Better not check and just pretend it's from Machiavelli.
That is a popular trick used in Warhammer, though-- save the Hitler quotes for Chaos and the Machiavelli quotes for the Imperium ignoring both Chaos and the Imperium kill swathes of people for no real reason other than they suspect there might be some people they don't like mixed in.
But there's a good reason for this quote for today I have completed my internship that I'm pretty sure actually was located in Hell.
Men have cracked and quit under less duress so I can say truly that I stand alone.
Enough of this merriment, though: there is work yet to be done.
If you were invited to the Royal Wedding, what gift would get the bride and groom?
I have trouble believing a prince and a rich girl are wanting in anything materially so they'd probably just ask me to donate something to a charity in which case I donate to my favorite charity: myself.
I would not attend and I most certainly would not send them a gift. I'm an American.
... Sooooooooo?
The very idea of attending the wedding of somebody I do not know simply because they are "royalty" is repugnant and offensive to me.
No I happen to agree with Europe on this. Some people are just naturally superior and should therefore lead the peasantry.
The problem Europe made was assuming this is a hereditary trait.
It should be as well to every other American.
Well call me Unamerican then but I still think this.
I do not subscribe to the notion that their modern aristocracy (It certainly isn't any kind of Monarchy worthy of the name) is worth spending my time acknowledging.
That I do agree with.
Funny thing: two people asked me if I watched "the wedding" today and I just stared at them because I had no clue what "the wedding" was at that point.
I have absolutely no respect for any American who wastes their time with this royal wedding bullcrap. They've lost sight of what this country is all about.
This woman seems like someone who would possibly be saying she has no sympathy for Japan when that whole earthquake and radiation thing happened because of Pearl Harbor.
I've read comments that say that, incidentally.
In fact, the fact that this is getting so much coverage in American media is disgusting to me. And the fact that I knew about this before it even happened because some stupid chick I know was reading something about it online a while ago makes me even more disgusted.
Well then you'll be really upset to learn most of the shit you own is made in China.
Also people are interested in cultures other than their own.
Also there are black people.
So I spent about an hour and a half playing DDR this evening. Man, I haven't played that game in forever.
A Japanese video game company, if I may say so.
So I spent most of the evening searching desperately for good music of various genres that I have not become familiar with yet.
Listen to the new Kesha song.
It's really good.
And by "good" I mean "decidedly better than the last oral diarrhea she called a song".
If you had to eat the same thing for dinner every night for the next year, what would you choose?
If your answer isn't HAMBURGERS AND FRENCH FRIES YEAH AMERICA! I will be so angry at you.
Easy question. Chinese food..
You do realize China had the longest unbroken monarchy, right?
Wait no, that was Japan.
All right, historyfags: place your bets. Ming Dynasty or the Tokugawa Shogunate, which lasted longer?
I'm betting it's the Tokugawa Shogunate, come to think of it.
The Tokugawa reign was from 1603 to 1868, the Ming Dynasty from-- 1368 to 1644.
Fuck Ming was longer.
Oh well~
If you were a crayon, what color would you be, and why? What color would your ideal mate be, and why?
Crayons mate?
I feel bad about rubbing their faces on paper to make color now. Seems like drawing with lightning bugs because their ass juice glows.
I don't know the Crayola color list anymore. Let's see.
I'm a big fan of "blue green" myself.
I guess my crayon girlfriend could be "cerulean" because then we'd have nice sea color children.
Of course it would be a woman who submits this question.
Really? I was guessing a six year old submitted this question.
What was the worst significant purchase you ever made, and why?
Final Fantasy XIII.
No wait, Phantasy Star Universe.
Oh you said significant.
I bought this shitty Gateway computer that never worked quite right due to INFERIOR BUILD QUALITY but I still consider PSU a worse purchase because of the ensuing mental anguish.
Also Sega is fucking nuts if they think I'm buying into this PSO2 bullshit for half a second.
That game is literally going to have to-- I don't know what it'll have to do before I buy it.
Give blowjobs?
I dunno.
Let's go with that.
Back around christmas of 2005, when I was married, my ex-wife and I
Wait, stop.
So the final boss (Well, the big-bad-guy Zophar - he's technically not the last boss since there's an epilogue you can play through afterwards,) in Lunar II: Eternal Blue Complete (for Playstation) is incredibly difficult.
Moving on--
I kind of feel like i'm wasting my time.
Sittin' on the dock of the bay, waaaaaaastin' tiiiiiiiiime
I left my home in Georgia
headed for the 'Frisco Bay
'cause I've had nothing to live for
and looks like nothing's gonna come my way
So I finally got around to actually start playing FFIV for the nintendo DS. Always wanted to play it but for some reason never actually got around to it.
Anyway I know its supposed to be an incredibly difficult version of the game so i'm slowing it down.
Normally my first instinct is to speed through a game i'm as familiar with as this one (I know this game like the back of my hand, i've played through the original SNES version soooo many times.) but seeing as how the difficulty is so different I figure i'll take my time and do some level grinding.
2 hours in. Just got Rydia in my party
... Doesn't she join you in the second town?
The only problem I have with using this "slow it down" strategy to play this game is that I know the character turnover in FFIV is ridiculous.
If you bitch about Cecil dropping back down to level 1 when it becomes a paladin I am going to be so fucking angry.
For instance, by the time Cecil becomes a Paladin he'll be well over level 30 at this rate,
but the second he becomes a Paladin he drops back down to level 1.
