consignment/antiques store, and in it was my hat. when i tried to get it back, the old woman who ran it made me pay her 5 bucks, but she gave me an aventurine hatpin wich se told me was cursed...and that somehow i could have it because i was immune or something. as i was leaving, i saw a teeny owl, which was lost inside the shop, and i picked it up and took it home.
woke up at 5:01 pm today, and still feel kinda _bleh_
What. Voltaire? The philosopher? I have to assume no because this does, after all, involve goths. Probably something my normal mind cannot be privy too, lest I make fun of them and hurt their feelings.
WOKE UP AT 5:01? I thought I should feel like shit for waking up at 12:30 today. I guess that lends to the whole "I'M A VAMPIRE" aspect of goth subculture.
Moving on to July 1, 2008. This was the deciding entry. Before I wasn't convinced this was worthy of my attention, but this did it.
so i went today for an interview with this environmental job. it's door to door, from 2-10:30 5 days a week. i know it's a lot of hours, but it's $375/wk. however, i've been super sick, and i called and said i'd need an alternate date. i figure this is reasonable, since being super sick and tired with a screaming headache for 8 hours will make for an *awesome day*. so i tell my dad that i might want to stop at my friend's gallery opening (from 4-6) and he says that since i can't go to the observation day, i can't go do this. WTF? it's not like i'm playing hookie, and popping into an art glallery opening is a lot different than pounding pavement from 4-9 in the heat.
goddammit. and my mono spot came out negative. so i guess i get to stay sick.
This sounds like the exact same paradigm I'd try to set up with my mom in middle school: no mom, I am sick, but I'm well enough to play Sonic Adventure. On my new Dreamcast. And that's totally why I don't want to stay home. It's really because I'm sick. Really.
But he seems like a big boy now. Getting a job in a lab, no less. Isn't it time to, oh, I don't know, grow the fuck up and either tough it out or stay at home in bed? Apparently he isn't "super sick". I remember the one and only time I was "super" sick, and the only thing I wanted to do was die.
June 25, 2008:
i think i might have mono- i'm going to the doctor's tomorrow, so hopefully that doesn't fuck up my going to see sophia this weekend :( i'm just soo worn out and painful, and i magically got a sore throat this morning. FECK.
hopefully he can tell me wtf to do about this pinched nerve though, it's driving me insane.
A pinched nerve too? My goodness, you are just a hotbed of suffering and misery. I like your girlfriend's (?) name, though. Don't hear many people named Sophia anymore. Sore throat is a symptom of mono, though. It wasn't magic (although you might be inclined to believe so).
This medical nonsense continues into June 19, 2008:
well for starts, i feel like shit. vertigo and shit. dizzy, confused, shitty. from meds withdrawal. the pinched nerve is still there too.
but what's more, FIT apparently will only take 15 of my fucking credits, so i'm basically starting school all over again, and 2 whole years of my life-2 of the worst-have been completely fucking wasted.
i don't know how i could be more miserable...oh wait, my mother and her cunt buddy are here. JOY.
I think the problem here is that he's a hypochondriac. While feeling shitty, dizzy and having a sore throat are symptoms of mononucleosis, vertigo isn't. Vertigo is rarely the sign of any medical condition unless it's a serious parasite. Of the brain. Since I have to assume he wasn't drinking the water from the Nile, I doubt it's that.
Also welcome to college. That's what they do. At least they didn't Mickey Mouse half your credits around so you got to keep them all but simultaneously didn't count for anything you needed. You seem to be under the false assumption that they exist to educate you. Colleges, like any business, are there to make money. They make money by selling the product of education. Took me a year to learn that lesson at a big university.
Skipping another entry about dreams. He seems to dream every day and remember them, which makes me think he's lying.
i've been suuper lax. but then again, nothing has been going on. LITERALLY.
i've been SOOOOOO bored. it's just been hot and icky and everyone is busy. that and i ran out of guanficine, so i'm a very sore nerve tic machine right now.
had a dream from my nap that involved a tranny convention (wtf?), meeting bruce dickinson and giving him a big hug, swimming in a river, a barn owl and lions, and the entire town shop carpeted with astroturf.
Guanfacine? Isn't that used to treat post-traumatic stress disorder and hypertension? Why would you be on that? Also that might explain the vivid dreaming. I don't think that's a symptom but since it also reduces nightmares and flashbacks it would make sense I suppose.
This continues for essentially the duration of the blog, but one post in particular caught my attention:
so my finals are FINALLY done... i got a c on austin's project, which sucked b/c i put so much work into it, but it could have used some work blah blah oh and i wish i hadn't FAINTED in front of austin, that fucking sucked. how embarassing! O.O
jesus, stress + sick+insomnia+nofood=SUCK.
FAINTED? Again with the sick. What you need, and I really want you to look into this, is lithium. This hypochondria, vertigo and fainting nonsense strikes me as a manic episode. There may be some heavy metal toxicity to worry about but otherwise I think you'll see an overall increase in your quality of life. I know this is the second time I've perscribed a major mood altering drug to someone but I can't really work through years and years of apparent trauma with just a blog post, so hardcore drugs will have to suffice.
Also I'm not really qualified to do either of those things. I just read medicine like they did in the old days. Back when the barber was also the dentist, doctor, vet and surgeon simply by virtue that he owned a pair of scissors?
Those were good times.
Towards the bottom of the post he bitches that he can barely walk because his blood sugar is so low. When was the last time you ate? Last week?
So in conclusion, to not be like this jibbering twat:
Don't be an old woman
Man the fuck up
I remember one time, trying to find one of these things I came across one where the guy said "broke my arm, no big deal." That's how all blogs should be.
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