Today I may have found one worthy, though, because apparently she (or he, wouldn't count that possibility out) has enough talent to attend art school.
The game is to determine, through a number of entries, whether or not this person is good at whatever it is they do.
There is a link to her (?) Deviant Art account at the top, but I won't click on that right away. That'd be cheating.
Here it is.
Ok, so art school.
Firstly, I know NO ONE. And I'm not as good at making friends as I used to be. O_o So I've made like... two? Sort of.
Oh aren't you just a social butterfly. I CAN'T MAKE FRIENDS. ONLY TWO IN ONE DAY.
Philosophy of Art and Design? IT'S TOK. OMFG, WHEN WILL I ESCAPE?!?!?!?! Then again, I guess I can chalk one up to IB, so... yay?
... Having been the guinea pig for this mess of acronyms, I'll translate. TOK is theories of knowledge, and it's for the International Baccalaureate program.
Basically it's for overachieving nerds who didn't think AP was good enough.
In reality it's just slightly faster AP with basic 101-level scare tactics of MANY OF YOU WON'T MAKE IT.
Visual Design? It's like taking a calculus student and teaching them basic addition and subtraction all over again. I like the class, because I get to really strengthen my basics, but then again, I don't really want to relearn addition.
Don't bitch about easy classes. In my experience, college has two difficulty levels: easy, and easy with a ton of work you don't want to do. Be thankful.
I was going to be clever and try to sum up all that is my life in 25 words, but I got to 10 words and said fuck it.
I bet I could summarize my life in less than 25 words. Guess not everyone can be as FULL OF INTERESTING EXPERIENCES like you.
English - 6
Spanish - 7 (WTF?! No. Way.)
History - 5 (I was expecting a 4 or 3)
Chem SL- 6 (omg, no fing way. I was TOTALLY expecting a 3.)
Math - 6 (woot!)
Art HL - 5 (The hell? I was expecting higher. oh well!)
Yay! Life is good. Sort of! Yay! :D
Yeah, yeah.
The world is filled with information. Anyone can find that information. Hell, all you do is open google, and type in any word, and millions of pages of information pop up. But who is to know which information is important, or even relevant?
I can sift through pages and pages of information before I find something I think is important, and I may over look lots of stuff that really is important.
Holy shit you're almost done with the IB program and you still haven't figured that out yet?
Goddamn I should have told my school "fuck you it's a waste of time trust me I'm saving you heartache" when I signed up for the test courses.
It's wierd to think that in 4 years a person can come this far.
Also wierd to think how much a person can stay the same.
Taking "i before e except after c" a little too literally, aren't you?
Could have used some more third grade English assignments.
Quick hypothetical question....
Ok, so there's a person who doesn't know how to do something. They express this deficit of knowledge and request your assistance in learning the information. You...
A - Ridicule them for not already knowing how to do this task.
B - Roll your eyes and ignore them.
C - Both A and B
D - Help the person without complaining, bullying, or belittleing them.
"belittleing", huh? Guess it'd depend on the context. In an educational situation I guess D, but if it's you and your stupidity, and I'm here doing this, I guess A.
You chose C. The correct answer was D.
Sorry, you lose one million points.
Actually I chose A, but all right.
It's days like this that make me hope I do end up going to college really far away.
Either I'm being accused of not knowing shit about how to survive in the real world, or I'm being made fun of for asking for help to learn those same skills. So fine. You win. I hope I go to school really fucking far away, so that I do learn everything all by myself, since you won't fucking help.
Why so butthurt?
There's acid on my tongue. I could spit it at you, or you, or you, or you, but I'll swallow it instead.
I just know that I win, because I have self control.
Oh so that's how you win. I thought it was getting more points than everyone else.
Fack off, everything.
Fack off concert. Fack off Barnes and Noble. Fack off English IA. Fack off history essay.
It's okay your mom probably won't read this.
EIGHT ways to win your heart:
Let's see if I could jump her bones.
2. Gotta be funny, and gotta think that I'm funny, at least sometimes.
Well I have half of this down.
3. Don't preach to me. About anything. Ever.
4. Be spontaneous.
Sounds like a Kay commercial the further I get.
5. Don't make me wear the pants.
Fair enough. No shorts, no Capri pants, dresses only, final destination.
This list goes on for three more items obviously but this is so incredibly boring I can't continue.
So I guess we're incompatible. But don't feel bad, remember-- actually on second thought do feel bad. Vapid cunt.
Hamlet. Maybe I should actually read that!
You're not missing much.
So after all this, I still can't tell if she's good at whatever she does. Time to get the final word on this.
I'm so nice for including a link.
Apparently they accept anyone to art school.
Although it's odd: her abstract shit is mildly interesting, but the other stuff is just fucking awful.
Well I guess that's it, then.
Also sorry this entry is a day late it was actually mostly finished last night but then I got distracted by better shit. Deal.
When I opened that DA link I just sighed and closed the window. Yes, people who make terrible trite furry art and <3 Naruto still get into artschool, but that's because there's a million of the damn things around. Granted, the point of art school is learning the skills that you don't have so that you'll stop making bullshit cartoons like hers. Here's hoping.
Don't feel bad she did better on her IB lit test than I did on my AP one.
Maybe we aren't as crazy awesome as we thought?
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