Friday, April 29, 2011

The Strong Are Strongest Alone

I think I just quoted Hitler for my entry's title today.
Better not check and just pretend it's from Machiavelli.
That is a popular trick used in Warhammer, though-- save the Hitler quotes for Chaos and the Machiavelli quotes for the Imperium ignoring both Chaos and the Imperium kill swathes of people for no real reason other than they suspect there might be some people they don't like mixed in.
But there's a good reason for this quote for today I have completed my internship that I'm pretty sure actually was located in Hell.
Men have cracked and quit under less duress so I can say truly that I stand alone.
Enough of this merriment, though: there is work yet to be done.

If you were invited to the Royal Wedding, what gift would get the bride and groom?

I have trouble believing a prince and a rich girl are wanting in anything materially so they'd probably just ask me to donate something to a charity in which case I donate to my favorite charity: myself.

I would not attend and I most certainly would not send them a gift. I'm an American.

... Sooooooooo?

The very idea of attending the wedding of somebody I do not know simply because they are "royalty" is repugnant and offensive to me.

No I happen to agree with Europe on this. Some people are just naturally superior and should therefore lead the peasantry.
The problem Europe made was assuming this is a hereditary trait.
It should be as well to every other American.

Well call me Unamerican then but I still think this.

I do not subscribe to the notion that their modern aristocracy (It certainly isn't any kind of Monarchy worthy of the name) is worth spending my time acknowledging.

That I do agree with.
Funny thing: two people asked me if I watched "the wedding" today and I just stared at them because I had no clue what "the wedding" was at that point.
I have absolutely no respect for any American who wastes their time with this royal wedding bullcrap. They've lost sight of what this country is all about.

This woman seems like someone who would possibly be saying she has no sympathy for Japan when that whole earthquake and radiation thing happened because of Pearl Harbor.
I've read comments that say that, incidentally.

In fact, the fact that this is getting so much coverage in American media is disgusting to me. And the fact that I knew about this before it even happened because some stupid chick I know was reading something about it online a while ago makes me even more disgusted.

Well then you'll be really upset to learn most of the shit you own is made in China.
Also people are interested in cultures other than their own.
Also there are black people.
So I spent about an hour and a half playing DDR this evening. Man, I haven't played that game in forever.

A Japanese video game company, if I may say so.

So I spent most of the evening searching desperately for good music of various genres that I have not become familiar with yet.

Listen to the new Kesha song.
It's really good.
And by "good" I mean "decidedly better than the last oral diarrhea she called a song".
If you had to eat the same thing for dinner every night for the next year, what would you choose?

If your answer isn't HAMBURGERS AND FRENCH FRIES YEAH AMERICA! I will be so angry at you.

Easy question. Chinese food..

You do realize China had the longest unbroken monarchy, right?
Wait no, that was Japan.
All right, historyfags: place your bets. Ming Dynasty or the Tokugawa Shogunate, which lasted longer?
I'm betting it's the Tokugawa Shogunate, come to think of it.
The Tokugawa reign was from 1603 to 1868, the Ming Dynasty from-- 1368 to 1644.
Fuck Ming was longer.
Oh well~
If you were a crayon, what color would you be, and why? What color would your ideal mate be, and why?

Crayons mate?
I feel bad about rubbing their faces on paper to make color now. Seems like drawing with lightning bugs because their ass juice glows.
I don't know the Crayola color list anymore. Let's see.
I'm a big fan of "blue green" myself.
I guess my crayon girlfriend could be "cerulean" because then we'd have nice sea color children.

Of course it would be a woman who submits this question.

Really? I was guessing a six year old submitted this question.

What was the worst significant purchase you ever made, and why?

Final Fantasy XIII.
No wait, Phantasy Star Universe.
Oh you said significant.
I bought this shitty Gateway computer that never worked quite right due to INFERIOR BUILD QUALITY but I still consider PSU a worse purchase because of the ensuing mental anguish.
Also Sega is fucking nuts if they think I'm buying into this PSO2 bullshit for half a second.
That game is literally going to have to-- I don't know what it'll have to do before I buy it.
Give blowjobs?
I dunno.
Let's go with that.

Back around christmas of 2005, when I was married, my ex-wife and I

Wait, stop.

So the final boss (Well, the big-bad-guy Zophar - he's technically not the last boss since there's an epilogue you can play through afterwards,) in Lunar II: Eternal Blue Complete (for Playstation) is incredibly difficult.

Moving on--

I kind of feel like i'm wasting my time.

Sittin' on the dock of the bay, waaaaaaastin' tiiiiiiiiime
I left my home in Georgia
headed for the 'Frisco Bay
'cause I've had nothing to live for
and looks like nothing's gonna come my way
So I finally got around to actually start playing FFIV for the nintendo DS. Always wanted to play it but for some reason never actually got around to it.

Anyway I know its supposed to be an incredibly difficult version of the game so i'm slowing it down.

Normally my first instinct is to speed through a game i'm as familiar with as this one (I know this game like the back of my hand, i've played through the original SNES version soooo many times.) but seeing as how the difficulty is so different I figure i'll take my time and do some level grinding.

2 hours in. Just got Rydia in my party

... Doesn't she join you in the second town?

The only problem I have with using this "slow it down" strategy to play this game is that I know the character turnover in FFIV is ridiculous.

If you bitch about Cecil dropping back down to level 1 when it becomes a paladin I am going to be so fucking angry.

For instance, by the time Cecil becomes a Paladin he'll be well over level 30 at this rate,


but the second he becomes a Paladin he drops back down to level 1.

You motherfucker.

Also, you lose Rydia then get her back later, you lose practically every character that you spent time levelling up and end up getting them back later. So ultimately what that means is that when you're levelling up, you're not doing it with the end in mind - You're doing it just to get by the part of the game you're currently at.

This is why SE doesn't make good games anymore. Every time they try something new and different people whine about it.
So skill trees, endless corridors because twist and turns are confusing, no character customization because having options is terrifying, shitty, soap opera-esque romance plots because any sort of actual intrigue is too difficult to grasp--
Oh good, here's a post entitled "A Decade of Atheism (A Rant)" where a rabid atheist gets to call religious people rabid while somehow being as rabid as they are.
Nothing gets my blood boiling like hypocrisy.