You motherfucker.
Also, you lose Rydia then get her back later, you lose practically every character that you spent time levelling up and end up getting them back later. So ultimately what that means is that when you're levelling up, you're not doing it with the end in mind - You're doing it just to get by the part of the game you're currently at.
This is why SE doesn't make good games anymore. Every time they try something new and different people whine about it.
So skill trees, endless corridors because twist and turns are confusing, no character customization because having options is terrifying, shitty, soap opera-esque romance plots because any sort of actual intrigue is too difficult to grasp--
Oh good, here's a post entitled "A Decade of Atheism (A Rant)" where a rabid atheist gets to call religious people rabid while somehow being as rabid as they are.
Nothing gets my blood boiling like hypocrisy.
Well, i've never really believed in God. I grew up in a household where religion was not forced on me in any way - I was given the opportunity to believe what I want.
With that said, I hadn't quite put a word to it or truly understood it beyond telling people "I don't have a religion," when asked, atleast until my teenage years. For the sake of argument, because I know for a fact at the age of 14 I considered myself specifically atheist, i'll use that age. In other words, at the age of 24 (which is my age now,) i've been an atheist for atleast a decade now.
Let's edit for length:
"I've been an atheist for 10 years."
I don't know. I've known a lot of people over the years who haven't believed in god, many of whom eventually changed their tune for one reason or another. Unfortunately, some of them have been people i've really respected and, even more unfortunately, often their main reason for conversion has been the introduction of a person into their life who is religious.
Bitch is Muslim so you just go to the temple or whatever to keep her happy.
Actually according to a brown girl I spoke to recently women don't go to the same temple men do so you Muslims really have this shit figured out.
Just have to work on that Pacman ghost outfit.
Some people are just agnostics, who say that we couldn't know for sure whether he actually exists or not, and as such they claim that the debate on god's existence is eternally inconclusive and thus entirely irrelevant.
Oh hi, sensible people.
In fact I can take that step one step further: not only is it entirely irrelevant, even if there is a god (or gods) they are apparently uninterested in us or incapable of interacting with us so this debate becomes even more irrelevant than it already was.
In my opinion, this is just a cop-out.
Listen man, I have a lot of shit to deal with in an average day anymore. I really don't want to spend my down time thinking about bullshit.
One thing i've learned throughout my life, not just in regards to religion but in regards to virtually every situation you could think of, its that people in general do not like to rock the boat. I've seen it a million times. Its the mob mentality, its the desire to be part of a group and function within one as an independent cog that works alongside others to advance a specific agenda.
People are weak willed and easily exploited and as Machiavelli taught us the easiest way to manipulate them is through religion.
One thing I learned while student teaching is that people will invariably take the path of least resistance so if you make it harder for them to not do their work (and I have) then they'll do it even if they don't want to do it.
Oh they may complain. In fact, I hope they do-- that shows they have fire in them. Fire you can use.
Its garbage, and unfortunately that behavior is inevitable when you're dealing with people. The problem here is that agnostics know better than to believe, but they don't have the guts to hold an opposing viewpoint.
Not really, no. I'm just saying there is insufficient evidence at this point in time to prove the existence of a higher power. That doesn't mean there isn't one but as a whole mankind's knowledge is insufficient to answer the question.
I think any reasonable person would agree.
They don't want to just come out and say that faith is nonsense, and mask their disbelief by claiming that we'll never actually know for sure. Its cowardice and its pandering to the religious
Did you just call me a coward?
Motherfucker I will fight you.
Okay, here's my point. I'm not like them. I don't think the debate about god's existence is irrelevant, I think its entirely relevant. I think this because I don't believe that its eternally inconclusive, but rather I believe that the correct conclusion has already been made,
>I believe
>I believe
I'm serious.
I will fucking fight you. You don't know the meaning of conviction.
I'm not trying to mask anything. I'll tell anyone straight-up in the most aggressive terms possible that their belief system and their faith in god is absolutely bullcrap,
See what I mean? You are just as bad as the religious.
I'm not an atheist because I gave god a chance and he failed me, in fact I never gave god a chance. I never wanted to.
Holy shit you are actually worse than people who convert to a religion. At least people who converted were open minded at some point-- you just admit that you are by definition a closed mind.
Furthermore, my resolve on this matter is positively unshakeable. Nobody is ever going to come in my life, no matter what, and influence me to change my mind. Not one bit. Why not? Because its not up for debate to me. As far as i'm concerned I have the correct answer, and I always have - god does not exist. Period.
So why debate you?
This is why I never debate people on religion. Most fully admit they are unwilling to change their mind so what's the fucking point?
Classic RPG moments. I've never really been much of a nerd,
>not a nerd
>has an opinion on the cast of Final Fantasy VI
I have some news, friend.
Especially Chrono Cross. Its certainly not a classic by any means, not old enough,
>Chrono Cross
>not old enough to be a classic
It's 12 years old. How old does a video game have to be before it gets your approval?
Um.. Maybe FF tactics advanced. I haven't quite finished that one yet, but then again there's a reason for that. Its not that good a game. Not like the original FF Tactics, anyways.
The only reason I was continuing this entry was to see your opinion of FFT, actually, because I knew it'd be coming.
I figured you'd hate it and then I can act all angry and call you a pussy or something and say ENTRY FUCKING OVER but no dice.
You just disappoint all the way around, kamikazeknight (ugh).
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