Me neither, but alas, that is the objective today.
The blog's title is "Mo's Journey to Empowerment & Finding Mr.Right" and "Mo" is short for Morgan. I do love being on a first name basis with these bloggers but my hatred for the name Morgan might be compared to the baleful energy of a dying sun, so I think I will rename you something not douchey.
Let's see--
As unworthy as you are, I will rename you Martha.
Be judged.
Where is one new place you’d like to visit?
Japan or Greece are my 1 and 2 options as I believe I said in a previous entry.
Now I managed an entire sentence response to this question, half of which was entirely unnecessary-- you didn't really need to know I already answered this, though I do believe this writer's block has about run its course now.
So if I find one sentence more than sufficient to answer this question, I'm sure you can imagine my surprise at her answer being two sizable (and I do mean sizable) paragraphs.
In May 2010 I had my first experience of discovering the world on San Salvador Island, Bahamas. This is what Columbus and I have in common, because I stepped on the same land as he had in 1492. My first plane ride,my first time snorkeling, swimming in ocean where I could see my toes... my first time being a foreigner in another country. At that moment, I knew what it was like to feel lonely, to feel like an alien, to not be able to relate to people, the food being different, to really appreciate the differences that the world has to offer me.
So already we're like eighteen sentences in and a relevant thought to this question is not in sight.
The question, I do believe, asked for somewhere NEW. As in, somewhere you haven't been. You've evidently been to San Salvador Island, so do you care to, I don't know, answer the fucking question?
I realized I did not know much at all about the world or its people...and that I was hungry to know hershey, which means everything in Turkish.
Martha, are you serious? Am I really getting Turkish lessons in a writer's block?
This became my dream, to meet and learn from all of the people that I could, and to always show them all the kindness that I could possess in return.
Oh, really? My dream is the death of all Livejournal users from a horrific wasting illness.
It's a humble dream.
In January 2011, I was in a troubled part of my life. I was feeling disconnected from everyone around me. I had found out my bf had been cheating on me, and I had just started at a new, bigger college campus.
Martha, come on. Help me out here.
I was putting the final payment down for my trip to China when I met this boy. He was eavesdropping on my conversation to the Study Abroad office clerk over hearing me speak about going to China. He got my attention and mentioned how awesome it was that I was going to China. He was an attractive guy, and his accent caught me a little off guard. I asked him where he was from, and was very surprised when he stated he was from Venezuela.
Following my plan in reverse.
Instead of traveling to the third world to get a brown girl to bring back, he decided to plop down in the first world to find a white girl.
Well the Buddha did say there were as many paths to enlightenment as there men that walketh on the earth but I can't help but feel your path leads straight to eternal damnation.
One might wonder how I can reconcile a belief in Buddhism with eternal damnation and rest assured, the answer is I don't believe in either thing.
I went along my way, and bought myself some lunch. I was surprised to see Juan sitting by himself at a table. I invited him over to sit with me, and within 10 minutes found myself surrounded by a dozen other foreign exchange students from all around the world. I had an amazing time.
I found myself hanging with the Arab exchange students from time to time when I was in college.
I think because I have a manly beard they felt some sort of misplaced kinship with me.
All of the students were so friendly, I felt like I had known them all for years after only 30 minutes!
Then I found out there were no brown girls in their midst.
I left that day with an impression that changed my life, I no longer saw them as a possible awkward situation or possibly angry people, I saw them as people who just needed a friendly smile to invite them to be your friend. I made sure to always be patient when talking to them, and no longer saw them as different. I saw them as just like me & treated them accordingly.
You might be amazed to learn (I was) that this is all the same entry and it ends here and I have left nothing out.
So-- good job talking about something totally fucking irrelevant, I guess.
Here's a post entitled "Boyfriend" and I am already feeling the guttering spark of hatred begin to grow and succor at the wax of douchiness.
... I'm trying to liven up my speech a little in this entry. How am I doing?
Alan: Hey! I'm Alan. How are you doing? :)
Aug 4, 2011 – 9:00am
Me: I am just waking up (been doing so slowly for an hour), and everyday can be a good day if you make it that way right?
No, everyday can't be a good day. Some days are just complete and utter shit. Your worth is determined by how you weather them.
You likely knew that one because who doesn't know Martha?
My name is Morgan btw, even though you most likely already knew that one :)
Alan: Good morning sweetie! I hope you have a nice day. Are you on vacation?
Nice to meet you Morgan. Yes, I guessed, you have a nice name :)
Me:I just got back from vacation in Wildwood, NJ. I am leaving again on the 11th and returning on the 22nd from California. I will be visiting my Father. Thank you! I wrote in my profile how I like to talk to people from different places, and get a good grasp of different cultures. I would love to learn about where you are from, and you as a person. I find that I connect better with people from different countries than my own strangely. Well, I have a busy day ahead of me, I hope you have a good day. If you have facebook, you can contact me through there, my name is Morgan Shults.
