Most people, when they decide to go to college, usually do so to improve themselves so they can get a better job so they can make more money. That's the way it works, in theory. Still, others decide to take classes in literary criticism or under water basket weaving or, as this young lass (or lad) did, a class on The Beatles.
Perhaps even more telling, though, is that not only did this person take this class (everyone has a fine arts credit to fulfill so no judgment there) she (or he) is actually studying for this.
I was totally flipping out because I was having the hardest time studying for my Beatles exam.
Yeah that must have been brutal for you. While the rest of us have to prepare for biology or the psychology of education you have to study for The Beatles final. You're right that's worth "flipping out" over.
With the material done for the writing portions of my exam, I'm listening (thanks to YouTube) to the stuff that'll probably be on my exam.
While I'm thinking of it, goddamn school. They literally have to pound the enjoyment out of everything, don't they? Now they have classes on goddamn pop music. I'm glad I'm out of it before THE FOUNDATIONS OF VIDEO GAME PLAYING (REQUIRED COURSE) happens.
It's no wonder kids these days have shit taste in music. They have to stay on the edge of all music so they can stay one step ahead of school pounding the fun out of it. Doesn't matter if it's good or not, the school hasn't gotten their talons in it.
So far, I've written 5 of my 20 pages, so here I am at the library...skipping work (I e-mailed my boss because my phone's not working)...and I'm praying I'll get at least 6 more pages done today.
Yeah that's it. Pray. is this for the Beatles class, because if so I can't believe there are 20 pages to write.
Anyways, we all know about Black Friday, and maybe Cyber Monday...But up here in Canada, we have Boxing Day. Anyways,
Stop. Ugh. Forget it.
I'm procrastinating...I went to the gym today, so I feel entitled for some time to surf and blog.
Holy shit. Well by that logic I shouldn't feel bad about not working on my homework right now because I just finished some Warhammer figures so I'm entitled to be typing this.
Friend is telling me not to e-mail my pastor about'll better read this!!!
Oh I'll be sure to read this, friend.
So you know about my issues with worship right?
Yeah I keep that constantly on the top of my memory.
Let me tell you a bit about our worship co-ordinator. Let's call That's the name of my friend's pick-up truck. Anyways!
Die shittingly.
She spent 2007 doing missions in Japan, and I mean the whole year.
You know who I feel bad for?
Well, two groups of people, really. Number one has to be the Canadians for having to deal with two incredibly annoying people.
Second is the nation of Japan for having this pox inflicted upon them. What did they do to you, Canada?
She came back and then started teacher's college at OISIE and around that same time she was named (not elected) worship co-ordinator.
I'd think the politics of the church should be less important than the actual spiritual shit but on second appraisal that probably is the interesting part.
All right I'm tired of writing this shit, goddamn.
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