Well, i've never really believed in God. I grew up in a household where religion was not forced on me in any way - I was given the opportunity to believe what I want.

With that said, I hadn't quite put a word to it or truly understood it beyond telling people "I don't have a religion," when asked, atleast until my teenage years. For the sake of argument, because I know for a fact at the age of 14 I considered myself specifically atheist, i'll use that age. In other words, at the age of 24 (which is my age now,) i've been an atheist for atleast a decade now.

Let's edit for length:
"I've been an atheist for 10 years."

I don't know. I've known a lot of people over the years who haven't believed in god, many of whom eventually changed their tune for one reason or another. Unfortunately, some of them have been people i've really respected and, even more unfortunately, often their main reason for conversion has been the introduction of a person into their life who is religious.

Bitch is Muslim so you just go to the temple or whatever to keep her happy.
Actually according to a brown girl I spoke to recently women don't go to the same temple men do so you Muslims really have this shit figured out.
Just have to work on that Pacman ghost outfit.
Some people are just agnostics, who say that we couldn't know for sure whether he actually exists or not, and as such they claim that the debate on god's existence is eternally inconclusive and thus entirely irrelevant.

Oh hi, sensible people.
In fact I can take that step one step further: not only is it entirely irrelevant, even if there is a god (or gods) they are apparently uninterested in us or incapable of interacting with us so this debate becomes even more irrelevant than it already was.
In my opinion, this is just a cop-out.

Listen man, I have a lot of shit to deal with in an average day anymore. I really don't want to spend my down time thinking about bullshit.
One thing i've learned throughout my life, not just in regards to religion but in regards to virtually every situation you could think of, its that people in general do not like to rock the boat. I've seen it a million times. Its the mob mentality, its the desire to be part of a group and function within one as an independent cog that works alongside others to advance a specific agenda.

People are weak willed and easily exploited and as Machiavelli taught us the easiest way to manipulate them is through religion.
One thing I learned while student teaching is that people will invariably take the path of least resistance so if you make it harder for them to not do their work (and I have) then they'll do it even if they don't want to do it.
Oh they may complain. In fact, I hope they do-- that shows they have fire in them. Fire you can use.
Its garbage, and unfortunately that behavior is inevitable when you're dealing with people. The problem here is that agnostics know better than to believe, but they don't have the guts to hold an opposing viewpoint.

Not really, no. I'm just saying there is insufficient evidence at this point in time to prove the existence of a higher power. That doesn't mean there isn't one but as a whole mankind's knowledge is insufficient to answer the question.
I think any reasonable person would agree.

They don't want to just come out and say that faith is nonsense, and mask their disbelief by claiming that we'll never actually know for sure. Its cowardice and its pandering to the religious

Did you just call me a coward?
Motherfucker I will fight you.

Okay, here's my point. I'm not like them. I don't think the debate about god's existence is irrelevant, I think its entirely relevant. I think this because I don't believe that its eternally inconclusive, but rather I believe that the correct conclusion has already been made,

>I believe
>I believe
I'm serious.
I will fucking fight you. You don't know the meaning of conviction.

I'm not trying to mask anything. I'll tell anyone straight-up in the most aggressive terms possible that their belief system and their faith in god is absolutely bullcrap,

See what I mean? You are just as bad as the religious.
I'm not an atheist because I gave god a chance and he failed me, in fact I never gave god a chance. I never wanted to.

Holy shit you are actually worse than people who convert to a religion. At least people who converted were open minded at some point-- you just admit that you are by definition a closed mind.

Furthermore, my resolve on this matter is positively unshakeable. Nobody is ever going to come in my life, no matter what, and influence me to change my mind. Not one bit. Why not? Because its not up for debate to me. As far as i'm concerned I have the correct answer, and I always have - god does not exist. Period.

So why debate you?
This is why I never debate people on religion. Most fully admit they are unwilling to change their mind so what's the fucking point?

Classic RPG moments. I've never really been much of a nerd,

>not a nerd
>has an opinion on the cast of Final Fantasy VI
I have some news, friend.

Especially Chrono Cross. Its certainly not a classic by any means, not old enough,

>Chrono Cross
>not old enough to be a classic
It's 12 years old. How old does a video game have to be before it gets your approval?

Um.. Maybe FF tactics advanced. I haven't quite finished that one yet, but then again there's a reason for that. Its not that good a game. Not like the original FF Tactics, anyways.

The only reason I was continuing this entry was to see your opinion of FFT, actually, because I knew it'd be coming.
I figured you'd hate it and then I can act all angry and call you a pussy or something and say ENTRY FUCKING OVER but no dice.
You just disappoint all the way around, kamikazeknight (ugh).

Monday, April 25, 2011

This is a hard choice

Today strangers know me better than myself. As I'm driving home from my horrible high school the radio proudly tells me "MORE MUSIC YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR" as they start playing Rihanna.
Yes, 105.7 KZL, that is what I've been waiting for.
Then today's writer's block is just an impossible choice (like choosing between children):
If you had to give up swimming, skiing, hiking, or biking for the rest of your life, which would you choose, and why?

Anyway today we have-- whatever the fuck this shit is.
I have never gone skiing - cold sets of my asthma
Not much for swiming - never been very boyant
But I am big on hiking and biking.
Basicaly this is an issue my medical history has decided for me. However, my resperatory problems ma force me to give up all of it eventualy.

Stop. Are you always this fucking stupid?
I know for a fact Livejournal has a spell check. There is 0 excuse for this bullshit.
Now befor anyone points out the controlabity of asthma these days let me state that I'm refering more to resperatory distress syndrom which is a condtion that only effects premees.
My epilepsy has me as a nondriver curently so I realy hope not.

10 errors that Firefox caught for me. I didn't even have to prompt this.