Martha Shults.
I checked Facetube but unfortunately there are many Morgan "Martha" Shultses(esseses) and most of those were friend locked so I don't believe there's a picture to be had.
Alan: Why not? You're genuine and kind. We'll have to meet in person! It might also contribute to shorten my adaptation period. Its my first time coming to the USA on the 8th. Can't wait! :) I found and added you on facebook Momo lol Keep in touch ;)
This was our first conversation. It is hard to believe it has been two months since that day.
Christ, Alan. Trying to get into her pants, are you?
I don't think you have to work this hard.
I remember when I first met Alan. I was not the outgoing, fearless, lovable girl I was a year prior. I was damaged. I was shy. and afraid. I could not even look him in the eyes. It took myself a lot of forcing to climb out of my shell. I was so afraid to fall inlove with him.
I am getting less afraid day by day. I am letting myself trust him. He even changed his relationship status on Facebook for me. It showed a lot that he really cares and is serious about me.
Changed his Facebook status!?
I take back everything I said. Clearly he is the one.
Can Laughter Heal Love's Battle Scars?
Oh, fuck. This is triggering such a bizarre series of associations my brain is filling to the brim with fuck.
So there was a Gundam episode titled something cuttingly close to that line and I think it was Gundam 0083.
The theme song to Gundam 0083 was sung by Miki Matsubara who sang a song called Martha.
Miki Matsubara died a few years ago of cancer and yet "Martha" Schulz lives on. Truly, no justice left in the world.
Yes, sorry. Waxing nostalgic about a pop singer I believe all of ten people have heard of.
I am at a point where I am confused. I got to know lots of new people this summer, went on a few dates, and still have no idea what I want in a boyfriend.
A Japanese pop singer popular in (as near as I can tell) the late 70s to mid 80s who hasn't had a relevant hit since then.
Even the word boyfriend seems so foreign to me. I wonder if I can even see myself having a boyfriend. A committed relationship where you must trust the person.
Oh, so let me mention something slightly cheerier (and not cancer related). Remember a few entries ago when I said something like "Edie is only one ability named something like 'pentagram soul suck horror' short of being a super villain"?
Well, it's not something as colorful as "pentagram soul suck horror" but I think it'll have to work:

She has to work on her evil laugh. She sounds like someone said something genuinely funny.
Although the rank 42 lancer ability sounds promising: Twisting Vice.
Did I mention how completely fucked leveling is in this game? So fucked I've gained more levels in the past 3 days than I have in the past 3 months.
I wonder if I will ever feel loved agian. I go out with a guy and I feel shy, and worry. I have known the badside of guys. The anger, the lust, the cntrol, the manipulation... the heart breaks. I want to be adored.
You are unlovable.
Now here's a post entitled "The Coward Who Couldn't Fight His Fears For Love" and I know not everyone thinks this way but to me that's a very serious accusation levied against this guy.
Cowardice, I mean damn.
In fact, it's hard to bring a worse claim against someone.
I met Will on Okcupid. He sent me this message in reply to my profile: “Hey! how are you? I have no idea where Jonestown is lol, but I saw some things we have in common and wanted to message you. My name is William by the way. I also love traveling. I have been to Germany, Mexico, Spain, Hungary and all over the US. My favorite trip ever was when I drove across country. I saw that you wanted to learn Spanish and French? My Spanish is pretty good, but I am really trying to learn German.
I am doomed to die alone because this talk is seriously throwing me right the fuck off. Is this really how people attract each other?
My French is terrible. Oh, and I am terrified of Spiders. I work up in a hostel in Mexico with a tarantula on my bed and have been scared of them ever since.
... So? You're like fifty times larger than it and you easily weigh 200 times what it does. It's probably more afraid of you than you are of it.
Hit the fucking thing with a shoe, Christ.
Message me back if you would like! I hope to hear from you,
If I ever were so pathetic as to join a dating site I would never message someone else.
If you want to talk to me, start talking.
He seemed friendly enough right? Wrong.
Can't wait for this great story.
We agreed to meet up a week later. I invited him out with my outgoing, spunky, single friends Buttercup & Rocketeer.
Oh boy, Cuntette and her twat friends.
How can one man be so blessed?
We all went out to Bourbon St. & Anthony’s on 2nd street in Harrisburg. I was about 10 minutes late, because Rocketeer was a little late arriving at my house, and then both girls had to pee immediately upon arriving so we stopped at Anthony’s. I left the girls at Anthony’s & went to meet up with Will for the first time. Immediately I found him a little attractive, because he is 6’3”, and I love tall guys.
