Friday, July 29, 2011

No Hope in Defiance

Sorry for no update Wednesday but the pickings were so slim I decided not to waste anyone's time.
I actually started an entry but rapidly lost interest in it.
Better luck today, I feel.

What was the best gift you’ve ever received? Who was it from and what was the occasion?

Hate is the Emperor's greatest gift to humanity.
I did get Phantasy Star Online for my birthday all those years ago. What a game that was.
Speaking of, PSO2 screenshots.
S-stupid Sega, it's not like I'm excited for this game, or anything!
Although I am gearing up for disappointment orders worse than PSU.
PSU at least had the common decency to distance itself from PSO. This is a straight sequel. No way around "Phantasy Star Online" in the title.
Hell, PSO is technically in canon with the previous Phantasy Star games so PSO2 might very well ruin a string of classic games.
Sort of like how Gundam Unicorn shit all over the UC timeline.
The gift of life.

It was from God and my parents.

And it was for my birthday.

Oh God I just got douche shivers.
I mean goddamn you had to work to be that much of a twat.
Testing, testing.... *tap*tap*tap* Are we on?

I swear to Christ on a cross this was an entry and this is all it said.
Why would you type that?
Why would you submit that as an entry?
What is wrong with you?
So, I have now owned my Kia Soul for 2 years. What do I think of it now?


I've driven this car in both cold and heat, snow and torrential downpours.

I have NEVER driven a car more sure-footed.

I drive a Ford Taurus and I never think "gee I hope my car will get me through this" I think "I'll get myself through this or die trying."
Including the time I was driving through flash flood conditions.

Do you think there will be a cure for AIDS in your lifetime? Why or why not?

It absolutely astounds me. Seriously.

We could wipe out AIDS, syphilis, herpes... in ONE generation if we would simply do one thing:

Remain abstinent before marriage and faithful within marriage.

But no, we can't seem to do that...

First of all, that shit has never, ever worked in the history of man.
That's seriously like saying "we could stop all war if we just found peace in our hearts." Well yeah but meanwhile in reality--
Also how's this for a logical deduction?
AIDS exists
AIDS spreads through bodily fluids
To engage in unprotected sex for the purpose of procreation is to swap bodily fluids
Married people must swap bodily fluids to procreate
It's not like you instantly know you have AIDS. It already exists so even if Her (I'm assuming this is a woman because she drives a Kia) Lady Inquisitor decides to make this sweeping declaration for purity and Godliness the people that already have AIDS will still successfully spread it.
Here's a post entitled "you are not normal" and she has me there.
I definitely am not normal. No sane man could post like this.
On a recent journal entry of a friend who posted a link to an article which detailed a clearly anti-Semitic comic book opposed to infant circumcision, I posted the following response:

"I recently was involved in a discussion regarding circumcision and the person who began the conversation said there should be a law against circumcising children.

Circumcision is a sign of culture and civilization.
It provably decreases instances of STDs. It should be law.

"I then asked him about Jews. He said they shouldn't be allowed, either.

"I then thanked him for forcing his religious beliefs on them.

"The conversation went downhill from there."

Assuming his argument is religious in nature.
He could easily claim it's genital mutilation.

I am in receipt of an anonymous response to that post, that was apparently removed by the journal owner. The response was this:

"You knuckledragging hypocrite. And I suppose forcing children to undergo permanent genital mutilation somehow doesn't qualify as 'forcing religious beliefs'?"

We can take this outside if you'd like.
Clearly you aren't interested in intelligent debate so we can fight it out.
Paul opposed the circumcision party which was saying that to be a Christian, you needed to be a Jew and therefore needed to be circumcised. Paul was saying that the covenant brought by Jesus no longer required the same ceremony as the covenant given by God to Abraham. However, the circumcision party was approved by, and commissioned by, the 12 Apostles, of which Paul was not a member. Paul and the Apostles often disagreed on theological grounds. That is a discussion for a different day and a different topic. I bring it up merely to illustrate why it is not required of Christians.

Thank you for this irrelevant rant about nothing.
Now, I do not know if you underwent 'permanent genital mutilation'. But that really is immaterial. Let me detail why:

Suppose you had, and did suffer scarring as a result. That is a rare occurrence. It would be similar to wanting all tonsillectomies outlawed because of an error made in a single such occurrence of the procedure.

Or, alternately, suppose you had and did NOT suffer scaring as a result, merely worked yourself into an emotional frenzy over it.

You know this exact same logic can be applied to why you shouldn't feel bad about anything.
You really just worked yourself into a frenzy over being raped.
Just saying.
It's not like your rapist told you to feel bad about being raped.
In fact if you enjoyed it it wouldn't even be rape so really it's your fault.
And yes I just compared circumcision to rape. Deal with it.

That is not the fault of your parents nor the doctor or Bris who performed the procedure. They cannot he held responsible for what you have done to yourself.

See exactly.
No one is asking you to be upset over your rape so put a lid on it.
Also this person wasn't raped I'm just speaking hypothetically.

What kind of spiritual or meditative practice keeps you feeling zen?

I find focusing my hate to be very spiritual.
So I update this blog.

Well, I pray every now and zen....