Learned something new recently when a teen son of a freand of my mothers had to see a male dr. about pain in his groin. It seems that they were told that he needed to masterbate more because aparently the production of semin in young males can be high enough to create preasher

Why the fuck did I pick this blog? I can't even focus on your dumb thoughts because I'm so focused on your retarded spelling.
How the fuck do you spell "pressure" with an h?
Today a conversation with mom came around to how I was not suposed to have children dou to my health issues.
Frankly I have always figured that with the asthma on top of the resperatory dystress syndrom my health was going to get worse over time any way so what ever.
My children are the best of me and with out them what would the strugle with the health issues be worth any way

There should be an IQ test before you are allowed to have children.
I was infored ysterday that I have aways been a very confient person. I would have to argue that sentament. I suffer from socail phobias that used to be so sever that I used to have to build up the curageo go threw a checkout lane at a store.

I'm surprised she managed to spell phobia correctly.

Crowds are terafieing to me and I find it dificult to speak in public.

That is so many spankings we might as well move that punishment up to death because that's what will result.

The only reason Im able to be outgoing online is because I dont actualy see anybody so I am able to distance myself from everyone else. I put my book and poetry up on my web sight because I dont realy feal that ether is good enough for publication

I am rairly pleased with how my paintigs and such turn out. I have a modicrumb of talent in a veriety of areas but Im not good enough in anyone to make a living threw it. My health has never been good and I have never thought of myself as particularly attracive. The simple fact is they are misinterpriting a blend of abject terror, stuborn resolve and absolute necessity as confidence but I realy did not feal up to arguing the point, besides it would have been just a waist of time.

The upsetting thing about it wasnt that it was my mother and an aquantance from high school it was that they were claiming that the sever harasment and excessive amount of bullieing I suffered wasnt realy a big deal because Ive always been so self confident. I had no real freands, no suport network, no one to turn to, my schools reaction to me being harrased was to try to have me comited, nothing I have ever done has been good enough, nothing I ever do will be good enough I know this and exsept it.

So I haven't really read any of this yet (I've been doing that school thing where my eyes kind of move along the words but I'm not really focusing on what's in front of me). This is really good, whatever this is.

Got my keyboard today and have three Shadowrun books comeing tomarrow some time.

Wait, what?
You mean that cyberpunk series?

This morning while I was half asleep I thought took up resedence in my brain and grew into an idea that became a theory concering the formation of stars ad glixsies.

Oh wow.
As opposed to all those thoughts that aren't ideas, of course.
We know that when some stars blow up they have enogh core mass to draw back nto themseves colapsing to form black holes ( singularities )Which then draw more matter and even light into them.

I'm amazed someone who confuses the term "supernova" for "blow up" manages the term "core mass".

They know that the center of the galixsy ( as well as others ) is a masive black hole.
We also know that large stars die faster then small stars
Perhapse when the universe was first created It was filled with massive stars, star of such sizee and mass that nothig we have discovered yet avencmes close to rivaling them.

Quick I'll inform NASA.
Dear NASA,
Stop all that deep time research and shit you're doing because some idiot on Livejournal who can't even spell galaxy has figured all this shit out!

Star ofsuch sze would be extreamy short lived n comparisin to hose that exsist now.

Didn't you say a black hole is a singularity?
Isn't a singularity by definition beyond our current realm of understanding?
Oh God I accidentally clicked spell check and I think my computer almost hit the spell check singularity. Just an eternity of waiting for it to catch all the spelling errors but they're being generated as fast as it catches them so it will never finish.
Oh look, her book.
Dare I?

She trudged threw the rain, her feet ached from walking. The nearest subway access was five blocks away from the warehouse she had purchased and converted to a studio and flat. On top of that she worked as a waitress at a coffee shop.

Waitress affords warehouse.
Her shifts could be anything from four hours to over ten. It was getting late and her legs were starting to distract her from her feet.
She stopped at a light and was sprayed with muddy water as a taxi sped past while she waited to cross. She still had over a block left to walk and was beyond sodden. She hoped that her groceries were okay. She had picked up several things on her way home including bread at an area market just about one block past. It had been cloudy when she had entered the store and by the time she came out it was pouring down rain. She could only hope that the storm would bring the heat wave to an end.

In any one of my stories someone would have already died or there would have been a sentient supercomputer or some kind of mutant or something--
She reached a decrepit looking building and removed an old heavy looking chain from the gate she stepped into the rustic looking platform of an old open elevator, pulled the gate closed and re-locked it.

Or someone had their fingers broken--
With a press of a button the mechanism lurched into operation. With a creaking protest. The flat part of the warehouse slowly came into view. She had acquired the building at a government auction for less then a thousand dollars. When the elevator finally arrived at the floor level she stepped off into her place.

I'm dying here.

She walked over to what passed for er kitchen and set the bags down. Opening a small refrigerator similar to the ones found in dorm rooms and in some hotel rooms

Mini fridge.
Let's just skip down, Christ all mighty.
On second thought let's not.
I run movies threw my DVD player because it upgraids to a beter qualitiy picture. Not that it maters - My TV is my moniter.

Holy fuck I just spent about half an hour looking for a reaction image to this shit and I couldn't fucking do it.
I think I'm just going to surrender here and do something more constructive with my time.
I mean goddamn.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Oh God What

Almost forgot my Friday update. NEARLY A DISASTER.
So here we have-- something.
I'm not really sure what you call this blog besides "crap". It's kind of generic and bleeeeeeeeeeeh.
If you could book a trip to the moon for $10,000, would you save up your cash and go? Why or why not?

No, what? We should be living on the moon by now. 10,000 bucks to visit, huh.
Why the fuck would I care about the moon?

Watch your fucking mouth, peasant. That's the future of man up there.

Now, if it were 10k for a ticket down to the deep sea, you would have my interest....

The sea, really?
Now here's a fanfiction about "the Disney multiverse" which if she thinks I'm reading she has another thing coming--

Seriously the bible is full of fucked up cracky awesome shit like this. Why don't we ever learn THAT when we get exposed to Christianity? Why does everyone not show off the cool wacky shit? Why is it always 'EVERYONE IS BAD' and shit like that? Damn it.

That is the interesting part, you twit.
Also no one bothers to read the Bible. Did you know there's a part where a prophet turns someone into dust? Then later Jesus responds it's not that kind of prophet you have to worry about but the kind that can burn your soul is the kind to be concerned about?
Basically everything you can do as a thaumaturge in FFXIV times a million is what was bopping around Judecca in Jesus' day.

