Friday, February 14, 2014

Fuck off snow

So it snowed an unuuuusual amount here in North Carolina so of course everything shut the fuck down.
I'd cut them some slack because it does seem pretty hairy out there but they shut down before this even started so even though they were right to shut down they're still pussies for doing it before anything even happened.
This is also the point where I tell everyone I fucking hate snow more than life itself and I hate this kinda bullshit weather and why do I live in this misery?
Anyway here's this jackoff.
I've developed a keen sixth sense for blogs now. Before I'd do extensive research. Now I can tell.
Still can't guess the gender worth a motherfuck but at least I know the goods when I see them.
I have stuff to say, and this seems like the best of available venues for it.

Forget about the roses and chocolate and sex of Valentine's Day for a minute. I wanna talk about other sorts of love.
Fuck off.
I know where this is headed.
Just wait for baby Jesus shit.
Gotta check the cut--
So, Jesus more or less said, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." Plenty of other religious leaders have said the same thing, but I'm from a Catholic background, so I'm coming to it from this direction.
It's a tall order. Humans are selfish, emotionally and socially spiky assholes. Most of us have better sides and redeeming qualities, but there's no refuting the presence of the inner asshole in us all.
The only religions to adequately embrace this inevitable reality are any kind of indigenous Paganism and Buddhism. 
I've been dealing with a lot of pain, a lot of fear, and a lot of stress lately, and let me tell you: pain/fear/stress work just as well as the Deadly Sins to bring my inner asshole bobbing to the surface.
 There are moments when even loving my nearest and dearest family members is impossible and I willing to bet that's a universal experience. As for neighbors... Sometimes it's to their benefit that we don't know them well. It's fairly easy to be civil to the neighbor who keeps an eye on the kids and offers you fresh-baked muffins.
tl:dr version: try not to be a jerk. I'm trying my best to be fond of you.
Just like Jesus said.
You know there are religions with a more reasonable framework for this kind of situation.
It usually goes: "you don't have to love each other. You don't even have to like each other. But if you do something too heinous Zeus will smite you with lightning."
resonant  asked "What are some things you've learned from fandom -- either from stories or from fans -- that you didn't learn anywhere else?"
I learned the fandom has an incredible ability to be absolutely insufferably smug about a third rate TV show.
So much. So so much.  Maybe a better question would be "what hasn't fandom taught me?"

First, the no-brainer: Fandom taught me about sex.
No go on. Let that sink in for a minute.
This is the same group of people who write about male impregnation.
I can wait.
And, since I've lived almost all my life among men, it gave me a community of women who were willing to share information about periods, about Diva cups, and about tits. Also, it gave me a network of women who could compare experiences with sexual discrimination and rape culture, and who have pointed out to me (by and large, very gently) that I had sexist habits. (I still struggle with "guys" not being a gender-neutral term.)
Know what a diva cup is?
I got a lecture in pussy sensitivity on it.
It's like a cup that clamps around the vaginal opening during a period.
Then it's emptied.
Cup of period blood.
Apparently pads and tampons are relics of the subjugation of women.
I awkwardly look at the girl next to me who was my friend so naturally she had the "please shoot me" look.
So I raise my hand.
"What if a woman doesn't want to deal with a cup of period blood?"
No but like
Pulling a pad of blood out is different from using your finger to scrub the rime of period blood crust around a plastic cup
surely even pussy sensitivity people can see those aren't the same.
How is a pad a relic of rape culture even?
I suppose we could argue a tampon is because it's like an insertion--
I don't know.
Fuck it.
Also, fandom is a fantastic place to explore desire and build a vocabulary for talking about desire and pleasure.

Fandom taught me about reputation and group dynamics in a way that interacting with people in body did not. Er, I'm not sure how to elaborate on that.

Fandom discussions have taught me a lot about ownership, about RPF, about celebrity, about gossip, and the ethics surrounding all those things.
Group dynamics what
Fandom has reminded me that I'm not weird -- or rather, that if I am weird then I am at least not alone in my weirdness. I have found a niche of fandom that is comfortable to me in a way that my embodied life is not. An intellectual Room of My Own. 
Look at that smugness.
Intellectual room of her own.
It's Dr. Who chill the fuck out.
(it's a TV show I'm not making a joke about murder)
When I die, please God, let my professional obit discuss my professional work. Or at least mention it. Or at least, let the obit lead with the fact that I *did* some sort of work. 
When I die please tell them how much ISK I had in EVE and my ELO in League of Legends
It should mention my family, of course, who I hope will survive me. But do not use any variant of "she conformed to 1950s standards of good wife and mother" to make readers less threatened at reading of my own intellectual and spiritual and bodily achievements. First, it would be a lie, and second it would be the basest sort of historical erasure.
 Her bold, not mine.
Yes. She'd have been important historically had it not been for that damn patriarchy.
You know Margaret Thatcher had to say the exact same shit.
Her achievements weren't just manifest.
Like you can whine about patriarchy erasing you historically but your obscurity and mediocrity will do that far better than any sort of institutional discrimination.
And that's a lot of how I feel about the way the New York Times utterly botched Yvonne Brill's obituary. She was a hot shit rocket scientist starting in the 1940s, she won the National Medal of Technology and Innovation as well as other awards, and her patent on rocket boosters made it possible for more satellites to be feasible.

