So today my head almost exploded as I was reading the FFXIV boards. I might have to do an entry on those yahoos. They bring my piss to a boil. It's like Livejournal mixed with Livejournal, I'm dead fucking serious.
You won't enjoy the consequences. I may look and act like a cream puff most of the time, but don't you DARE call my friend a fag, okay? Being an ignorant homophobe does not give you the right to go after a boy who's ten times smarter and kinder than you could ever hope to be!
Yeah, yeah shut up.
I love these paladin types on Livejournal.
Do ya?
What kind of spiritual or meditative practice keeps you feeling zen?
I like to recite the catechism of hate from Warhammer or perhaps Et Templars Mysteria aux Ordo Malleus.
To calm down quickly, I tense and relax my muscles one at a time, slow my breathing, and picture myself in my favorite relaxing spot, usually Hadrian's Wall or Glastonbury Tor. Before I go to sleep, I pray the rosary. It helps me fall asleep faster, and it keeps bad dreams at bay. Thank God, literally.
Imperator Vult.
Oh boy I'm in for it now.
There sure seemed to be a lot of Christfags out and about today on Livejournal. I tried to avoid them but no luck.
I'm feeling very...jumpy. Jittery. Out of whack...and I don't know why. I'm just in a strange mood. I can't find a way to make myself feel better.
I always find destroying the enemies of man most relaxing.
I think I need to talk to someone, but I don't know what I need to talk to them about. I'm feeling jealous of certain people, but it's not the source of my strange mood.
Let me just get my list of sins here--
Oh what do you know? Envy is one.
So speaking of destroying the enemies of man I finished the main quest line in FFXIV yesterday and I ran into this fellow as a result:

Further proof the Empire is right about everything.
They're clearly trying to prevent THE END OF THE WORLD but no they're mean about it so we have to oppose them :(
Fucking Livejournal logic in my video games.
I am such a bitch. I got all defensive when I didn't need to, and I insulted someone who might have otherwise become my friend.
I don't like it when people underestimate my intelligence because it's all I have going for me, but that's no excuse. I just need to sew my mouth shut. It gets me into so much trouble.
I need to get some serious writing done this week. I have so many stories that need lose ends wrapped up, especially my fanfictions.
Surprising absolutely no one: she writes fanfiction.
Once again, I must remind you: my faith does not give you license to assume I'm a narrow-minded bigot. On the contrary, my faith prevents me from becoming a narrow-minded bigot.
Here's seven reasons she believes in God.
Let's see.
1. In order for the big bang to occur, something had to set it off. Scientifically, a reaction that big needed a trigger. The trigger=God.
... Yes, that's the only possible trigger for the creation of the universe. At least scientists have the honest to admit they don't know what caused the universe but it probably wasn't God.
2. Every society since the beginning of time has had some sort of religion.
... So?
People worship L. Ron Hubbard books. People are clearly gullible idiots who can be told anything. That is not anything close to a reason to believe in anything.
3. Despite the attempts of Hitler and others throughout history, the Jews, Yahweh's "chosen people", are still alive and kicking.
Wouldn't this be a reason to be a Jew, not a Catholic?
4. All of my best friends from public school are now teenage mom drop-outs. Right before they turned bad, my parents out of the blue switched me to Catholic school, when before they had hated Catholic schools. I'm now on the straight and narrow while my ex-friends do drugs. THe hand of God.
And not your parents or your own will or anything like that, no. The hand of God.
Wasn't there a study done that suggests the deeply religious are more likely to have premarital sex or teen pregnancy than normal people?
6. Historical evidence of Jesus backs up his existence. All the prophecies in the Old Testament point to him, and all five major world religions respect him: Christianity (duh), Judaism (prophet), Islam (prophet), Buddism (he reached nirvana), and Hiduism (he's an avatar, from what I've heard).
Excuse me?
I'd like to see your historical proof that isn't the Bible.
Go ahead I can wait.
7. I've had mystical experiences which lead me to believe that something greater than me does exist.
Oh so there you have it. I believe because I want to believe.
Dear Teacher,
I hate you. You're ugly, you're fat, you're a whiner, you're a bitch, and you make my life hell.
Oh, and your dog smells funny. My cats could take your dog down any day of the week.
If you try to make me take one more practice essay for the A.P. Exam that I'm not even going to take, I will shove my pencil up your nostril and cut out your heart with your red pen.
A Very Pissed Off Student.
Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?"
Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times."
Oh I'm sorry I'm just reading this BIBLE.
I can't say I'm sad that Bin Laden is dead. Good riddance.
I'm sorry, but Bin Laden was evil on about the same level is Hitler. You know I'm anti-war, but Bin Laden was evil.
Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
I'm sorry, what were you saying?
Some people deserve the death penalty. Bin Laden was one of them. It's the same as Hitler. Mindless, evil men like those two and Qaddafi deserve whatever sticky end they meet.
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
I know, I know. Vengeance is God's, but why can't we get rid of tyrants without being told we're fools for it?
Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they will be called children of God.
Anyway I'm going to play some FFXIV.
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