Did you know .....
*Acting isn't really acting... it is simply playing off each other emotions..
Acting isn't even acting, man. Deep.
Did you know it only takes 10 pounds of pressure in the right direction to break an adult male's neck? Keep that in mind.
*You can kill a man if you kick him hard enough in the face....
June 16th we met for a walk in the park...
Silently walking around kicking our feet. He was one of my first of many dates to come. There was trails behind the trails in the park, slightly little off roads of hiking.
Walkin around trails as we talk about really nothing of importance. Stories about basic life, old relationships.... both very closed books, but yet attracted by the paper back covers wraped around our pages.

Our mom's are both saints...well,... his mom is a saint and I said my mom is an angel.
ok ...... remeber those gothic type teddy bears they used to sell at like a hot topic and spencers.
this is becoming so common pretty soon it'll be standard spelling.
No, you illiterate halfwits, "remeMMMMMMMMber" has some extra consonants in it. You don't even say "remeber" unless you live in the hills or some shit.
what where they called?...
..............Teddy Scares.... ( that actually took a while to figure out )
So here's the scene at my house currently:

"I am Society's Abortion"
I had a good friend (oh mister man ) say this to me today.
If a friend said this to me I think we'd stop being friends. What a cunt.
I sat there racking heads and Smashing minds on different points of the world.
I'm guessing it doesn't take much for your mind to smash or your brain to wrack. Meanwhile my brain is still full of fuck.
Why we so scared of being judged?
As I shake your hand or give you a hug, I can tell you're eyein me up
No I'm not.
Your judgin me before I even handed you the opportunity to get to know me.
Oh yeah because you're so deep and there's so much to know.
People are so amazing if you get to know them.
Not really.
I'm an open book, but just like a book you wanna start with page one, sometimes you get lost if u start in the middle.
You remind me a lot of a school book.
That is, I'm kind of obligated to read and say I will read and may get as much as a half in before getting bored and just looking up the summary online and then getting an A on the test because, lo and behold, there's not that much to know in the first place.
I'm AWESOME and I know it!
My name is Anna (on-ah)
Onna. Are you Russian? You better fucking be.
Lets meet up and see where it goes... you could be my something special or I could be yours.
Let's not. How about that?
We never know... don't try and play with me like I'm a doll, I'm smarter then that. I'll pick you apart and figure you out if you try.
You couldn't figure out a VCR.
I’m not all clingy and needy, but I like attention
No, a girl on Livejournal wants attention?
I don't even believe it.
I wont pry for it, if I don’t get it that’s okay, just don’t get mad at me if someone else does give me attention and they steal my interest.
Oh so you're a whore. I get it.
I have an insane sex drive but I’m not slutty. Being whore-ish just seems so morally unjustified.
Recent textual evidence would suggest otherwise.
So tell me…. Did I peak your interest?
You didn't pique, peak, peek or Pict my interests.
Anyway I think I'm out. Got this thing to do where I go to school and learn about empowering vocabulary or something I don't even know what's going on please help me.
1 comment:
Did you know if you kick a woman hard enough in the vag she'll die?
True story.
Lifetime Movie.
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