Oh, and this brings me to another point: in my universe, Lottie goes to Tia's Baptist church.

Great, no idea what that means.

Tomorrow I'm going to:

- Wake up at nine at latest
- Condition my hair

Tomorrow: not up before noon.
Fuck yeah, spring break.

I'm going to go write now, hopefully get something of worth out. I'm very lonely lately, which mystifies me because since coming here I'm all of a sudden a woobity mess. I want to cling to people but I'm having a lot more anxiety. Goddamnit. What the hell is wrong with me. I'm an adult, I should not need to cling to someone's apron strings like a goddamned toddler.

You need a man to put you in your place.
Sorry I'm just being sexist for no reason.
Every once in a while I like to say something like that in the off chance I've gained a reader and so I do that to scare them off.

Took some more self-portraits to try and make a twitter icon.

Wow you're ugly.
Heh, nice one, me.

I've realised I've stopped really being interested in blogs or webcomics or writing about my day, since coming up here. Also I'm tired a lot more but I think that's all the different things I've been doing, and the fact that I'm still not very good at feeding myself.

It is hard to feed yourself. I mean it took me what, three years to master that skill?
Still feel like shit. No one will like me, I am too negative and bitter about being destitute. It's stupid and I ought not complain but I open my mouth and it just comes out because there's nothing else I can think to talk about. And I feel like a nerd for talking about my writing, because oh god you guys it sounds so lame in the real world. I am not even cool on the internet. :(


Blogs should contain more meltdowns like this. They might be halfway interesting--
actually, come to think of it, I had to wade through a lot of horseshit for this.
Never mind.

Went to a speakeasy last night.

Son of a bitch that's my goal in life. To open a speakeasy. But alcohol is legal here so I have to wait until it's illegal again.
What, you can't just do this shit half-assed, you know. Open a speakeasy with legal booze, huh.
Saw a real stripper (like, she actually stripped down, it was lovely--also she was really beautiful and sexy); rope/sash performer; fire eater/dancer; and a burlesque butterfly dancer (also so pretty).

Burlesque butterfly dancer-- anyone play Dynasty Warriors? There's that one character Zhang He who is really flamboyant and a butterfly appears behind him when you do his musou attack and he strikes this gay pose?
Man I play some weird shit.
Of course the fucked up part is people consider him an offensive stereotype and yet he kills like 5000 people with fucking steel talons. OHHHH BUT HE ACTS SO MINCING!
Guy does that he can act however the fuck he wants as far as I'm concerned.
I'd like to see you pussies siege Jiangling for months while suffering from a plague.
I often forget that I'm not 100% androphilic.

Oh boy, words.
This one is easy.
Andro- meaning man (referring to humans, not males specifically)
-philic, meaning love for
loving humans.
It's just that the lady-shaped body type that clicks the right switch is hard to find in this day and age.

Yes I know exactly what you mean.
I think. I better not agree with you on the grounds that later statements you make may incriminate me.

But when that butterfly came out on stage, I had that moment of 'Oh yeah, I'm not all-gay'.

Also I'm not even going to ask what genders everyone involved was because I guarantee the answer is long, stupid and boring.

And the stripper was--creamy. Mmm. She was creamy and dreamy.

So here's a hypothetical for you: if you're flirting with a girl and she pats you on the leg she definitely wants to fuck, right?
Man, me and the brown girls. I'm 2/2 this week.
As Zhuge Liang said I MUST USE THIS MOMEEEEENTUUUUM (increasingly obscure reference)
I tasted a lot of cocktails, but never actually got one (didn't really want one, I don't drink in public).

>I don't drink in public
>I tasted a lot of cocktails (heh, cocktails)

I did have a heavenly crepe that tasted like I was eating a rainbow*. It was amazing.

So assuming I do ask one or both brown girls out do I tell them I'm a huge nerd who paints toy figures immediately or do I wait?
Oh Maman, I love you but the Devil's Advocate thing is sometimes a bother.

Got off the phone with her and she was like, 'well just don't forget to be looking for jobs.' Yes, Mum, I got this, don't worry. I don't want to have to ever go back to the south again, not now that I've tasted the creamy essence of the city (yes, I do want you interpret that as sexually as possible).

>creamy essence
>sexually as possible
creamy phlegm is all I can think of for some reason

Nekochan has three issues of Ouran High School Host Club, which I cracked open for a lark. I tried to read it years ago, when it first came out, and was not in a place to handle the genderqueer Haruhi, as I'd just come out and was still under the stupid impression that being transgendered meant you had to adhere ever more tightly to the gender binary.

I'm suddenly reminded of a class I took called, what was it, "themes in literature" which I was told would revolve around Native American writing.
"Neat," thought I, "maybe it'll cover what various Native American groups think about mythological matters and such like," ho, ho, ho, me. It was around the time I was reading poems written by a "gender queer" author and I was told I had to refer to this individual with the fictitious pronouns "hir" and "ze" that I started to wonder what, in the words of Homer, "vow unfilled or hecatomb unpaid to anger the god."
Now here's a post entitled "18 Things about Evan Rosier" which I hope number one is "who the fuck is Evan Rosier?" or else I'm going to be really lost.
First off, the things you already know (which don't count toward the 18):

- Evan, along with his father, is a Death Eater.


The elder Rosier was in Voldemort's year and dorm at Hogwarts, making him one of the four earliest Death Eaters.

Makes sense to me~

The Rosiers have a family trait of heavy-lidded eyes (think Bette Davis or Robert Mitchum)

Oh finally something that does make sense to me.
Has anyone seen The Wrath of God, incidentally? Holy fuck that movie was awesome.

- Obviously, they are purebloods. They are also related to the Blacks by marriage.

Errr-- racist?

- It's likely that Rosier and possibly Evan were not among those who looked for Voldemort. I have my own reasons for this, that have little to do with disloyalty.

Ah that's good. At least they're not disloyal to Voldemort and they're Death Eaters and have
pureblood-- I have no clue what the fuck is going on.
- Evan is canonically dead--Moody killed him and Wilkes while trying to apprehend them. He was the one who took a chunk out of Moody's nose.

