So let's read a blog about two of my favorite things put together: furries and Pokemon! Like peanut butter and jelly, that.
I start on the 4th so I can still go to Otakon and have tons of fun!
Woohoo! I'm making a Ninetales costume. :3
Let's see if I can make the 2 week deadline. 8D
Welp there goes that idea for sunny day/NU support.
I hate it when furries do this. I think a Pokemon is kind of cool and maybe want one for one of my teams then someone on Livejournal talks about making a furry costume of it or having furry "yiff" time with it and suddenly I can't get the imagery out of my head and lose interest.
Now here's her ad for a Pokemon Party and I have no clue what that means and I'm not sure if I want to know.
Is it like a Pokemon tournament? PREPARE TO GET SWEPT.
Oh she's selling shit. All right, fair enough.
.. I think I killed Fa..
I tried uploading the cheetah head I just completed... and it crashed on me.
I hate it when people on Livejournal do this. I WAS TRYING TO DO SOMETHING ON THE INTERNET AND IT DIED SO I KILLED IT. Holy fuck you people are bad at computers.
I wish I had that power, goddamn. Livejournal would never be up.
Also it looks like her favorite Pokemon is Gengar, too. Fantastic.
Two morbidly obese people trying to have sex in fursuits. Let that sink in for a minute.
Me and my fiance are going to be opening up a fursuiting side business shortly..
Now imagine the smell inside afterward.
Also this just in: "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" isn't a word unless it ends in a period. I don't get you sometimes, Firefox spellchecker.
So she's selling foam heads for FIFTY DOLLARS and it looks like something a child banged up in about five minutes with Play-Doh.
I love foaming heads and have decided to make some heads starting at only 50$ which includes a semi-moving jaw. That is a steal IMHO.
For fifty dollars I'd expect you to smooth the finish out a little bit. I can see where your giant hamfists failed to shape the clay.You couldn't even seal the mold afterward? This is lazy and you know it.
-squees and hopes for the best-

Oh hai der.
You're really pushing it today.
I see you see this is another posting.. Well, yay.
I refuse to acknowledge this as words written in a language.
I have been out and about for a while since things got really shitty at my mum's house with my stupid fuck of a brother. Cops were called, accusations where made, crying and freaking out as well.
"The rewards of being a furry" is how I'd caption this post.
We got tired and Kith a little scratched up so we headed home and then cleaned up and went to a restaurant called Edelweiss.
The tank from Valkyria Chronicles?
Or, no, was that the one unit from Front Mission 3?
All of these games are starting to run together, honestly.
I know not a lot of people like furries but I say why not? I'm fun and I just like fur (faux) a little more than the regular person.
Why not?
You people are drama magnets and are attention whores on almost unparalleled levels.
I have a furaffinity account. Look me up. I am poprock-the-stray on there.
I don't think I'll be doing that.
That does give me a good idea for next entry, though. Stay listening.
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