Why is writing femslash so damn awkward for me? I keep slipping into overwrought lyrical bonking territory.Because you're a shit writer writing a shit subject.
On the upside, on the bus ride home this evening, I realised that I'm writing a negotiation heavy, spanking and tickling fic, so there is that.So you're a sex starved hambeast, got it.
Bliss borders on painful. I was expecting it to be soccer mom softcore, and I was even prepared for cheesy music, but they just suck on basic things like informed consent, even the most basic negotiation- like, don't drip hot wax on someone without their permission, if they tell you to stop dripping wax on them fucking STOP, always test wax on someone first etc. JFC.Yeah you better watch what you do with your fictional characters!
They need informed consent too!
There's also this would-be homoerotic tension between the pro-domme (who has roughly three expressions and a distracting Louise Brooks bob) and the main character, in all it's leather clad glory, but instead it's mostly just unconvincing and unintentionally funny. Really, how do you mess this up? Leather and spanking and disappointment oh my.I'll be sure not to read that thing I don't care about and had no idea existed.
Yeah, give this one a miss.
Ever have that moment when you're reading a really hot fic and then the author uses the term fleshy, wet strokes, and you're like, AHHH Why?!! WHY? And your naughty bits basically invert themselves in horror.... All the time!
Oh thank the fuck Christ I reached the end of this blog.
Well let's move on to the next one, then--
I can't find any blogs that aren't roleplaying or fanfiction.
Well time for Dear Annie, I guess.
This is fucking filler you can just skip this if you don't want to read.
Dear Annie: Why do women announcers who appear on the TV news and weather programs dress so trashy? They wear miniskirts up to their rears, bare arms and shoulders, and low necklines showing everything.Yes you are.
The men on these same programs always look professional, with nice suits or sport jackets. I've heard people say that a woman's knees are the ugliest part of the body, and yet they wear short skirts above the knees. Why don't their bosses stop all of this vulgar dress? — Not a Prude
Dear Not: What makes you think the women are selecting this clothing? More likely, their bosses, the producers of the shows, encourage the women to dress this way because "sex sells." In all fairness, national news announcers, both male and female, tend to dress more professionally. But if your local news has the men in suits and the women in low-cut blouses and miniskirts, it is sexist, and you should write the station and say so.How joyless is your life?
I mean what the fuck. Is your life so devoid of anger you have to make shit up to be angry about?
A few years ago, my wife went out of town for a conference. A month after she returned, I was on our computer and noticed that she hadn't logged out of her email. My curiosity got the best of me, and I saw that she had traded emails with an old boyfriend. I then discovered that the two of them had met while she was at the conference. One of her last emails to him said, "I still have feelings for you."Bitch is cheatin'.
Dear Annie: Could you please inform your female readers that we are tired of seeing their behinds because they refuse to buck a fashion trend that has been forced on them? I am talking about hideous low-cut jeans.Yeah.
Unless you are model thin, it's hard to look good in these jeans. And if something hangs over, they're not for you, period. Do women have no sense anymore? It is disgusting to see someone's behind hanging out of their pants.
Young women have been misled to think that jeans that sit at the natural waist and don't show your assets are "mom jeans," which is supposed to make them sound undesirable. But listen up: It's a marketing ploy to sell more jeans. Women need to wake up and take a good, hard look at themselves. — Sick of Seeing It in Indy
Tell it.
Also if your size is in the double digits you should not own a pair of yoga pants.
What the fuck is the matter with you?
Holy shit this entry is not going anywhere and I am trying as hard as I can. This has my undivided.
What the fuck is wrong with everyone or me today?
Fuck it
song of the now
give it a minute it takes a minute to get going
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