Of these facts I only had to discard the fifth one.


1. Rosier isn't his real name--the Rosiers changed their surname from Rosenbaum to Rosier around 1790, because it was more fashionable to be French.

Well at least you're not Hitler, huh.
Rosier is of Russian-Jewish descent. His family went Reform, but remained nonetheless devout in their beliefs, even if they adapted to the gentiles in terms of appearance and diet. However, unlike his parents, Evan is kosher, wears a prayer shawl and a yarmulke and goes to synagogue every week and during holidays

So I bothered to Google Voldemort and apparently this shit is all from Harry Potter.
It's kind of hard to imagine faith in any religion surviving BEING A FUCKING SORCERER.
Evan and Roddy Lestrange have an interesting relationship, as both believe in the same God, and are the only Judeo-Christian members of the Death Eaters.

Hard to imagine a group called the "Death Eaters" being a faithful group.
How would you describe your perfect home in ten words or less?

I can do it in one word: Baroque.
Her response took a few more:

Mellifluous, wonderland-bohemian décor in a small Victorian cottage, with garden.

Great, thank you for that.
Now here's a really motivating quote:

“An optimist is the human personification of spring.” — Susan J. Bissonette

I prefer the quote "a pessimist is an optimist with experience" myself or perhaps "a pessimist is never disappointed."
How the fuck have I been reading this blog for 2 hours and I'm less than a month back?
I've been reading up on Maria Montessori, which makes me even more determined to send my kid to a Montessori school until high school, and to go back to the Montessori method, myself. One of my endless anxieties is my bad school transcript, and the fact that my 'resume' for school makes me look as stupid as a brick (my last GPA was 0.8, I have no other GPA despite that one being from sophomore year).

Your hypothetical kid that doesn't exist, right?
Holy shit.
Anyway I'm going to bed now, fuck this noise.
Also I'm retroactively dating this so it looks like I posted this Friday--

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Let's not update for a week and a half!

Just a fair warning: next Wednesday's forecast isn't looking good for an update, either. Might have to arrange something since I have a few days off this week.
Anyway, here we go.

If you could take an all-expense-paid two-week vacation to anywhere in the world with one friend or partner, where would you go and who would you take?

So many choices.
I could go to Mount Olympus and secretly hope it'd end up what like happened to Lorgar in Warhammer as my faith to the Old Gods grants me augmented powers--
of course Lorgar was already genetically engineered so I guess his already augmented powers were augmented but you get my point.

I would visit Tahiti and take my hubby with me. A french artist landed in Tahiti and taught the islanders his language. To this day they speak the purest form of the french dialect in the world.

All jokes about the Canadian and Southern accent aside there is no "pure strain" of an accent. Compared to Chaucer we all speak bastardized English and compared to the guy who wrote Beowulf we're all crazy.
That said you Canadians really need to learn to talk.

I made a trip to Barnes and Noble yesterday with my husband and son. We were there to exchange the Hermione Granger wand my mom picked up for our son for a Harry Potter wand instead. (She didn't realize they were different.) After successfully exchanging the wand, I couldn't resist wandering over to my favorite section of the store: the Young Adult section.

Let me guess: you fancy yourself a burgeoning author.
I knew I wanted to pick up "Blood Promise" by Richelle Mead. I already have a copy of "Last Sacrifice" but could hardly read it without reading "Blood Promise" first. The Vampire Academy series is one of my favorites so I was antsy to get caught up on it since I've fallen a little behind lately.

So I just finished this Warhammer book called Sons of Dorn and at first I was a little suspicious because I hadn't heard of the author before and I really didn't want my favorite Space Marine chapter ruined but it was pretty good, actually.

I've been feeling the urgency of getting my vampire series out there for quite some time now.

Let's saturate the market further!
Seriously, what's wrong with you people?

So I just read an article about a new company that provides authors a way to digitally sign Ebooks for readers. The technology lets authors sign with a stylus on a tablet like an iPad and then send the page they signed to the reader.

It's called a Wacom tablet. They've been around for a bit, actually.

The page will then be added to the readers Ebook. Apparently, authors can even sign photographs, such as ones taken at signings and meet and greets.

As someone who plans to take advantage of the new digital publishing world, I'm very excited about the prospect of being able to personalize messages for readers in this way.

I'm not meeting fans, I'm not signing their shit-- it's a take it or leave it proposition.
Picking character names is something I love and hate all at once. Sometimes a character has their name from the moment they enter my thoughts, and other times I have to search and search to find the perfect fit.

>Half of all characters I've ever written remain unnamed
Maybe I'm weird?

For instance, Trey was named Trey from the moment I envisioned him. I can't really explain why, it just was. Aurora was a name I searched for and when I read it I just knew it was right.

If I read a book and there's a character named Aurora I'm never finishing it.
At least translate it into another language so I can pretend she's foreign or something.
I experienced this just yesterday when I named a character in the "Blood and Guitars" sequel. I named him Neon, which suits him perfectly.

I'm just going to start naming characters after shit on my desk.
Oh look, it's Swedish Fish. Oh look, it's fucking Pack of Cards.
This will all make sense when you get to read the book and meet him. Until then, I'm off to keep writing it!

How is it I can go like 5 chapters before naming a character and you can't even get started writing without it? It's really not as important as you think.
Oh right, I forgot. I'm not imitating Twilight.

First off, I love Holly Lisle. She's absolutely amazing and inspiring. I'm currently waiting for week 3 of her plot-writing course and I'm chomping at the bit for the next lesson to come. I'm learning so much! I recommend this for anyone who has a hard time finishing what they start when it comes to writing, or to anyone who is new to writing a novel.

How to write a novel for idiots:
1. Make good characters
2. Rest doesn't matter because interesting characters can do boring shit and it's still compelling (nothing at all happens in Catcher in the Rye, for instance, and still it's compelling, while The Scarlet Letter is the dullest thing ever written despite also being about nothing)
Who is your favorite mythical creature/character, and why?

Motherfucking Zeus, man.

Vampires, of course! I think the biggest appeal about a vampire is the fact that they are immortal. They are powerful and secretive, which is enticing in and of itself.

