This is unceasing tedium: the blog.
Incidentally in picking through the responses to today's writer's block I happened across a response from my old buddy Victorygreywolf. He didn't really have anything new to say (despite still leading me to believe he has several women buried in his mother's backyard) but otherwise I believe that stone is tapped.
Today's blogger I assumed was a woman until just this second when I noticed the name was "Brother_Dour" which is an odd name considering what we're about to experience.
What was the last political scandal that got you all riled up?
I was rather fond if the Chinese revaluing their currency (in another move, I assume, to permanently cripple the US economy) meanwhile the president is on vacation in Hawaii.
I'm sure I'm probably supposed to speak against the Chinese here but if the US is willing to roll over and die on this then it is the right of the Chinese to pick up the mantle of the strong and go.
I reckon they shouldn't be able to take it without a fight but hey, apparently they're getting it without one so whatever.
Then there's the ongoing bullshit of the debt ceiling which is just another bid to avoid having to actually do something. I refuse to take sides because the problem is spiraling out of control to the point where these meetings are just a blinder to the real issues.
I'm riled up about one, now, actually: Operation Fast and Furious.
For those not familiar with this fiasco, it should be called Operation Stupid and Embarrassing. basically, BATF decided to allow some firearms to be purchased in the U.S. by suspected or known drug felons in order to track their use in Mexico; BATF even has a term for this: letting the guns 'walk'.
Hey that's a great idea.
Yeah, that's really a smart idea.
It amounts to, and quite frankly the Mexican government should treat this as, U.S. support for terrorists in their country- because that is essentially what the drug cartels are. Mexico should be complaining to the U.N. about this- I'm pretty sure it violated some international accord;
Probably but if the Mexican government wants to get upset over this perhaps they should put a lid on their own border.
The U.N., bah.
BATF are jackbooted thugs with no accountability as it is- letting them get by with yet another example of bad behavior in the interest of protecting the public will only encourage them to continue their heavy-handed tactics;
And that's who you need if you want results. When you're trying to stop drug cartels a bunch of hippie-dippie bullshit rhetoric will get you nowhere. If you want to fight thugs you have to find some thugs of your own.
Ok, guys. I know you love to hate Sarah Palin and you Liberal types get excited every time she opens her mouth and says something stupid. Hell, I do and I'm right of center. She makes it so damn easy. But there's a MUCH bigger threat out there that you should focus on:
Michele Bachmann.
This all just contributes to the great spectacle that is politics. None of this shit even matters.
I don't even like to get involved in this nonsense because it's so completely irrelevant to anything.
Question: if someone really, REALLY upsets you and later apologizes, with 'buts' involved, is it really a sincere apology?
I think not.
Perhaps you should examine your own actions.
Everyone is sooooo quick to pin blame.
Musings inspired by something that happened in class today. During a group presentation, one of my classmates made the mistake of confusing equity and equality.
I would like to propose something controversial: there is nothing inherently bad about being poorer than someone else.
And yet everyone who is poor has elaborate fantasies about what it's like to be rich and I've yet to meet a rich person who thinks about being poor.
Although wealthier people do go camping in what's basically pretending to live in the 9th century so whatever.
The lives of poor people are no less meaningful than anyone else's for being poor, and their contributions to society are not necessarily related to their actual salaries. For example, think about what would happen to society if all the garbage collectors were to drop dead tomorrow.
Gotta have poor people so there can be garbage collectors, got it.
I am also suggesting that income is not directly tied to quality of life-
Oh that is where you are painfully mistaken.
and that's where equity comes in. When I was a kid, we didn't have much. I never went to summer camp- mom and dad could never afford it.
This is exactly like a pussy sensitivity class where words cease to have meaning and you just have to let it wash over you.
We might come to a point and we might not. I will leave it as an exercise to the reader whether or not we get there.
Oh God we have a meandering story about summer camp and rich kids and how they were starved for affection so they'd probably trade their wealth for affection and now we come to this:
Equity is absolutely vital. Equity is what society needs much more focus on. A lack of equity is why urban poor live in floodplains, or near industrial areas, or downwind from wastewater treatment plants. Because that's where real estate is cheapest, and that's their only choice
But you just said lack of money isn't a factor in quality of life and here's a perfect example of where money would increase your quality of life.
(or else, these facilities end up near existing poor neighborhoods because the residents tend to be less educated and less aware of their rights. Or else, they're so disenfranchised that they don't believe they have a voice).
What's the implication here? They should build sewage treatment plants in rich neighborhoods?
Rich people wouldn't live there because they have money to elect where they live.
But thanks for pointing out life isn't fair. Praise be to pussy sensitivity.
Ohhhh fuck it.
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