than fade away
so first thing's first look at this nightmare:
its eyes also glow red.
What is it?
It's like Korea's interpretation of Stephen King's IT by way of a kid's Pikachu ride.
Imagine you want to go to the grocery store to buy some fucking cream cheese or a sparkling water and then whamo there's that fucking thing.
So anyway I dunno even what to talk about today.
Feminism tag?
This website is literally a race to see who can get the most offended firstWell that about covers it, I think.
I just got finished reading a forum that sought to defend hating on Thor being a woman now via its violating the mythos, it’d offend those who believe in norse mythology, its practicioners, ect. Ect.
Alright, I just wanna point out how ass backwards that idea is having actually read the eddas and myths. Lets begin:
Oh boy feminist interpretation of mythology ahoy
Mjonlr isn’t some sentient magic weapon thats picky about who holds it, its just fucking heavy. Marvel has some bullshit about being worthy that they got from god knows where.Yes but in mythology Thor is a man.
So honestly, some mother fuckers need to crack a book before they spout stupid shit about fictional characters that barely resemble the myths they are based on. Honestly, as someone who actually practices Asatru, if they wanna make their thor a chick, that’s they last thing I’m tripping about inaccuracy wise and isn’t even an issue.Top kek
In fact, did you know that the Vikings were actually big on womens rights had better rape laws than we do, didn’t discriminate them from holding positions of power and fucking even fought along side their women? That gods took female form and goddeses took male form time to time?Top kek
Something to think about when an ancient “barbaric” race had better equality than we enjoy.
Wow this is awesome.
Let's change all fictional characters into women and then 90% of the tumblr whining goes away.
Sorry all the things you like are written by men and indeed were intended for men usually. Maybe you should write your own fiction and then you won't have this problem.
girls can’t wear shorts to school bc some 15 year old guy will get “distracted” by the hair free version of his own anatomy.Come to South Korea, then. Shorts so short they might as well not even be wearing them.
I swear to god give me a week to control the US
Free healthcare. Heavy ass fine for racism and discrimination. Legalized marriage for all couples. Legalized marijuana. Drunk drivers get jail time. Guns would have extreme procedures to legally own them. Abortion would be legal. Transsexuals would have better access to healthcare. Women would be paid the same. The minimum wage would be enough to actually live off of. Large corporations would be kept out of politics. More money would go towards funding education than giving the rich tax breaks. And on Wednesdays we wear pink.So you're going to turn the US into a brutal police/nanny state.
But just for that week because then all your rulings will be reversed.
“"No" doesn’t mean "convince me".”— Anonymous
You lay your cards on the table immediately.
I need feminism because
when I told my 16 year old student to put his phone away and focus on his assignment he told me to “quit bitching.”
No that's why you need administrators.
the funny thing about sexist women with internalised misogyny holding their little cue cards and carefully compiling their little lists to justify why they personally believe that they don’t need feminism is that they wouldn’t even be able to do this in the first place were it not for feminism
If that seriously is your argument then my response is, and I'm dead fucking serious, women aren't competent enough to have rights.
I’ve heard many Christian feminists say that they are a feminist because of Jesus—because of their Christianity. I think that’s great. It’s not my story, however. I am not a feminist because of Jesus. I am a Christian because of feminism..
Before I began to view my Christian faith through a feminist lens, I was convinced that there was no redeeming it. I grew up in conservative Christian fundamentalism, going to a church and Christian high school that I consider abusive and cult-like. Even after leaving that church, I couldn’t shake my hatred of God—not just the fundamentalist God, but the God of even more socially liberal evangelical Christianity still focused on atonement and the glorification of violence.
I didn’t truly know or love God until I encountered her through feminism. Christianity taught me a lot of things I was “supposed” to know about God. God is love. God is just. God is Trinity. God’s Word is made flesh through Jesus and through the body of Christ. God died, buried, and rose again the third day. God created me in God’s image."Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression."
1 Timothy 2:11-14
But these concepts seemed meaningless at best, and harmful at worst to me."Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything."
Then I started reading feminist theory and theology.
Ephesians 5:22-24
"Give me any plague, but the plague of the heart: and any wickedness, but the wickedness of a woman."
Eccles. 25:13
No really you picked a great book for feminism.
I always love the Christian apologetics on this, too. Well Paul was really just talking about one church with crazy women--
ignoring the fact that even if that were true they still felt it a significant enough message to include it in in the Bible for the record-- presumably a record that would continue far into the distant future--
and that's not even addressing the fact this is a message repeated a couple of times in the Bible. I didn't even quote all of the instances the Bible is down on women.
There's this Biblical rule that a lot of Christers follow that states the more something is repeated-- because goddamn if there's a consistent message in the Bible-- the more important the thing is. I'd say this is repeated often enough for it to be significant.
Woman: I don’t need feminism!top lel
well gee ok have fun going back to forced childbirth, being bought and sold like property, and legal beatings when you don’t have dinner on the table for your man. because these are all things feminism is currently protecting you from you simple bitch.
You know what game is pretty great so far? ArcheAge. I don't want to say it'll save the MMO genre because I'm pretty sure it'll be relegated to obscurity or mismanagement basically out of the gate but it seems to be trying harder than any of the other crap I've tried lately.
Speaking of: I bet the Elder Scrolls Online dev team is feeling pretty silly they didn't listen to me.
They actually messaged me one on one so I could tell them what a monumental fuck up this game was, which I commend them for not being bitches about it but they're still dumbasses for not listening for one second.
I guess I can't blame them since my advice was tantamount to saying "stop this and start over."
Being a good game developer, though, should be about having the strength of character enough to say no I won't release this, I think.
Remember when Blizzard was a good developer and didn't release Starcraft: Ghost because it was shit? That's what I mean.
I'd tell you all the problems with it but here's the gist: it's a huge problem when I'm 5 minutes into the game and I've already found enough wrong to bitch about it for an hour.
But that wasn't a problem I had with ArcheAge. I'd been looking forward to it (quietly. I don't like to hype games at all anymore) for a while so I dropped my 70 plonkers on it and expected 70 string cheeses I could never buy.
Booted it up and the character creation was both flexible, easy to use and had a variety of options.
Class options, while not the most unique on offering seemed interesting enough and can be freely combined to create some genuinely unique roles.
You know, sort of like Elder Scrolls Online lied about doing.
The setting, while again not the most interesting I've ever seen in my life was competent and had some genuine attention to detail with some surprising flares of uniqueness. Not the best but definitely competent.
Character growth seems varied and not a pointless gear treadmill like WoW.
Questing, of course, seems like the typical boring fetch quest and meat grinders but the stuff around it seems cool. Build buildings that persist while you're logged out, fight people, build ships and explore the ocean, crafting that has a genuine purpose outside of just being another stat you grind--
yeah I think it'll be quite good when it's fully released.
I don't want to damn it to faint praise but it's an MMO I'd rather play than WoW.
Anyway I sort of lost where I was going with this. I need to wash my sheets.
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