Zeus is immortal and has control of the weather. Also he's crazy as fuck and will kill you.
I've been working on summaries and blurbs for Blood and Guitars since I'm waiting for the book cover to be completed.

Here is the short summary/back of the book blurb:

Oh this will be good.

I never imagined there was something better than thousands of devoted fans screaming out my name. That all changed the night I looked into her poison green eyes.

Before we get into this teenage vampire romance (gender reversal Twilight too, incidentally) I'd like to point out vampires are animated corpses and probably don't smell too compelling.
In fact I seem to distinctly recall a paragraph in Dracula describing Dracula's breath as the miasma of a charnel house. I think any vampire would be picked out pretty quick.
I can't emphasis "animated corpse" enough and any story that handles vampires appropriately they never fit into normal society well because of that.

He shouldn't have been able to make me feel anything, least of all alive. I would be risking everything to be with him. He was human and that was dangerous enough, but for all my moon-given talents I was powerless against him.

There's a weapon in Warhammer, incidentally, that's called an Auto Stakegun.
They use it to kill witches but I image it'd be as effective against the undead.
Since the book is told in 2 first person point of views, so is the summary. I'd love to know what you think. Would this make you want to read more?

You know come to think of it an auto crossbow would be an interesting weapon to use against vampires.
The Chinese had an invention called a Chu Nu Ko that is basically an automatic crossbow that I think would make for a compelling background for a vampire hunter. Vampire kills kid's family, kid goes on a quest like Batman to avenge them, comes back with automatic crossbow and kung fu skills.
Then he goes on an eternal crusade against the undead.
Holy shit my book is awesome and it doesn't even exist.
Everyone should just listen to me for plot ideas.
Oh, and now I've come to the start of this blog.
How convenient.
That really is convenient because I wandered away for about 6 hours to play Dynasty Warriors/watch a bad western/other stuff so I completely forgot what I was talking about. Some cunt who fancies herself a writer? That doesn't really narrow it down.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Let's lose our eyesight!

So it's one of those blogs.
Let's discuss this choice of layout, shall we?
What the fuck has to be the matter with you for this to be your number one choice?

My hypothesis is she's actually some form of blind and this is the only way she can actually see text. I knew a girl like that where she had this crazy computer that put shit in these weird color contrast and she could see it that way.
Or she's a dumb twat who never actually looks at what she writes. I'm guessing that's probably it.
I cant understand the guy who gives me lifts to work.

Me neither.
Wait, I drive myself to work.

Firstly he loves !!!!!!!!!!!s so you can never tell if hes angry cos he uses them all the time.

I find something really funny about someone knit-picking grammar while spelling "because" with three letters.
Secondly he says haha in messages quite a lot even when what hes said isn't really funny.

Thirdly I offered to pay him more money for lifts and he said it was ok. This is someone saving for going travelling who is sposed to be skint.

What the fuck was that last thing you said?


Adjective: (of a person) Having little or no money available: "I'm a bit skint just now".

Well clearly he wants to fuck you.
I have no idea why but love is-- what, blind or something.

And finally, I insulted him and he still gave me a lift to work this morning.

Oh, he's a pussy.
Or maybe he didn't take offense?
This story sucks.

He was very quiet on the way there. (he doesn't usually say much generally but was extra quiet) and he was back to normal on the way home. : S

I'm confused.............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You need a good kick in the cunt.
Just a swift shot right to the ovaries.

What is the most beautiful destination in your city?

Unfortunately I don't live in a city so I'd have to say the best destination in the town that I live is the beach.

>unfortunately I don't live in the city
>I guess it's the beach
Holy shit. You don't need any of that other information. MOST BEAUTIFUL LOCATION? THE BEACH.

Its only minutes away from my house.

Having one of those days. Everythings going fine and then someone has to spoil it.

Updating a spreadsheet for a few thousand shops at work. fun!

I'm having a lot of trouble feeling sympathy for you if that's the pinnacle of your problems in life.
It was when I got home that it all went wrong. My mum made a ridiculous and unnecessary comment and when I didn't appreciate it accused me of picking on her!!!! You have to know my mum to understand the logic. : S

I give up.

I'm currently studying a creative writing course with the Writers Bureau. It took a bit of time to get it all set up and sorted but now I'm hopefully on my way to becoming an author.
I've always wanted to be an author and this seems to be the best way for me to start by learning all the tricks of the trade.

I'd love to see what you write.
I'm sure it's really good.

I haven't been on this thing for ages!

>posted: October 12, 2004
How in the fuck does this even happen? Who updates twice a year for seven years? Just forget the fucking thing, Christ.
I was after peoples philosophy on love and guys and whether I will ever find love as I've been on my own for all my life, never having a single boyfriend.

I have a very sophisticated philosophy in this subject but it doesn't extend to women.
Wrote it for myself, you know.
What if you're shy? Nobody seems to want to know. How do I get over being shy and find myself a decent guy.

Hey girl, move a little closer
too shy, too shy
hush hush
eye to eye

There's a friend of mine, sometimes he's a real dickhead others he's really sweet.

Modern medicine falls short of your complaints
ooooo try a little harder
you're moving in circles won't you dilate?
Oooo baby try
hey girl
move a little closer
'cause you're
too shy too shy
hush hush
eye to eye
Sorry you were saying something?
I'm confused. I'm going to stop rambling now as you'll be thinking, "shut the fuck up and get a life you sad bitch."

Actually that was pretty close to what I was thinking, yes.
Only replace "sad bitch" with "dumb cunt".

Well maybe not so harsh but I'll stop now and move on to other things.

Actually it was a little harsher, if I do say so.

Is there a song that you really like that has a message that really applies to you? At the moment the song I really love is Truly Madly Deeply by Savage Garden.

>Savage Garden
If I want a picture in my entry that isn't the default one, how do I do it?

You Google it you stupid cunt.

2day was gr8 cos in Maths me and Suzanne won the quiz and shared a box of Maltesers.

I'm saving this blog for later. Any time I encounter a British person who acts all snooty like they're smarter than Americans I'm linking them this.
You're just as fucking stupid, England. Come off it.
Well today has been very tedious as I went to college this morning and then had to come home because of a splitting headache.
I missed my favorite lesson, Classics.