Why didn't you pee before you left?
Forget it.
I could tell he was uncomfortable with the scene. I asked if we could go to Anthony’s to where my friends are, and he jumped on the idea.
Is this story going anywhere or is it going to peter out like the other three?
... Why did I ask such a stupid and obvious question?
Will expressed that he had a distaste for how loud the bar was, and wanted to talk in a quieter place. He said he liked Anthony’s. The rest of the night, Will made an effort to try and stay away from the action inside Bourbon. At first he seemed sweet, saying it was nice to meet me, bought us both a beer that I suggested…then things went down hill
Yes, here we go. Don't be mad at the massive blocks of text I have to copy-- I'm sure this will all be worthwhile.
Okay I'm lying.
and He expressed how unopen he was to the idea of meeting my pet arachnids. At the mention of my tarantula tattoo, he almost seemed to turn white lol.
That asshole.
I can't believe that cunt with an admitted phobia of spiders wasn't immediately open to the idea of handling your pet spiders.
Even after giving the speech about how these creatures could cure cancer and how they are going to be endangered, he was not interested in learning anything about them.
Cure cancer?
My dog can smell cancer.
Seriously are you full of shit or what? Spiders can cure cancer? How?
Is the medical community aware of this amazing breakthrough?
I was very disappointed that he was not interested in at least trying to get over his fears and meet or at least respect my hobby.
Sounds like he was fine with it. He just didn't take to it with the same zeal you do.
Listen to me Will, okay, you're better off without her. Have I told you about my plan?
You don't need this bitch.
By the end of the night, I think he had enough and I was pretty sure I would never hear from again (which did not bother me too much). Will had a lot of interests. He loved to travel, was going to school, was going to be an officer in the airforce, was a manager at a popular Mexican bar and grill..he had a lot going for him.
Officer in the air force. You clearly have something going on and it's best that you don't waste it with this trash.
Gotta get over your fear of spiders. I mean you can operate multimillion dollar machinery that can move faster than the speed of sound but you let a bug get you down.
The final blow was when I talked about how a kiss can tell you things about a person that nothing else can. He took the hint that I was interested in kissing him, and he immediately said that a kiss would not be happening that night. I took this as a sign that he must not be attracted to me or maybe even interested and I was a little relieved when we went our separate ways.
Watch out, man. That's how you catch the HIV.
Where do I begin? I would have to say that tonight was one of the best nights with a guy in the longest time. How I met him was pretty unexpected. Buttercup and I met up at the Bourbon Street bar, because they had $2 draft Blue Moon which is her fav. I was drunk and asked Buttercup to dare me to do something.
I've spoken to misguided souls who have wondered why they can't attract women like this. My first question is why would you want to?
My second is what do you really expect to have in common with a woman whose driving passion in life seems to be to look good in a bar?
Like take Will, for example. He's going to be an officer in the air force, he has-- I dunno, something going on, or at the very least he's "compassionate" and has career prospects-- what does this woman have?
She might (and I say "might") look like someone you want to fuck. And she likes to hang out in bars.
That's really all I'm getting from her. Oh, and she likes spiders.
I mean is this fucking rocket science? You like books, you try to pick up chicks in Barnes and Noble. Or you join a book club. Holy shit, book clubs are for women so you'd be the only man there for sure.
Or, fuck, you're career-oriented? Go to one of those business seminars and talk the women up there. You're going to have way more in common with her than some floozy barfly.
I mean Will's solution is so obvious I can't believe he needs a guy on the internet to spell it out for him. He can fly a plane-- just do your tour of duty in the air force, become a commercial pilot and fuck the stewardesses.
Or, you know, you probably are going to fly to exotic locales. Locales with brown girls.
That plan is so genius I don't really see a need to deviate strongly from it. It's pretty much the template for romantic success.
She dared me to talk to a cute, extremely tall guy who was playing darts with some friends. I took a deep breath, and made my way over to him in my 5 inch heels which took my forehead to his nose.
See what I mean?
I pulled on the sleeve of his gray dress shirt, and pulled him toward me, and whispered in his ear that I thought he was sexy. He turned to me in a bit of surprise, and said in my ear that he thought I was not bad looking myself. I smiled a cheesy smile, and I felt the immediate butterflies as I looked into his eyes.
Cool it, lady, or I'm going to get a hose.
This story goes on about shit I don't care about.
Oh man, that song I referenced earlier, Martha, just came on.
This entry has officially gone full circle and by sheer coincidence I'm also up to her first entry.
Well, with nothing left to say I think it's time to call it quits. Wednesday it is, then.
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