Let's discuss this choice of layout, shall we?
What the fuck has to be the matter with you for this to be your number one choice?
My hypothesis is she's actually some form of blind and this is the only way she can actually see text. I knew a girl like that where she had this crazy computer that put shit in these weird color contrast and she could see it that way.
Or she's a dumb twat who never actually looks at what she writes. I'm guessing that's probably it.
I cant understand the guy who gives me lifts to work.
Me neither.
Wait, I drive myself to work.
Firstly he loves !!!!!!!!!!!s so you can never tell if hes angry cos he uses them all the time.
I find something really funny about someone knit-picking grammar while spelling "because" with three letters.
Secondly he says haha in messages quite a lot even when what hes said isn't really funny.
Thirdly I offered to pay him more money for lifts and he said it was ok. This is someone saving for going travelling who is sposed to be skint.
What the fuck was that last thing you said?
Adjective: (of a person) Having little or no money available: "I'm a bit skint just now".
Well clearly he wants to fuck you.
I have no idea why but love is-- what, blind or something.
And finally, I insulted him and he still gave me a lift to work this morning.
Oh, he's a pussy.
This story sucks.
He was very quiet on the way there. (he doesn't usually say much generally but was extra quiet) and he was back to normal on the way home. : S
I'm confused.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You need a good kick in the cunt.
Just a swift shot right to the ovaries.
What is the most beautiful destination in your city?
Unfortunately I don't live in a city so I'd have to say the best destination in the town that I live is the beach.
>unfortunately I don't live in the city
>I guess it's the beach
Holy shit. You don't need any of that other information. MOST BEAUTIFUL LOCATION? THE BEACH.
Its only minutes away from my house.
Having one of those days. Everythings going fine and then someone has to spoil it.
Updating a spreadsheet for a few thousand shops at work. fun!
I'm having a lot of trouble feeling sympathy for you if that's the pinnacle of your problems in life.
It was when I got home that it all went wrong. My mum made a ridiculous and unnecessary comment and when I didn't appreciate it accused me of picking on her!!!! You have to know my mum to understand the logic. : S
I give up.
I'm currently studying a creative writing course with the Writers Bureau. It took a bit of time to get it all set up and sorted but now I'm hopefully on my way to becoming an author.
I've always wanted to be an author and this seems to be the best way for me to start by learning all the tricks of the trade.
I'd love to see what you write.
I'm sure it's really good.
I haven't been on this thing for ages!
>posted: October 12, 2004
How in the fuck does this even happen? Who updates twice a year for seven years? Just forget the fucking thing, Christ.
I was after peoples philosophy on love and guys and whether I will ever find love as I've been on my own for all my life, never having a single boyfriend.
I have a very sophisticated philosophy in this subject but it doesn't extend to women.
Wrote it for myself, you know.
What if you're shy? Nobody seems to want to know. How do I get over being shy and find myself a decent guy.
Hey girl, move a little closer
too shy, too shy
hush hush
eye to eye
There's a friend of mine, sometimes he's a real dickhead others he's really sweet.
Modern medicine falls short of your complaints
ooooo try a little harder
you're moving in circles won't you dilate?
Oooo baby try
hey girl
move a little closer
'cause you're
too shy too shy
hush hush
eye to eye
Sorry you were saying something?
I'm confused. I'm going to stop rambling now as you'll be thinking, "shut the fuck up and get a life you sad bitch."
Actually that was pretty close to what I was thinking, yes.
Only replace "sad bitch" with "dumb cunt".
Well maybe not so harsh but I'll stop now and move on to other things.
Actually it was a little harsher, if I do say so.
Is there a song that you really like that has a message that really applies to you? At the moment the song I really love is Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden.
>Savage Garden

If I want a picture in my entry that isn't the default one, how do I do it?
You Google it you stupid cunt.
2day was gr8 cos in Maths me and Suzanne won the quiz and shared a box of Maltesers.
I'm saving this blog for later. Any time I encounter a British person who acts all snooty like they're smarter than Americans I'm linking them this.
You're just as fucking stupid, England. Come off it.
Well today has been very tedious as I went to college this morning and then had to come home because of a splitting headache.
I missed my favorite lesson, Classics.
Sounds very zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
For anyone who doesnt know, Classics is where you learn all about Ancient Greeks and Romans and basically just stuff like that.
Oh is that what "classics" mean? Thank you for this.
Whoa holy shit just wandered off for about 4 hours.
Welp, time to close another winning entry~
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