Sounds very zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
For anyone who doesnt know, Classics is where you learn all about Ancient Greeks and Romans and basically just stuff like that.

Oh is that what "classics" mean? Thank you for this.
Whoa holy shit just wandered off for about 4 hours.
Welp, time to close another winning entry~

Friday, April 8, 2011

We are all pawns in Zeus' great game

And we should be thankful for the part we play.
Hoooo boy let's discuss some motherfucking shit.
I don't even know where to start with this shit. I guess "the start" is the most logical place.
In fact, yeah, let's discuss this fucking title: "Nii-san is all that matters."
If you're not a weeaboo cunt then you probably don't know what the fuck that means but Nii-san is a friendly (sort of) way of saying "big brother".
So already I'm getting some creepy vibes but let's read on. I'm sure there's a perfectly rational explanation.
Also I can't help but notice two of the most common tags are "depression" and "ramblings" so I HAVE A GOOD FEELING.

If you arrived at your front door and saw your first love standing there, what would you do or say?

"BOUNGIORNO" then I'd close the door because who the fuck are you and what are you doing on my doorstep?

First & Last Love= Onii-chan.

I would say: "Let's be together forever, Onii-chan <3~!"


You'll always have my heart, Onii-chan~

If a girl said this to me I'd punch her in the cunt.
I was about to say "if she's not Japanese" and I'm not sure what made me want to qualify that. No, under no circumstances should you say this shit to me.
If a movie was made of your life, what actor would you want to play the lead? What about the romantic interest?
I sat here for like 5 minutes trying to think of an actor that wasn't active before 1989 and I couldn't fucking do it.
I'm just going to say Clint Eastwood circa 1965 for me and Vivian Hsu in a reference so obscure I startle even myself.
Actor: Me. There's definitely no one who could do it better!
Romantic interest: Onii-chan!! Onii-chan!! Onii-chan! *Falls over* Hahaha! No one in this world but Onii-chan <3~!

Whoops, my nose is bleeding just thinking about it... oAo

>what actor
>implying you're an actress
Also I'm purposefully ignoring the other shit because I'm about to get fucking angry.

Recently, I've been eating more frequently and in larger portions. It's like the more I eat, the emptier I feel. I don't even care about being slender anymore.


I'm so stressed out about studying and university right now, and I'll be taking classes all year round for the next two head's in a mess.

Something uuuuuseful, I'm sure.
Even the world's gone topsy-turvy right now... I just hope that the situation in Japan won't get worse...I send my wishes out to those unfortunate people.

Please come back, Onii-chan. I miss you...

ONIIIIII-CHAN God I want to hit you.

People are liars.

People are inherently greedy.

Side note: I feel like throwing up. My head's all blank.

Yeah-- what?
And the rest is just a note to herself:
I will fall asleep tonight

Now here's a post entitled "outfits I want people to buy me" but all the pictures are animu, soooooooooooooooooo--

I need to moe about Kazuki from Kage Tsuki. 萌え!!!!

Holy shit.

With the way things have gone, I probably have just written something terribly offensive.

Offensive to the senses, maybe. She wrote "MOE" which is difficult to translate into English but it's kind of like being young and cute at the same time but really just translates to fucking annoying in my book.

Why does every day seem harder than the last one?

The only easy day was yesterday.
Except tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be far easier than today.
I have no f**king clue.

Sorry, but I have to rant. Yes, I'm being a bitch.

Holy goddamn I have to take a piss all of a sudden.
Stress tends to make me that way. I'm already procrastinating, I don't need anymore of this.

I have several (more than I can handle) midterms within the next few weeks, plus weekly homework and assignments.

Man that was a good one. I actually feel lighter now.
I don't understand aggregate demand/ supply shock and the returning to long-run aggregate supply. I wil get it soon enough.

aggregate demand I'm guessing is the demand any discreet group will have for a resource and supply shock is when a sudden influx of a resource goes unnoticed because of the previous relative scarcity of the resource?
Literally just guessing.
So 5 hours later I finally looked it up and it's some shit I was kind of close on one but not so much on the other.
What was the last juicy generalization from which you freed yourself? What caused your perspective to change?

Generalize always.
That anyone not a believer in a religion would go to hell. The turning point is when I saw people I dislike as believers of religion and decided that heaven and hell aren't so different if they'll be "saved".

We are all bound for Hades, though.
Pindar has this to say:
And those that have three times kept to their oaths,

Keeping their souls clean and pure,

Never letting their hearts be defiled by the taint

Of evil and injustice,

And barbaric venality,

They are led by Zeus to the end:

To the palace of Kronos

So, I was procrastining on something that was supposed to be memorized by tomorrow, but whatever. I was watching the fourth episode of hatsukoi limited with Koyoi's brocon, and I decided to surf the net and see what people think of these complexes.

Actually that was Apollo but whatever same pantheon, same rules to live by.
With the Old Gods the rules are very simple.

Inside anime forums, for the most part, people said having romantic feelings for a sibling/ sibling complex was disgusting. A few others said that it's not their problem, so they don't have the right to judge. I'm one of those people. I think that people that have siblings and have sibling complexes are possible, despite claims from people (even animes!) that people who don't have siblings are the only ones to have sibling complexes.

wait, what?
I have a brother, but when I watch anime/read manga, and I see a protective big brother who's really nice to his younger siblings, I'll think: "I wish I had an older brother like him". I'm not sure if this is a sibling complex, but I may have proved these naysayers wrong. It's possible, I think, to have a sibling complex, though usually it's not towards your actual sibling, but towards a character that you think would make the best sibling ever, as in you wouldn't mind having a complex towards him/her.


Then I went onto forums that were related to this, but talked about it in reality. Boy, was that a whole 'nother can of worms. I'll sum in up: People there think that a sibling complex will ALWAYS (and I'm not talking generally, I'm saying "Every time") lead to sex, and babies with birth defects, backward thinking, and continued generations of inbreeding. What?


People tack on the complex as always "lust, not love".

