Wednesday, September 10, 2008

How I Choose Blogs

Recently I've been inundated with literally three questions about how I find blogs to review.
So let's take a break from usual review nonsense and take a gander at how I continue to bring the content three times a week for going on two entire months.
Basically my first decision comes in the form of LiveJournal or DeadJournal. Naturally any blog with its own domain is going to be too quality to deal with, because whoever writes that site considers their content good enough to actually pay money for a domain to host it and shit.
Blogspot, my own hosting place, makes it too difficult to find shit. That's probably why only pretentious twats post there.
So LiveJournal or DeadJournal. Usually it's whatever key my cheetoh-encrusted hand finds first that determines where I go, but sometimes I might feel like a particular flavor of blog. Do I want angsty preppy girls worrying about the fifteenth dick they sucked that day giving them an STD, or do I turn to whiny, poorly written poetry? If it's the former, LiveJournal. Latter is DeadJournal.
Today for no reason in particular I picked LiveJournal.
Finding a blog is as easy as clicking on the life or culture section. So let's do that~
Immediately you might see why I like LiveJournal. Previews provided from the most recent updates. No need to click to see if it's shit, and I know the content has recently been updated.
First indicator I look for is the avatar. If it's some sugary anime girl (or boy) or some kind of furry avatar, or one of those "lolironic" black blocks with white words proclaiming that they are indeed the biggest bitch in the neighborhood then I start reading in a bit.
Next indicator is title. If it says something like "today was good at work" I usually skip it, because that most likely won't be interesting.
So here's one entitled "im a thief". That's usually worth checking. Any admission of a crime is often an indicator of other problems, and therefore drama, and therefore profit.
But it isn't. Just another one of those "someone posted a list of personal questions that I will now answer in detail because I love talking about myself."
But that's okay. Just refresh again until something turns up.
Here might be a good one. Artsy avatar, entry is entitled this:

My head is full of sky and my boots are full of ocean..

and the entry opens with bitching.
So now I read the entire first entry.
Hmm. Not overly interesting, but it does have an overtone of cunt (note how she demands something from the audience, in this case to give her ideas. Not always, but is usually, an indicator of a total douche).
So now I find the "recent entries" button, which isn't always as easy as you might think.
Ah, found it. Labeled as "What I write..." another good indicator, because usually only cunts and douches change the default names.
Ah this is one of those blogs. When I feel like I'M ON FIYA I might write about this one, but as it is it's too boring with random douchebag sentences.
Take this one for instance:

Money is stupid and imprisoning us to materialistic society.

Why do people say shit like that? Do they even think about what they say? DUR DUR MATERIALISM IS BAD. Guess what, idiot? Materialism drives the economy, and all those fine products like computers and vaccinations and the 1st world standard of living you enjoy came about because of it. Don't want any materialism? Fine. Go the fuck out into the wilderness and craft everything you need by hand. There's a non-materialistic society.
Now had you said capitalist society, fine. At that point it comes down to personal philosophy, or had you said we're overly materialistic, again fine. But to just shout this shit out like it makes any goddamn sense at all-- stop.
Of course getting that far took four entries, with no guarantee there are any more like that. Of course logic might dictate that there was already one, and the mood is set so there will be more, but oddly I find that is not usually the case. Usually it's one sentence like that then more boredom.
Yeah this goes on and on about nothing. The problem here is as I suspected. Yeah, it's bad. Yeah, she's a cunt, but it's such a non-issue. Genericunt, I call it.
But that's okay. Just go back and keep trolling for one.
Here's one entitled "The American Dream?" almost guaranteeing ignorant opinions.
So far it's promising:
Consumption--no not the disease tiburculosis

Do you mean tuberculosis?
Tiberculosis. I guess it came from the Tiber river, huh? Classically given by Tiberinus, god of the river?

So, it's official, I am now a card carrying member of the Libertarian party. It's fun to know that i've now got license to babble on all day about how the other 2 parties are stupid and mine is the best because we just are.

Anyways, Libertarian candidate for president is Bob Barr, from Georgia. Check him out and research my party's platform, because we the best!

Entry is entitled "Whateva! I do what I want!" which is a sentiment I can relate to, but to me signing up for an alternative prepackaged idealogy instead of actually forming your own thoughts isn't exactly doing what you want. Maybe he really does believe everything the Libertarians preach. Psychotic.
At this point I have two comments about four posts, so that's a pretty good rate. Basically I always look to see how many posts I have (or could) make a comment about. If the rate is higher than, say, ~50%, I usually run with it. Typically I'll still go back and check through again to make sure something better hasn't come along (happens often) before returning and finishing off the entry.
I'm a quick typer and the thoughts come to me easily so I usually only have one draft. Sometimes, if I have nothing else to do, I'll check through it and fix a few sentences, but usually it's a one shot affair.
I've noticed, and maybe others have, that a majority (about 80% when I last calculated) are critiques (or mean comments, whatever) of women's blogs. As near as I can tell this is because most people who keep blogs are, in fact, women, and not any sort of commentary of women's blogs.
Although I do notice men tend to gloss over the interesting tidbits, whereas girls will treat a blog as more like a dialog with a friend, and therefore will spill everything.
Gender is not a determining factor because, as I've often said, I can't tell gender.
The page layout is often a consideration in my decision. I've passed on really, really awful blogs because the text was white on a background that was partially white, necessitating highlighting to read. I get headaches easy, so that's usually a deal breaker.
So if you really, really don't want me reviewing your blog, change your background to some complicated picture or something partially the same color as your font.

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