In other words, every time you use GPS, you benefit from her work.

But that wasn't apparently newsworthy enough for the NYT. The first paragraph mentioned her cooking and her wife-and-mother credentials. Nothing about rocket science. They changed the obit some but it's still infuriatingly sexist. 
Maybe that was her wish?
People in the 1940s weren't as monstrously egotistical as we are today. Maybe she considered bragging about that uncouth?
Did you think of that?
Thank you! I adore all the fandoms and characters I've chosen so I'm sure I'll love whatever you create.
Nope still can't do it.
Fuck you, Java.
Of course it's vulnerable.
It's Java.
That's what it does.
Fuck it I'm going.
Fuck you Java
fuck you blogs
fuck you fandom.
Song of the now.
A couple things I like in stories:
  • I love hopeful endings.
Has anyone gone through the "Making Home Affordable" mortgage adjustment/refinance program?

Does applying and or using the program cause a hit to one's credit score?
I'm guessing the admission that you spent above your means is admission you can't handle credit and therefore it should.
Also let me see if I can find this information out despite never having been a homeowner.
Let's see.
Wow one Google search later I don't even have to click on a website to read this:
Accepting a loan modification can affect your credit score
If only the fandom had taught you Google searches.

Remember to dance.

I (and many of you) spend so much time in our heads, staring at screens, either fighting or ignoring our bodies. And that's a shame if our bodies are basically serviceable.

When was the last time you moved your body to music, just for the pleasure of it?
Why just today I was dancing in my room. Why do you ask?
Alone with the radio on, or surrounded by people, or in one slow dance with someone special, or rocking a baby to a waltz-step?

Take a few minutes and enjoy that body of yours.
Don't fucking tell me what to do.
That has been really bothering me since I started playing League of Legends.
Just today I was playing and I hatchet this Darius down and I'm in the middle of recalling because I need to buy items and I'm at 50 health when this guy says
"yeah great job but can you recall?"
Like no, idiot from another lane, I can't.
I'm just sitting here waiting to die at 50 health because I need someone to tell me there's a way I can quickly return to base and get fully healed.
The end score:
11:0:6 me
3:6:2 him
Also protip, other low level idiots:
when you're low on health and running away from Jinx don't just run back in a straight line because I have a rocket that can hit you.
How you can help OCCCUPY
(without camping)
Oh yeah remember when a bunch of freshly graduated college idiots decided to camp?
Transfer Banks. The best and biggest thing you can do to send the message that you do not approve of unethical banking practices is to get a credit union or local bank. If you have a Chase, Citi, Wells-Fargo or Bank of America account, withdraw your funds and place them somewhere that you trust.
Yes, hurt the unstoppable Bank of America so their stock drops to penny stock territory then let them recoup their losses in the interim so much they're actually at pre-recession numbers.
That is sure to send a message.
It definitely wouldn't, you know, help them long term or anything. Blah blah blah last one:
FORGIVE. The rich and powerful did not mean for this to happen. The bankers and investors were short-sighted and they work in a high-risk field. They got used to taking risks and then more risks, and some of those risks were not theirs to take.
Forgive that level of corruption and incompetence. You people deserve to be exploited at that point.
They risked our homes and livelihoods. They were foolish. But foolish is not evil. The government was foolish to think that the state could let them take as many risks as they wanted.
The government claims it's canny and capable, though.
Heads should still be rolling.
They were foolish and we supported them in their foolishness by being less critical than we should have been about ideas that proved unsound. But now we have no time to waste on foolishness or on the bitterness and blame it generates. Please forgive yourself and all of us, and let us move forward from this a more careful, more mutually respectful nation.
After the top level purges, of course.
Dear Fandom,

I don't want to name names, but some folks appear to need a reminder of this.

There is more than one type of object of sexual interest. Men, women, androgynous individuals, poodles (Captain John Hart, I'm looking at you), fetish objects, innocent youths, grizzled elders, skinny, fat, dark, light, hairy, bald. (Some types probably turn you on, some types probably don't do much for you, and you may hate even the idea of some other types. This is normal.) 
Wait what
people are attracted to different things from me?
They're all fucking mental, I tell you.
Laptop repair clue. T'husband has a Jetta Jetbook laptop. We (pronounced "I") think that the motherboard battery is going. It's 6 years old, it's losing BIOS settings and having trouble booting up. I've taken off the access panels in the back, but don't see anything that looks like a button battery. I suspect that the battery is either accessed by taking off the entire back panel or by taking off the keyboard (although that would be a stupid place to put a battery).
>netbook battery died 2 years ago
>just have to hit F2 to boot
just deal with it, Jesus.
Here are Dreamwidth invite codes she just posted and said she'd cross off as they got used--
either she didn't do that or no one gives a fuck.
Here's some dude whining about the vocabulary in boy's toy commercials she linked.
He made a wordle for it.
Just scroll.
Battle, power, stealth, special forces.
I fail to see an issue.
Wonder what this blog would look like.
I'm a 26 year old man who pays rent and a cellphone bill and drives a car to a job. I think I can handle my own system vulnerabilities.

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