Here, let me make this simple for you people.
So lately in my new classroom that I'm now teaching in (long story) and there's this inclusion teacher (longer story) and he has an assistant (assistant to an assistant, what) but before I could make any jokes at all I noticed she was pretty fucking nice and she's totally been flirting ever since.
Which hasn't gone unnoticed.
We're not related, she's not a man, I'm not a gender confused, pre-op transsexual lesbian--
this is a simple tale.
In fact most of it was setting up unrelated shit.
How do they know? I'd think the bond between family was a little closer to love, not the drunken one-night stands between unrelated strangers.

Although ironically the thing that brought her into my class was incest.
Oedipus Rex~

Not the girls who seek out an attractive guy because of his "package". I am not saying that people who molest their siblings are in love, hell no. Also, I'm not talking about people who get a kick out of the forbidden.

Seeking the forbidden--
isn't that the goal in life?

But I'm talking about a character crushing on a sibling because they believe that they feel the safest with them and know that their sibling has the ideal traits they look for in a romantic partner. Is that lust? Are they all simply horny perverts and in need of a release?

Apollo will put a plague on your city for that shit.
And praise be to the Plaguebringer.
Lycian Apollo, engineer of all hellish disease and pox and plague and withering blight of the field.
What about the people who keep on dating people who abuse them? Is that love, not lust just because they're not related?

And the cure to all our woes.

I'm not denying that sexual feelings wouldn't occur (it would be foolish to say that two people with romantic feelings would never want to have relations, even if it's illegal), but what if both people didn't have the ability to reproduce?

Wow, what are we talking about? I was talking about this girl at my horrible school and then I kind of got sidetracked.

I mean, I understand the deformed babies and how it would be unjust and cruel to bring them into the world if you knew there was a really high certainty of them having to live a hard life. But what if you weren't bringing children into the world? What then?

That's why you pick people who look different from you.
I mean fuck, the Lord Jesus didn't die on a cross for you to just marry the girl next door.
I think anime/manga forums are more accepting because everything is more theoretical, which may seem hypocritical. And I love watching siblings with complexes in anime/manga. I haven't seen any in real life, so I'm not sure if they exist.

How is it every anime I have ever seen in my entire life avoids complex issues like siblings fucking?
Fist of the North Star: Kenshiro loves YUUUUUURIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and he'll do anything to get her back from Shin so he fucking kills people until he gets her back but then she kills herself (but not really) and he decides to create a better world.
Except for the part where she's the secret descendant of the Nanto house and actually lives only to reunite with Kenshiro later but we're getting off topic.
Gundam 0083: Ensign Kou Uraki wants to bone this Nina Purpleton girl but she's kind of a cunt but then she's kind of nice but then she betrays him and the crazy kids work it out anyway.

People sound like it'd be better to hate your sibling (want to kill him/her)/have sex with a hooker than have any romantic feelings for a sibling.

Better to hate than spawn a mutant, yes.
Here's her "song list" and it starts with:

I Hate Everything About You - 3 Days Grace

I don't even know what that is but it sounds fucking amazing.

I should take a poll: Which is better to play downloaded games (iso's)? The PSP Go or PSP 3000.

I didn't know the PSP 3000 was hackable.

Even after my fruitless searching, I learned that .iso's can't be converted to UMDs or .elf files.

And about a UMD emulator. Does it allow you to use it with the PSP emulator?

UMD emulator-- what
Do you mean an ISO mounter?
Well I think that's about enough for today. Usually I like to end on a stronger note than this but nope, I'm done.
Fuck it.

Monday, April 4, 2011


I didn't know I was such a Steve Miller fan until I realized I had 6 of his songs on my iPod. That's more than most musicians I actually consider among my favorites.
So, sorry Steve Miller Band and welcome to the elite.
Gotta get the six minute version of Fly Like an Eagle, though.
Anyway we have something to talk about.
Today's Writer's Block:

If you were a superhero, what would your superhero name be?

I dunno. I actually put some thought into this while I was trying to find a blog to review (took all of two seconds) and all the good names are already taken.
Maybe something edgy like "Adolf Hitler" so I can get cash from the Hot Topic crowd-- I dunno.
Mutatis Mutandis would be a cool super hero name. It's Latin for "the necessary changes having been made" and is just further proof that Latin is far more efficient than English.
I like to think it's a guy that goes around causing rampant mutations in people.
Pretty sure there's a Warhammer character named that who does that, come to think of it.
I don't know, I'm stumped.
Her answer:


So speaking of lately I graded this paper where the kids had to write about a hero and his or her tragic flaw and what caused their downfall or how they overcame it (not a tragic flaw if you get over it but whatever) and I just need to give a fair warning to all 10th graders in North Carolina:
I never thought I'd encounter this type of paper at the school I'm at but here I am.
It has truly been a strange year.

People sentenced to a life in prison, in my opinion, should not, under any circumstance, be allowed to apply for the death penalty

Actually, come to think of it, if you do pull that crap with the anime on your papers it's a good way to get a 100% from me because I just assume you know what you're talking about and pass you along.
SASUKE UCHIHA AND BLAH BLAH DID BLAH BLAH great, no idea what that means but it all sounds very impressive.
Oh right, you were talking about something of no import while I rudely interrupted you with something of no import.
I don't care who says otherwise, killing someone, who has killed someone else or done something equally terrible, is still murder in every sense of the word.
According to Webster, murder is:

the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought

>unlawful killing with malice
>with malice
Killing anyone for any purpose is the same as playing God and no human should have the right to do so.

Look ye to the horrors of war and the untold billions lost to the grind of life and tell me we are truly not alone in the universe.
Or, if you prefer:
We are alone in this cold universe, save for the laugh of thirsting gods.
Either way I say do whatever the fuck you want.

Not only that, but allowing murderers to escape from the punishment bestowed upon them by current day law is ridiculous. If they weren't able to handle the weight of the punishment for their crimes than they shouldn't have committed them.

Do you have any idea how much money it costs to keep a person in prison indefinitely?
That is not to say that it's all right for someone willing to live with the consiquence to commit murder, but rather that they should be well aware of what they're getting into already and that they will have to deal with the reprecussions of their actions.

You're stupid.
Oh and I've reached the end of this blog. That's handy. Don't like these 5 paragraph entries?