Monday, January 16, 2012

Crush Kill

Really, your slavish devotion to internet fads and memes is a substitution for real humor.
What is your dream for your children?

Today's writer's block.
I wish for my children the conviction to forge their own destiny and happiness.
To never be born into world with black people or jews. So I guess never be born is just going to have to be my final answer, unless someone's got a final solution. JK lolololololol! Seriously, just kidding.

Not preserved: the 50 links and crossed out words.
The links mostly linked to Encyclopedia Dramatica, a place where unfunny twats can find their comedy prepackaged for them. If you're 14.
The words "final solution" linked to an Encyclopedia Dramatica (ED in the future, I get the impression I'll be referencing them a lot today) about what you can do if you're offended.
Frankly I'm a little offended you thought such elementary trolling would have an effect on me, but I'm sure that wasn't your original goal.
Here's a post entitled "Thanks, /cgl/"
I wish the 'c' in /cgl/ stood for comedy, kid, because--
I just found something on the internet that just took my breath away, and left me in a puddle of semen.

and the picture is a Nazi uniform.
I think we're in for the long haul.

Had a weird dream last night about aliens. And I had sex with an alien.

I played a game called Dark Seed where a guy has a dream he's getting brain fucked by an alien and wakes up with an alien embryo implanted in his brain and it'll explode out of his head if he can't solve the riddle of the Dark World.
Let's hope this is a similar situation.
As you may know I stand against the alien, the heretic and the demon in this blog but this is the one instance where I can side with the alien.
Also I'm really surprised you're having erotic dreams about women because, frankly friend, you're a complete homo.

So she decides to reveal to me, after a marathon of sex, she's actually a shape shifting, genderless alien from some distant planet. So I'm sort of not believing this until she shows me what she actually looks like, about 4 foot tall, olive skinned and with androgynous features, it had a really wicked sense of humor and I remember enjoying carrying on with it for some time.

Not even something exotic like those blue bitches with tentacle hair from Star Wars?
Oh well, whatever. Not my imagination.
Twi'leks, that's what they're called.
I've been playing TOR lately, I admit it.
I even surprised myself by picking the not obvious choice: I didn't pick Sith Inquisitor.
I picked Sith Warrior instead.
The critical difference between the two is...
I don't know, the Inquisitor doesn't appear to inquire into anything. Just spends all its fucking time mucking about in a tomb looking for lost artifacts.
In fact, the Warrior (from what I've seen) appears to spend far, far more time rooting out spies and heretics than the Inquisitor.
Did they get those plotlines backwards?
Possibly, Bioware is bad at game design.
Also can we discuss those blue bitches while I'm on the subject?
I kill this guy because he was fucking asking for it and it's -30 affection from her (like I give a fuck) but then I off a mother and her son in a cunning strategy to prevent them from gaining power and that's no affection change from her.
Is she fucking bipolar? The guy I killed clearly (I mean objectively, even) had it coming but this mother and son, despite being Sith, hadn't really done anything specific (yet) and she's perfectly okay with that.
Of course I give her a gold necklace and it completely negates the hatred she felt for me after I killed a guy in cold blood in front of her eyes.
I'll admit I pick the evil options but at least I'm upfront about it.
At least the character I created isn't giving me any lip.
In fact, she is so perfectly malevolent I am quite proud of the 10 minutes I spent making sure she looked suitable in the character creator.

I'm kind of excited and upset at the same time, because this was starting to seem like the time I met the girl that could shape shift into a calico (she would change into a cat from time to time, don't ask). She (it or he) was telling me that their kind had been mingling with people for centuries, that they mate for pleasure and if they require offspring, they seek a suitable human (or any self aware species) partner and through interaction and a kind of psychic empathetic bond, imprint the personality and features of their mate on what was described to me as being like a small receptor that imprints this collected data onto a fertilized egg, which is then placed under the care of an incubation machine until it hatches.

Oh right, Jesus.
This creature sounds like it's becoming too powerful. Destroy it before it undermines the purity of mankind.
Also I'm surprised someone with a fascination for Nazi memorabilia and making references to the Final Solution being a good idea (OH RIGHT YOU WERE JUST JOKING LOLOLOLOL xP faggot) would have erotic dreams about something not human.
Actually I'm not surprised at all. You probably have furry porn on your hard drive, deviant.

I've heard a lot of horseshit about vidya games as an emerging art form, and I'm not going to make any coherent arguments about that one way or another. Because the Odyssey wasn't a pick your own path adventure book, video games currently don't rise to the level of other media in artistic value, nor would I want them to. The software developers responsible for classic games like Doom called themselves ID software, not as in i.d. but id software, pun intended.

