Lately I've been feeling the tide of shit waning but, by Zeus, the swarm rises to meet me.
Why is freedom of speech important to you?
I believe there is only one man in history with writing talent enough to properly explain why this question is bullshit (hi it's me I'm that man)
"Your freedom is illusory. There is no such thing as freedom: merely a longer leash."
Gain power or freedom, become a slave to paranoia.
Silence is dull! As a gay rights activist and a feminist, the freedom to discuss and share my view with others is vital
What makes your views vital?
Looks like typical Livejournal bullshit to me, in fact.
That really is the incredible hypocrisy of Livejournal: let the pigs squeal at their supposed loss of their freedom of speech and oddly all the squeals start to sound identical.
Show me an original mind on Livejournal and I will show you someone entitled to their freedoms.
The contemporary philosopher looks to classical theology and spiritualism, in an attempt to reform humanism from its nihilistic tenancies.
Although tenancy is a word, the word you're looking for is tendency.
Ok im now 23, studying Philosophy at Sheffield University, and significantly happier than when I was at Aberystwyth (judged by the shit existentialist poetry)...Im gonna try and turn this blog into an LGBT and Womens page, whilst discussing international issue of interest! Much love
A philosophy major, oh boy.
Have you ever met anyone more pretentious than a philosophy major?
You really just need to look through this blog and hunt down a philosophy major (they're a regular target here) to see why they are so bad.
Oh boy it's poetry time.
I can't even remember the last time we had poetry time on Edie Finds a Corpse.
The mercury pages fold and snap upon the vigil shore
Informing men that the lines of ownership and god-given land still exist, however transparent
A malevolent wind strips bricked encasements of paint and workmanship
Chipping away at history, billowing down dusty alleys, sweeping forgotten pages into the sea
Seagulls scream for recognition, battling against blue hunger and cloud, they float unsteady in the breeze
The fuck am I reading?
Dungaree clad sailors shrink against an aggressive morning, bent double like a vacillating newborn
A solitary ship makes its call into port within the grey mist and obscurity
Piercing the darkness with its stolid stance, an angel points westwards
Awaiting storm and sun, embracing all and rejecting none
I'm going to stop reading here.
This is complete shit but I can't say it's objective worse than any of the poetry I had to read in Modern Poetry class.
That's not a compliment to this poem so much as it is a commentary on how shit poetry is.
I remember the one cool poet we read in that entire class was this guy who wrote a book of poems like three years ago about being a soldier in Afghanistan and there was this legit poem called something like "Last Call, Motherfucker".
Dude was even set to speak to the class but no he canceled at the last minute (can't say I blame him).
We live in the time of the human. The majority of the world rejects a higher entity and a higher power; therefore we are left to contemplate the human. Existentialism does just this, it’s scary and dramatic, and not always rewarding. Existential philosophy had been considered the explicit conceptual manifestation of an existential attitude that begins with a sense of disorientation and confusion in the face of an apparently meaningless or absurd world.
Thanks for this, philosophy 101.
Am I really letting this ignorant slut preach to me?
I could be playing FFXIV or something. I HAVE FUCKING IRON GREAVES TO MAKE.
Aberystwyth is a difficult place to be gay. I have heard it be called the epicentre of the gay community for Wales several times, but I have yet to experience this amazing gay culture that is spoken so highly of.
Might part of the problem with Aberystwyth be that it's named Abersytwyth? It took me like five tries to type that the two entire times I typed it. Is there a typing equivalent to a tongue twister?
I just found it regardless.
It's not that Wales is a hermetic place, wreathed in Christian law and intensely homophobic, in fact far from it.
The influence of the hedonistic students seems to give the place a rather progressive liberal feel, but this doesn't make up for the fact that the place is so minute.
I thought I had something to say to this but I don't.
I'm really trying to muster up enough fuck to type something on topic but I just can't.
A part of me feels eviscerated if I cannot experience sexually the wonders that university life has to offer me.