See what I mean? It's easy to lose your cool in this situation but hatred should smolder instead of burn because if you let it burn it goes out and as we all know:
hate that dies is not hate. True hate endures eternal.
The following is a parody of a rant against religion. Any resemblance to an actual rant is purely coincidental. The rant:

"WAAAHHHH!!!! Religion won't let me do whatever the fuck I want to do, so it must all be a bunch of hooey!!"

The preceding was a parody of a rant against religion. If this had been an actual rant against religion it wouldn't make any logical sense, either.

I have an argument against religion for you: it's all bronze age superstition that tries to trick or scare people into behaving instead of them actually behaving of their own volition. A truly enlightened person does the right thing because it's the right thing, not because they fear punishment in the afterlife. Your moral compass is no more developed than a child's and yet you presume to preach at me?
Back to your field, peasant.

If you could rule any country, which country would you choose, and why?

The US.

Iran. The biggest threat to world peace today.

>biggest threat

North Korea, Pakistan, even Russia or China-- you could make an argument for any one of those.
Iran? Serious?
"To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries." -- Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution

Note that the purpose of patents and copyrights it to promote the progress of Science and useful Arts. That is it's purpose as stated by the Constitution.


I contend, therefore, that present copyright law, which provides an author exclusive rights in excess of one hundred years to be unconstitutional, primarily because it is not promoting the progress of useful arts. How many song from one hundred years ago are still useful today?

Define "useful".
Even songs still covered by copyright have become dated to the point where they are no longer useful.

Add to that, it provides exclusive rights after the death of the author, in clear violation of the Constitution. The Constitution grants the right to the author. Not to his estate.

Sounds like someone hasn't heard of eminent domain laws.
Just for grins I bothered to look up what constitutes property and I found this handy IRS law:
Property or stock purchased before the disposition of the converted property shall be considered to have been purchased for the purpose of replacing the converted property only if such property or stock is held by the taxpayer on the date of the disposition of the converted property.

Source. And things like songs and ideas are indeed considered property for purposes of copyright.
You can pass belongings on to children, can't you?
So surely you can pass rights to things you've created on to children.
So were you to steal someone's copyrighted material and gain from it you would be damaging their estate, effectively, so you'd have to compensate under this law.
There, I have conclusively proven intellectual property is as much property as physical items.
Note also that present patent law grants the license for only 20 years. You tell me which is more difficult: developing a new drug, or writing a song?

Depends on the drug and the song, I'd say.
Actually I'd say you're comparing two disparate things.

We already see how high new drug prices are due to the necessity of recouping the cost of development before the patent runs out.

Are you seriously taking the side of drug companies?
What a good drone you are.
I could never be an atheist. The mere thought of returning to non-existance is utterly unthinkable for me.

The fact you can't even spell "existence" tells me you haven't given the concept a great deal of thought.
The fact you're willing to make the insane leap of logic that there must be an afterlife and therefore a god because the alternate is "yucky" is pretty fucking intellectually dishonest but then again I'm not about to debate with the deeply religious because there is no argument to make.

If you can live up to your own moral standards completely, you have not set them high enough. No pole vaulter worth his salt gets over the bar every time. And to criticize someone for failing to live up to their own standard does them no favor and is no credit to you.

I live up to my own moral standards and my own moral standards are far higher than any religion I've heard of.

If you want to piss me off royally, dance on someone's grave. No death, not even of your worse enemy, should be celebrated. Celebrate their defeat, but not their death.

Here's something I never understand about the religious. They fear death and yet isn't that when they're reunified with their God? Shouldn't this be a great celebration?

Leaning to forgive others is one of the most important things you need to learn in life. A man who bears grudges all his life has chains on his heart. Forgiveness frees your heart.

And the man who prostrates himself before the mythology of the bronze age is forever a slave.
All logical systems of thought are based on certain assumptions we accept as true without proof. This includes science and mathematics. This makes science no different from religion in many ways. I just wish religions were more logically organized. I wish the same of modern science. Too much that is called science today is pure dogma.

I believe that in heaven you can have anything you want. Because you won't want what is bad for you. Hell is the same way. The problem is, what you want IS bad for you.

So if I live a virtuous life of denial in the afterlife I get exactly what I want and yet if I do what I want I get rewarded with more of what I want, regardless of your highly subjective statement that "what you want is bad for you".
There's a word for this and I can't seem to recall what it is--
To me, having two sexes makes no evolutionary sense. It only makes sense if you believe that it reflects God's own nature.

Oh yeah I remember the word now. Stupid.
The God of the Bible isn't dualistic. It's a trinity. There should be three genders by this logic.
Incidentally I can't put enough sarcasm quotes around the word "logic" so I won't even try.
You become what you think about. This is because you dwell on it for long periods, and your actions will lead you in the direction of actualizing what you think. This means you become not only become what you love....but also that you become what you hate. So, don't hate.

Within reason. I've spent a great deal of time trying to be a space marine and yet here I am.
If you could have any car in the world, what would it be?

A tank.

I want a totally indestructible car. That way, if I'm on the highway, and I get a tailgater behind me, I can stop for invisible squirrels.

Weren't you just preaching at me that I shouldn't hold hate in my heart and blah blah blah and yet you're willing to possibly murder someone over tailgating?
I mean fuck I'd do the same thing but at least I'm honest about my intentions.
Anyway this is getting boring now.