Thursday, January 30, 2014

pregnant women and people with heart conditions please leave the theater

Warning, content not suitable for minors!
Tag: church!
Crazy nutsy day at work today, and I wasn't even the one on call. That's okay, though. We'll see what happens tomorrow, since that's the day we're actually on call. I think. lol
So tired. Night all.
I'm still kind of excited about the history discussion last night. It dovetailed some with the barbarian episodes I saw on the History Channel. Romans were mean, man. Unfortunately, no one at work was as excited. Surprising, isn't it? lol
Romans were mean.
That's all you can say about the people that carved an empire from the barbarian tribes of Europe and the wilderness?
So I'm writing this on my phone. Wheeeee lol

Had lots of church stuff today. Choir, then the annual meeting.
This evening there was a class. Since the choir is always practicing when everyone else goes to Sunday school, Father Robert was kind enough to hold an extra Inquirer's class for us-and whoever else wanted to come. And it was history today-yay! 
>teaching history
no that's cool
I'm sure that's accurate.
Not like the church has been known for painting people one way

or maybe white washing another
I love that our church lets anyone into these classes-not just people new to the church. There's always something new to learn. In fact, I think maybe one person in there wasn't already a member, and I'm not even sure about that. :)
Yeah they want nonbelievers in.
To brainwash you.
Don't believe their lies.
This is one of those days that you always abbreviate because you're afraid you'll spell it wrong. Kind of like February.
The day was Wednesday.
And no, I don't, because I graduated the second grade.
Why is this all hiding beneath a warning?
I know I joke a lot about this and it's no cause of anger (and laughs haha you're welcome) but this is seriously the tamest shit I've ever read. I can't even be mad at this. Like are posts about your cat or going to choir that potentially racy?
Here's her bitching about her horses--
I'd call her a spoiled rich cunt but honestly I'm so fucking bored I can't be bothered to figure this out.
Oh shit for a second I thought I hit the end of the blog because there was no "go back" button and I got excited because I can fuck off early but as it turns out it's just on the top for some reason.

I almost posted early, then didn't, and now I almost went to bed without posting. At least I remembered.
That's every entry I miss.
Except it stops after "I almost posted early but then didn't."
I could read bullshit on the internet or I could get screamed at by homophobic adolescent boys for not laning properly in League of Legends--
sorry, blogging.
As unappetizing as the latter sounds it's still better.
I should post more. Not that you all are clamoring at the bit, or anything. lol 
You should post less. I'm barely into this entry and I am out of shit to say.
I might have to take this post off the rails.
The last time I listened to this I was in Junior High. Our english teacher had us listening to it on a record player. lol Funny thing was that it was interrupted by the Challenger disaster. 
I wasn't even born when the Challenger exploded and somehow my writing comes across as more mature.
And I've said "cunt" like a thousand times in this blog.
How does that even
Okay, the chick next to me in the airport has been typing at maximum speed for at least 20 minutes. WTF is she saying that fast? And for that long? Freaky. Thank God she's stopped for now.
I used to practice my typing skills by using my Dreamcast keyboard while listening to the TV and typing everything said as it's said.
That's why I'm so freakishly fast at typing now.
No, really. I was offered a job as a 911 call operator based on the speed and accuracy of my typing.
You know those court stenography machines?
I could do that just with a keyboard. No shorthand necessary.
It's the one talent I have I am completely proud of because can say without ego there aren't many people faster.
Here's the obligatory post about Pacific Rim.
So I am vacationing at home.
Today I watched PACIFIC RIM!!! In IMAX 3D. It was so good, I can't even explain it. I was afraid from the trailers it would be too visually dark, but it totally wasn't. Honestly, there was only one place that was a bit too cliche, but it was tiny, and the rest of the awesome overshadowed it. I think I may go watch it again.
The one place where it was a little cliche.
So I don't even care about this shit anymore but if you want a fun activity online look up any Youtube video of the movie "Nanking, Nanking" which was about the Japanese occupation of China during WW2. It's directed by a Chinese guy but it makes the monumentally stupid mistake of not being explicit in its message. It kind of leads you to conclude on your own that the invading, imperial Japanese army indiscriminately killing civilians is evil so a lot of people have taken that to mean the director approves of what happened.
Also it's really surreal in places so that confuses the simple minded--
Read the comments. It's this hilarious mix of people being racist and snowflakes defending but they're not sure what they're defending because it's Japanese people hating Chinese people so no one knows what the fuck.
I love it so much.
It was very cool! Our associate rector canted a lot of it, which is new for me. I knew he could, but we've never done it before. Of course, the responses were also sung, but that was a little interesting. lol
The brass and tympani players were here tonight (as well as tomorrow), and I love sitting across from them because the new tuba player is very yummy. :) The new french horn player is great.

We sang the Hallalujah chorus at the end. It was my 3-4th time singing it? Ever. lol I had it mostly down, but on page 3, I noticed something on one of the lines, and totally got lost on that whole page. oops. Note to self - *don't read the music.* I did fine prior to actually reading it. *VBG*

And now, instead of going to bed, I'm watching Project Runway. wheee!
Oh my God I can't even take this anymore.
So here's the song of the day--
get to enjoy Korean girls being naughty cowgirls. 
I'm envious of everyone reading this because you get to enjoy this video for the first time.
Not nearly as slutty as Abracadabra though which is a shame but what the hell
There's a 7 minute version that's a knock off a Quentin Tarantino movie but ain't no one got time for that.

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