Is there a reason you're using your 50 cent vocabulary as often as you can outside of to piss me off?
I have yet to come to a conclusion about the relationship between student life and sex. It's a vital part of student life and it dominants a large proportion of students thoughts,
There is a difference between dominant and dominates. Perhaps if you stopped being pretentious for three seconds you'd find out what it is.
but it is not a necessity and many people go through university being carefree and focusing on their work rather than their sex-lives.
Yet this is difficult for gay people in Aberystwyth, we have no gay bar therefore no epicentres of congregation.
We have limited sized groups surrounding LGTB matters and it seems embarrassing to be affiliated with these types of organisation.
So you have a means to get what you seek but you're just too cowardly to take it?
And this is somehow the problem of this town of yours?
This town that must be pronounced like someone clearing their throat?
Students are well known for being paradoxal creatures of both excess and destitution simultaneously. A perfect analogy of this statement would be my weekend-past. I am a current member of the debating union at my university, its fairly intense stuff most of the time.
Someone tried to get me to join the debate society at my college once.
I got to try a sample debate. It was this: which is better, night or day?
My response?
"I don't have time to debate nonsense."
No response.
Looks like my skills are superior to the debate club.
The rest of the story is complete nonsense that I don't care about.
Many have argued that student life is a liberated and effortless lifestyle, that we just get drunk and spend a few hours a month hurriedly writing out pitiable essays.
That's because most of you do.
You can't fool me. I was there.
It’s imperative to look into the reasons why many people view students as sub-human, prole like characters.
That's because you write garbage like this on Livejournal and think your opinion matters.
I realise that the main argument in the defence (or offence) of these studentphiles is that students don’t work, therefore they have not earned their right to claim the dowry of the land as it were.
It'd be studentphobes, you dumb slut.
Studentphiles would be people who love students.
This evidently streams from our capitalist society and the formation of our education.
I'm going to need to see this evidence.
People go to university now not only to excel academically, but to mainly earn more money than people who do not graduate. This should not be the reasoning behind a university choice, yet for many it is the decisive factor and this I feel relinquishes the very concept of higher education.
This "knowledge for the sake of knowledge" philosophy is fine until you need a job.
This entry just kind of ends without really making a point.
Not that philosophy majors need a reason to be pretentious but I find it's usually a good idea to come to a point eventually.
Not that you have to be in any hurry, or anything. No sense being polite to your reader now, after all this.
It’s a likely fact that if you were to sit down with such active feminists as Germaine Greer and discus the implications of the sex industry upon eastern European women in the twentieth century, its highly likely that you will be subject to hours and hours of passionate debates and full hearted feministic anger, but I’m going to take a different stream of thought with the feminists, I’m not going to discuss feminism and female power, but simply take a brief look at women throughout the ages,
If I were so lucky to talk to Germaine Greer.
I haven't even heard of Germaine Greer. Who is Germaine Greer?
I'd look it up on Wikipedia but it looks like the internet is doing a FINE JOB OF CENSORING ITSELF RIGHT NOW.
She says "look at some women in history" but she looks at exactly one historical woman and that woman is Margaret Thatcher.
"In terms of success, Margaret Thatcher had the backup, in the sense that she had a man who was willing to pay for her very expensive campaigns but also pay for the childcare that was needed, so she could enter politics as a man and that was very important."
She's quoting some yahoo I've never heard of.
So there you have it, I suppose. To be successful in politics is to either be or act like a man.
This post ends with her claiming (assuming) that a dead Iranian politician is somehow a martyr for the rights of women.
And that's the first entry in this blog.
Jesus Christ on a fucking cross.
Siobhan (as that is your first name),
Can I call you Siobhan? Because I feel like you've put me through a lot.
This is Tim. Hi. I'm using my first name.
This blog is awful.
You are an illiterate, pretentious cunt and possibly a bad person.
I think you should do the world a favor and stop posting forever.
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