You know God, don't you? That angry eye in the sky that sees everything you do, everything you think, and he's got a book of grudges. Personally I don't like this God character. I don't like any unnamed entity. Makes me feel like he has something to hide. Perhaps miss God has a restraining order?
I also like my deities to have a personality. I know this God character is supposedly loving and all that shit but when you strip away what he's supposedly doing for you he seems kind of bland.
So I appreciate the old gods. I know, I know your God is "eternal" or whatever but in a reality the Bible is a relatively new text (400 AD for the complete, modern Bible I think).
Yeah, gods like Hermes or Zeus, or even Odin and Baldur (even though Odin seems kind of like an alcoholic). Something with a history, something with tenure.
The common love we share in Christ is really the one that brings us together and keeps us till now. People can change and get on with their lives but God's still our common topic, and that makes me feel so much for our friendship.
Yeah, see? It's all about what Jesus is doing for your friendship. It's never a platonic thing. I wonder how Jesus feels about your constant cajoling and begging and pleading? It's no wonder prayers never get answered.
Also sorry the font is so goddamned small I had to zoom in five times just to read it. I understand my font is small too but good Christ at least you can read it without squinting.
When I mentioned they old gods I should have also mentioned that I don't worship them. I don't pray to them. Indeed, I never ask them for anything. I've read their stories and they're capricious gods at best (so praying would be a 50% prospect in the most ideal situations) but mostly because I know they aren't real. But I do derive some kind of comfort from their stories. They're interesting characters. Which is something I can't say for the Judeo-Christian God. When he is interesting it's because he's threatening to murder the entire world or something.
Another problem I have with God is how he takes normal, genuine human emotions and twists them until they're some kind of parody of themselves.
Here's a perfect example:
I realise, after all these birthdays, that all my closest friends have been with me since forever.
That's a nice sentiment. Loyalty to one's friends, to me, shows character.
It's only after celebrating 20 years of God's goodness in their lives that it dawns upon me how long I've known them already.
Err, what? What would God's goodness have to do with your friendships?
For that, I feel ultimately blessed and glad. If there's anything I could use for comforting myself in times of despair, it'll be the fact that I've got a handful of really good friends God has given.
Nevermind the friendships you had to cultivate, the undoubted mutual labor of maintaining a friendship with someone, it's all GOD'S WORK.
I've witnessed far too many already, but for the fact that I still have my circle of friends around me proves to me how God has been the keeper and guardian of my life. It's a testimony of His faithfulness and God only has more to show me, if I'd let Him.
Notice here all God is never to blame. He brought you friends and all that, but if you lost them it was because you somehow failed him, not the other way around (note the language on the end). I would never let God guard my life. I'd never let anyone but me guard my life.
i know you mean it from the bottom of your heart. thank you, and thank You, God for giving such friends. i believe it's also the first time you've called me your best friend.
Best friends, to me, are entitled to be brutally honest with each other, particularly when one is about to make an ass of herself.
Also I'm fairly certain God has millions of best friends now. It's cute you think you can cultivate a real, literal, personal friendship with an imagined, or, at best, distant and incorporeal entity.
thank God the test and interview went well.
God has done His part. now it's back to me, to see if I am courageous and faithful enough to follow His direction.
This is like playing a video game with cheats on. Why wouldn't you want to play the actual game instead of relying on unfair advantages? Hell, actual, literal cheating is less of a cheat than using this God fellow. At least real cheating requires preparation and work.
Also again this is all about what God is doing for her, not the other way around. What is God's benefit in this relationship? You seem to be walking all over the poor guy. I bet if God stopped supposedly answering your pleas this relationship would be over and you'd forsake him as being a non-entity.
i don't know why i suddenly felt a tinge of anger last night when you talked to me and asked me how i was. and i just didn't feel like telling you anything except that "i'm doing good".
"I'm doing well" would be grammatically correct, but all right, fine. I think this might be why you have trouble landing friends and have to rely on overpowered super deities. No one expects any answer but "I'm fine." It's like a greeting. A stupid greeting with all the potential emotions stripped from it, but that's what it is.
do we expect people to stay the same after not being in contact with them for awhile?
fact of life, people change.
Hardly. People change superficially, and only change serious personality details when they have to. It's not a bad thing, necessarily, it's just making major life changes is taxing both physically and mentally, and most people don't want to do it unless there's a dire need to do so.
spending a day out with the people i love makes life so meaningful.
i realised after tonight, that even in singapore, you could do simple activities, and feel like at the end of it all, you've done the best thing in years.
just like sitting at the padang, watching softballers and ruggers train, feeling the night breeze in your hair and face, get some angles and perspective on the skyline. all that, beside a buddy, talking about things that really matter.
why not, God is praised through our edifying.
Again simple, human emotions are given an unreal quality to them with this God character. Let me see, "edifying". That would be the improvement of knowledge in the moral or religious arenas, wouldn't it? If that's what friends are for, count me out.
after all the fiasco, i just sit down and think long and hard.
my conclusion is that i will move on with my life and continue to praise God.
He's the only constant and the only person I can trust to depend on for my past, present and future.
trusting men too much was my downfall.
I don't mean to make a generalization here, but it does seem to be a recurring theme amongst the truly religious: an ultimately low opinion of humanity. That's fine, shit, I share in this, but at least my philosophy on life offers ways around this. I always maintained people were untrustworthy until they could prove otherwise, and I've stuck to that. This, however, seems to set you up alone with an imagined being. Not a fun way to live, I think.
I guess the lesson for today would be this: observe your thoughts. Why do you feel this way about God? Why do you feel the need to constantly reference him, like some kind of personal mantra?
Write about that shit. It'd make for a more interesting, human read. That would be "edifying", I think.
Well that's all I have. I was hoping this'd pass time until I got my Warhammer Online beta invite, but the fucker still hasn't come yet. Oh well. MONDAY AT THE LATEST, OR SO I'VE HEARD.
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