Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I don't know what this blog is but I saw the avatar and said "FURRY."
So let's see how this goes. It may be shit, in which case this post will never see the light of published status, or it may be pie.
Based off the name I'd say I'm in the clear, though: Huskypupp's Adventures!
wow, 10 whole hours since i posted.. Seen a lot of stuff today and big thankyou to everyone who wished me happy birthday *slurrps*

Based off all the furry art I've seen this past week I'm not going to ask what you're slurping.
Right now i'm treating myself to a humongous pizza @ pizza hut, had nothing all day :(

Peace out y'all, back tomorrow ^^

Pizza Hut is shit tier pizza.
Also I don't know what it is about furries but they all seem to have southern accents or be from the south. Hmm. That might go a long way in explaining why they're so annoying.
Sooo, now i iz all old...

Even if its expected of me, they cant force me to act my age :0p

Therefore, I'm off to Edinbrough for the day to see what trouble I can cause up there ^^
If anyone knows what good stuff goes down there, all ideas are welcome!

"I iz"? Talk like an adult you idiot. Also wear a fursuit and fuck people in the ass. Isn't that what you people do?
Anyways, the couple i mentioned quoted a poem in my card that i cant seem to find anywhere else..

"When I was a child, I spake as a child,
I understood as a child, I thought as a child:
but when I became a man, I put away
childish things. For now we see through a
glass, darkly; but then face to face: now
I know in part; but then shall I know even
as also I am known."

I have no ida where it is from, but aparently theres more to it, about when your a man etc etc.

It's from the Bible. Corinthians, I think. But don't worry about finding it and reading past that part, because based on your grasp of the English so far I have the feeling the meaning would be lost on you.
Also side note about that quote, because I'm sure EVERYONE WANTS TO KNOW THIS: the story A Scanner Darkly gets its name from that passage. The part about "glass, darkly" and-- well, I thought it was interesting, anyway.
Woof! incase any one might be interested..

Stop that. You're not a wolf. You're a freak in a mascot costume.
1). Licked from one side of the road to the other for a dare (my tongue bled like hell! )

I think it's safe to say that if he really was a wolf he would have been selected out of the breeding pool by now.
2). Fitted a total of 11 Horse Chestnuts under my tail!

I dont think i've ever had red wine properly.

but it sure does make for giggleh huskies ^^

I dont see the point of making a special effort *JUST* for inspection.. should'nt it be 100% of the time?
And if we put up a false front now, then i think it's pointless being inspected, because thats not how it is 100% of the time!

Or is it just me?

I don't think you understand the point of an inspection. It's like a test. Do you remember all the shit on a test forever? Of course not. You just want to do well on the test.
Okay so, i bought some fur aaaages aog to make myself a proper tail.. some nice longish blue and white..

"Proper tail"
"proper tail"
Have furries, uhh, seen animals before? Unless it's like a gray-blue or something, animals aren't that color. Mammals aren't, at least.
Then he links to a furry article that he describes as "disapointing (sic)"
I read through the article, and this was the only quote worth note:
When other boys were making use of the ladies' underwear section of the Kays catalogue, I would draw one of its models with kitty ears and a tail

ho ho ho
Wuff! as y'all may know, i managed to get a place at Confuzzled! there is one thing though, i saw the option to choose your roomies..
would anyone mind bunking with a husky?

Like an actual dog, or-- oh I get it, you mean a freak who thinks he's a dog?

I has a question and would really appreciate if someone coudl help me out.

Back to the "lol wacky" speech, huh? Well fuck your question. I know the answer but you can eat a dick before I'll help you.
Does anyone else think about humping the laundry just as your taking it out of the tumble dryer?

OMGZ Ceiling cat is actually watching me masturbate!! :0p

was coughing up small traces of blood this morning whuich is worrying!

All right that's it I'm finished.
Good luck with your Ebola, though. Hope that works out for you.
I've said it before, but: don't be a furry.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like someone's bf didn't call back