Monday, October 11, 2010

Let's :|

Well, where to begin? Today's blog is called "Dreaming of a white world" which makes me think she really likes snow.
Wait, no, I remember now: SHE'S ADOLPH HITLER. NICE TRY.
And by "snow" I mean frozen water, not the Canadian reggae star whose only hit (I can't put enough sarcasm quotes around "hit") was about being an informant or something.
Anyway moving away from references three people get:
When you doodle, what shapes, patterns, and/or creatures do you find yourself drawing? What do you think it says about you?

Can't get enough of these writer's blocks, no sir.
Chibis, mostly. Or super deformed designs of humans.....

-It represents I'm childish?

Or it represents you're a goddamn dork, I dunno.

What famous person from history would you have liked to have as a parent, and why?

What a bizarre question. Anyway her answer is kind of interesting:
Albert Einstein. Just 'cause....Nowadays intelligence isn't valued by people or the media...And I think that's sad. :)

Also good work purging all the people who could invent your implements of war, Germany. You deserve to lose with an attitude like that, good grief.

Oh boy, count me in.
She links an article I'm not linking again because frankly fuck it--
"Clearly, Glee's millions of fans applaud show creator Ryan Murphy's agenda to promote acceptance of everyone, regardless of race, creed or sexual orientation. But for the Fox hit's more conservative fans, Murphy has something special in the works.

"I'm adding a Christian character," he says.

Wow, sounds fascinating.
Oh sorry I was reading the features supposedly included in Phantasy Star Online 2. Anyway, back to this bore.
"We've taken a couple jabs at the right wing this year, so what I want to do with this character is have someone who Christian kids and parents can recognize and say, 'Oh, look—I'm represented there, too!' If we're trying to form a world of inclusiveness, we've got to include that point of view as well."

Nothing makes me feel more included than being represented as a broad stereotype on the hack Fox TV show Glee, let me tell you.

Murphy says this character (yet to be cast) will speak her mind and be listened to and respected — though likely not by Kurt, whose homosexuality she won't accept.

Wow what brilliant characterization.
Listen, ye unwashed masses: respect is to be earned, not expected.
This perky New Directions addition, coming next season, will also object to some of the club's sexually suggestive music selections.

So the wet blanket character, I get it.
Also I've seen an episode of Glee once (purely by accident, I assure you) and the shit I saw would have gotten that teacher fired pretty much the first day, so if this bitch is counting on some sort of "realistic school environment" as part of her argument, then I got news.
I'm sorry, but I find this, as a Christian, incredibly offensive.

I'm getting pretty fucking tired of hearing people saying "as a ________ I find ________ offensive." Wow, who gives a shit? OH FUCK, SHE SAID "AS A CHRISTIAN"! I BETTER LISTEN! Wouldn't want to offend your deeply held beliefs. If you had just said "as a stupid cunt zero of the internet" I wouldn't have listened but as a Christian I certainly will.
Not all Christians are Medieval Age-morons who burn gays at the stakes or enjoy turning women into slaves.....


Now everyone who isn't a Christian and watches Glee will think of Christians as wicked people...So infuriating. >:(

I was about to say "that's a pretty low opinion of non-Christians" but she's probably fucking right. HURP DURP FOX TOLD ME THINGS "IS" BAD SO I BEST LISTEN--
And again, the stereotypes are annoying. Not all asian girls are quiet and gothic. Not all black girls are sassy and prima donnas, not all gays are crazy for Lady Gaga and fashion, not all blondes are dumb or evil, not all jocks are jerks, etc...

So? When I watch Fist of the North Star my first thought isn't "hey, Clint Eastwood crossed with Bruce Lee couldn't punch people so hard their heads explode!"
Although if there was some sort of clone experiment where science did cross those two the resulting creation probably could do that so I'm not sure what my point is.
It's not only annoying, but pretty racist and insulting....Like, putting together the two Asian characters? Oh yeah, that's not insulting at all. :/

... People are more likely to date within racial boundaries than not? What's your point?
The thing is if they hooked the Asian girl up with the white guy (the second most likely mixed race relation to occur shut up) she'd be bitching that it's just as racist and stereotypical.
Swear to Christ I heard someone say that once in relation to white guys dating Asian girls. It stuck with me because to this day I have no clue what that means. White girls are bitches, white guys (who have all the money) want a nicer girl, what? Stands to reason.
Why must they be stereotypes? Why can't they be characters, first and foremost? Ryan Murphy doesn't understand the concept? :/


So today we were in class discussing about politics, and elections about the future mayor of the city, and the teacher started comparing using Batman and Green Lantern as examples.

I'd totally vote for Batman. Dark Knight Batman specifically. You know, the one that's borderline psychotic and basically one step removed from the villains he hunts. I think he'd have an interesting platform at the very least.
We laughed! But wait! It gets even better!

... No it doesn't. Moving on.

So I'm finally here, on my own livejournal...Probably alone, I'll have to find my friends around here....:P

I'll bring more interesting stuff once I write again, I promise

OH FUCK. I really have to start screening these blogs for length.
What year am I reading now-- ah, just last month, aww. Welcome to Livejournal, cunt.

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