So let me get this straight: I gotta not only agree to read each entry before I read it (natch) I gotta click the "back" button for each additional entry, like it's some kind of goddamn prize I want to be reading?
Also your avatar appears to be Tails of Sonic the Hedgehog fame in a Wehrmacht (Nazi) uniform. Great.
Also hi everyone. For all you naysayers about FFXIV I direct you to the recent good news. I told you fuckers you were babbies who needed to learn some goddamn patience.
Will you write about the vital importance of clean water to support Blog Action Day? Do you think journaling can help raise awareness and promote a healthier planet?
"Raising awareness" has to be number one on my list of "all time favorite things liberal white people say to feel self-important".
Like, what, problems are fixed because people are aware and upset and willing to have a polite conversation about it? Like the road to a developed country doesn't lie on concrete, steel and industry? Are you people oblivious to the thousands upon thousands of years of development and strife it took to get us this far?
Also I'd like to meet the person who would argue clean water isn't important. I think most people are keenly aware that clean water is important to having any standard of living.
Planet's already fucked up. We've developed on so much land with our paved roads, refined metals to make cars that pollute the air with petroleum exhaust, and keep making babies for families consisting of 1,400 kids that eat all of the food and consume all of our available resources.
Oh yeah like you'd be so much happier banging this horseshit out on a rock in a hut somewhere. Fuck you.
Planet maybe fucked but industry didn't ruin it. Corporate greed did.
Way to go you ignorant monkeys. And even if we were to find another planet to Terra-form, it'd just be a matter of time before that one's trashed, too.
>Even if we find another planet to terraform
>implying our current technological basis allows for terraforming
Hi from the past, I guess.
Also I think this planet is suitable. Didn't have to look very far, even.
What does this day mean to you?
Date posted: September 12th, 2010.
Well I know what I was thinking September 12th, 2010.
Wake up, do something, go to sleep.
Note to America: Please get over it. It's been nine years already.
Yeah America, come the fuck on. What happened? Some of your shit got blown up. IT'S NOT LIKE MOST OF YOU EVEN KNEW ANYONE INVOLVED, CHRIST.
I'm just being unreasonable for effect, honestly. In all seriousness I have no strong feelings about September 11th.
I know that's probably not the popular thing to say, being an American an all, but fuck it. I don't know anyone involved~
Some say this brought the country together as a united collective. A collective who said, "Hey. These guys don't like us and they killed our people. We go to war for this."
Maybe you're unfamiliar with a term called revenge. Might want to look into it sometime. It's kind of important to understand revenge and retribution if you want to understand how most people tend to operate.
Also if there was ever a good reason to go to war it's because someone is killing you.
I mean, what, we were supposed to roll over and accept Japan bombing Pearl Harbor?
Actually you'd probably say yes, Captain Anime.
Of course we learned very quickly no one knew what they were doing in the war and the situation evolved into a bad idea but hey, hindsight is always 20/20.
Personally I said we should have built a giant fighting robot in the place where the towers stood and next person to attack us gets the Gundam up on their shit, but no one listened.
What good has the war done for the homeland? It made the country into a prison.
Went out today (admittedly to a place I didn't want to go but whatever, I had a choice to not go) came home, about to play FFXIV. How am I a prisoner, exactly?
In fact I could literally leave this country right now if I wanted. Name one prisoner (besides Lindsay Lohan OH TIMELY) who can leave jail at will.
A prison making its own citizens the prisoners, only to cater to illegal immigrants who take advantage of the system.
Make it easy for you: Light the nukes and start over.
I'd really like to see you survive a nuclear holocaust. Ever play Fallout? No? Well it'd be that much suffering with half the intrigue.
And now there are no more posts. I see how why there's one post per page. If there wasn't you'd be out of posts in about five minutes and far, far less annoying.
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