Of course, artistic merit isn't really an objective thing.
There are people (supremely misguided people, but still people) who don't consider the Odyssey worthy of aristic merit.
I taught roomfuls of them.
Wacka Flacka Flame: high quality entertainment and a poet of our time
the fucking Odyssey: EWWW THIS IS TOO BORING.
Youth truly is wasted on the young.

Because you shoot things and they die in massively gore ridden piles.

Have you read the Iliad?
The opening page contains the phrase "and Phoebus Apollo loosed his silvery darts and the funeral pyres burned long into the night."
First page: massacre.
Second page: rape, retribution, massacre
Third page: revenge massacre
Ignoring for the moment it doesn't go into much detail the Iliad really is one of the most violent books I've ever read.
That's really saying something, incidentally.
The Odyssey isn't that violent but it does go into gruesome detail when it gets violent. Half a page devoted to what happens when you stab a cyclops in the eye with a firey poker, awesome. I guess Homer reckoned if the kills are going to be few and far between he might as well get his mileage.
So games like this are full of moral or ethical decisions that have serious consequences inside the world of the game and through a system of dialogue trees you can intimidate, bribe, shame and manipulate other characters in any way you see fit, which can have disastrous effects on the game's plot.

Unless it's The Old Republic in which case you have a choice but one is supremely boring and the other one some blue whore nags at you for taking it.
It's a marriage simulator, holy shit.
I just need a new follower is the thing. Maybe a robot.

Some people, I've been seeing this more recently with the release of Skyrim, people are expressing their attachment to NPC follower characters in a way that starts to bridge the uncanny.

I beat every single questline in Skyrim before I was even aware you could marry people.
I really didn't give a single fuck about human interaction in Skyrim.
I appreciate not being reminded of my own antisocial tendencies in my antisocial hobby, thank you, Bethesda.

For instance, the first npc follower you get in Skyrim is Lydia the housecarl.

Yeah and that conversation ended pretty quickly for me:
"I'm your housecarl."
"My what?"
"I can follow you around and do shit for you."
"Great, start by staying here until I come back."

There's something about mpreg fics that just fascinates me.

You've admitted to having erotic dreams about aliens and now you're talking about fanfiction.
You're a man, man.
I can understand the first part about aliens but now you're wandering into dark territory.
Not as if I go looking for them, but with the majority of fan fiction being written exclusively by women (littl grls) I see the appeal (or I am fooling myself into thinking I've gained some insight) impregnation plays in the phycolog- or whatever, I'm not going anywhere with this. Male characters becoming pregnant was the last thing I go looking for, maybe inflation comes in at a second least understood fandom fetish.

Fanfiction is beyond normal comprehension and it'd be best for you if you don't dwell on it.
If you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss gazes back, as they say.
I'm sure you're waiting for me to comment on the notion that these psychos are writing fanfiction about men becoming pregnant but frankly I've been aware of this deviancy for some time now so this is all old hat for me.
Also, I'm hoping some homegrown terrorism starts if anymore SOPA internet bullshit gets passed.

I can get behind SOPA if it stops fanfiction.
Maybe this is a woman, I don't know.
Although whoever this is did have an erotic dream involving women.
That doesn't preclude this being a woman if these past years have taught me anything.
I'm going to click their user profile.
I'm sure it'll be SOOO RANDUMB xP but maybe it'll shed some light on this abomination.
At all.
In fact, the rest of the blog is so fucking stupid and filled with writer's blocks--
and I've reached the beginning.
Man, this blog sucks.
This blog is so shitty I should leave a comment.
I don't often do this but I feel this is necessary.

"- this user has disabled anonymous posting."

Oh but that won't stop me, because I had an account prepared in advance for exactly this situation.
I am nothing if not farsighted.

Notice! This user has turned on the option that logs your IP address when posting.

Well, let me proxy up, then.
This is becoming increasingly not worth my time to call this guy a cunt directly to his face.
Not that I care if this jackoff has my IP but that's getting a little too close and personal for my tastes.
LiveJournal reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to suspend any Account, remove any Content, and/or restrict access to any part of the Service that contains full nudity, violence, obscenity, gang-related Content, hate-based Content based on racial, ethnic, gender, transgender, disability, or sexual orientation,

Oh well, I can take the passive aggressive way out and flag his account.
You know for someone who believes powerfully in the power of 4chan and being an anonymous troll on the internet he sure has taken extensive steps to ensure no one can fuck with him.
By "extensive" I mean I'd have to find a proxy and reset my browser but frankly I don't feel like logging back into this and Livejournal just to do that.
And if I can get his account closed I'm sure he'd rage and post all sorts of butthurt bullshit on his new Livejournal.
Ha, ha, ha, trolling at its finest. No effort, maximum damage.
I'll keep tabs on this situation.
I'm sure nothing will happen.

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