The Ramblings of a Teenage Writer, how I loathe this type of blog.
In other news, I finally changed the title of my blog(little long, isn't it? But I like it so meh).
Unfortunately, all the scripts for the fanfics I'm currently roleplaying/writing with friends are on the computer at home...
Oh of course. Fanfiction.
So in other words, Ichi-nee is making more one-shots, drabbles and ficlets for fanfics she should be writing the main story for, or series she wants to write fanfics for...XD Orenji would probably kill me if she knew...shh!
No. You didn't just say that. brother really needs to get a lamp for his desk *is writing in the light the TV and monitor is giving off*.
Get your own fucking lamp, Jesus Christ. Or better yet, stop writing. I mean, I haven't read any of it, but I can tell it's atrocious.
Yeah...I got a virus last night. Luckily, knock on wood, I've managed to get rid of it through the powers of Norton, Google and my noggin'.
Yeah getting rid of a virus with antivirus software sure is difficult. I bet you had to click, what, three whole buttons!
x Zero-Rei(Code Geass): Chapter 7 at 2% completion.
More like Code GAYASS, Am I right, guys? Huh?
And in some not-so-nice news...I just learned there are plans to make a Cowboy Bebop movie with Keanu Reeves as Spike...Kami help us.
Kami meaning, of course, God, or as she used it specifically, a god or spirit. Usually when people say "God" they're referring specifically to the Judeo-Christian God, so that'd be more like "Kami-sama" in Japanese, but can't expect proper grammar from weeaboo FAGGOTS, can I?
*waddles off to build a shrine to Dragonball, Cowboy Bebop and any other animes that will fall to Hollywood*
Waddle is right, you fat fuck. Yeah that's right, eat more cupcakes fattie.
Well, now that I don't have an exam tomorrow, back to fanfics I go! Bonzai!
Actually wouldn't that be "Banzai"? Forget it.
It'll definatetly be done in the next few days
I'd probably mention here that if this had been Japanese she would have spelled that perfectly, but based on what I've seen so far I doubt she would have spelled it right in either language.
You suck at speaking. You are one of those rare mutants who was apparently meant to never speak.
but if I do well on the last assignment I can get a final grade of 70 even if I get a 50 on the exam, so that's good at least.
And that is satisfactory, and that is passing. Way to go, Maple_tea. Way to strive.
I just seriously had a cold shiver down my spine.
I still love you Hiei, even though you'd probably hate me if you were real...
This Hiei sounds like a reasonable fictional character.
I failed an assignment...oops?
Oops! What else are you doing, goddamn? I goof on the idiots around me for getting drunk and sucking dick in the bathroom instead of doing what they're supposed to be doing in college, like, you know, graduating, but at least they can claim to have done something. You, on the other hand, I doubt very much find yourself in such a situation.
So what were you doing instead of passing your writing assignments?
Don't you claim to be a writer? I'd be ashamed to fail a writing assignment.
Back to school work I me, Kami-sama D:
Yeah, see, you're getting it! You're really getting it!
Interesting, however, that you'd choose to pray to the Christian God (a non-Japanese God if I may say so) while using Japanese epithets instead of just praying to, say, Izanagi or Izanami, or, realistically, Amaterasu. Then you could claim to be Shinto then I could really go off on you for being a weeaboo cunt.
But, no, you can't even do that properly.
Read Paradise Lost for English Seminar on Monday (This is going to be funnnnnnn).
Ha, ha, ha you're fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked.
Apparently she draws as well (real renaissance, err, woman) but unfortuantely her account is set to private, so I'd need a password to get in. Don't worry, I wouldn't let you down, faithful readers, so I tried to brute force it. After literally three guesses I had been defeated.
In conclusion, Maple_tea, you are a very naughty person. This blog is offensive to all human senses and probably several more besides.
There's a feeling I sometimes get like after watching all 90 minutes of Turkish Star Wars or Begotten. It's a "WHAT HAVE I DONE!?" nihilist feeling. That's kind of the feeling I get after reading this blog.
Many moons ago I read Hawthrone's Ethan Brand. In this story, he wrote extensively about the "unpardonable sin" and at the time I couldn't imagine something like that. Mostly because the concept of sin itself seemed rather silly to me, but that's not my point.
Well now I fucking know. Litfags may say "oh well it's searching for the unpardonable sin" or something like that, but they don't know the truth.
The truth is, Maple_tea, reading your blog is the unpardonable sin.
It's true, too. It's in the Bible. "And yon author of Edie Findeth A Corpse beheld Maple Once Underscored Tea's internet journal, and he trembled, for yea, he knew damnation was eternal." Straight from Leviticus, friend. Read it sometime.
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