Bullshit social media is in.
You know what blogs are?
Fanfiction journals.
No really. Go to Dreamwidth and find something that's not something I haven't talked about.
Anyway today we're trying something different.
I'm mostly going to waffle about Korea because who gives a solid fuck about any of this garbo but the garbage in question is something new.
Let's peel away the horrific layers of tumblr.
Where better to start than the feminism tag?
I can't figure this shit out.
Ok all this shit is really on tumblr and you're just going to have to take my word for it.
I think.
You know I'm trustworthy. I don't need to make these people seem any worse than they already are.
I came across a Tumblr account called “Women Against Feminism,” which as a feminist intrigued me, so I clicked. First, I immediately passed out from ignorance.If you disagree with me you're ignorant.
Then I collected myself and looked through the posts and photos. I was actually shocked. I know a lot of people don’t consider themselves feminists because they’re not educated on what feminism actually is. I’m happy to discuss feminism and do what I can to reduce the stigma against it.Isn't this kind of the religious argument made by Christers and Muslims?
“According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate beings condemning them to spend their lives in search for their other halves.”Zeus was also known to punch a motherfucker in the back.
~Plato’s The Symposium.
Wicca is the only religion where women are seen as equal to men..Also a gay religion made up in the 1950s.
girls being kept out of the sciences and pushed into the humanities; the humanities being valued less in our society than the sciences; and the humanities and sciences being looked at as stark opposites that couldn’t possibly be enjoyed for the same reasons are all problems that need to in some degree be tackled togetherLiterally no one is keeping girls in the humanities. You are free to major in anything you want and using men as an excuse for why science is too hard for your dumbass doesn't mean you're oppressed. If you want to see oppression go to Saudi Arabia where they zing acid in women's faces you stupid cunt.
how many times have you only said yes because you were afraid of how a man would react to your no?0 times.
And if you weren't such a drama queen your answer would probably be 0 too.
I'm reminded of that time that woman ran from me in the parking deck at college because I had the temerity to follow 50 feet back.
Sorry we parked in one of the literally 3 places you can park at the same time. Next time I'll be sure to check my privilege and kill myself.
This October, Marvel will introduce an all-new series called “Thor, God of Thunder”—and Thor will be a woman.
From a Marvel press release: “No longer is the classic male hero able to hold the mighty hammer, Mjölnir, a brand new female hero will emerge will who will be worthy of the name Thor.”
Oh someone played Skyrim.
That looks pretty kick ass. Not going to lie. Too bad comics are for nerds and women now.
Also I'm pretty sure Thor is based on a mythological character who is a man but whatever comics are for fags.
Here's one called your fave is problematic.
What is this?
I love that word "problematic", too.
I've been told something I said was problematic. Know what my response was?
"So fucking what?"
Motherfucker I will fight you. I will not be cowed.
That looks pretty kick ass. Not going to lie. Too bad comics are for nerds and women now.
Also I'm pretty sure Thor is based on a mythological character who is a man but whatever comics are for fags.
if they don’t make wonder woman this feminist in the movie then i’ll be severely disappointedThey probably fucking will because 90% of people who go to comic book movies are women who just want to look at shirtless men and write gay fanfic.
Here's one called your fave is problematic.
What is this?
I love that word "problematic", too.
I've been told something I said was problematic. Know what my response was?
"So fucking what?"
Motherfucker I will fight you. I will not be cowed.
*whispers* do you think ALL my favs are problematic?
Warhammer, Shin Megami Tensei, The Roman Empire and The Elder Scrolls.
I don't like things that aren't problematic.
Know what "not problematic" means to me?
Not challenging.
Not challenging.
If you just want to sit around looking at your ass while you play with your tits go ahead but meanwhile shit gets real.
It’s great that you’re no longer using ‘native’ as a noun. Is there a reason you don’t acknowledge your own racist language? And instead just edit to erase it?
Native is racist?
You can't be a native?
I am native to America.
You can't be a native?
I am native to America.
I am a foreigner in Korea.
These are not racist words. These are facts.
That's normal here in Korea. If people don't know you they just call you by what you look like.
So I hear hey American a lot.
My response?
Hello Korean.
Hello Korean.
No one gives a fuck.
Appropriative Yin Yang tattoo
That is douchey as fuck but what, you're not allowed to enjoy another culture?
Or use shit from it?
I guess that makes me the fucking devil.
What about all the Koreans appropriating delicious American fast food?
Or their tattoos in broken English (yes those are real)?
Or their tattoos in broken English (yes those are real)?
Is that appropriating too or is that somehow different?
Appropriative tattoo
And it's written in Chinese.
No shit: Koreans have tattoos in broken English. I guess there's no resisting the allure of writing you can't read.
But only if you are trashy and stupid.
The one thing I disagree with is “don’t accuse anyone unless charges have been made,” I think that’s up to the victim to decide. 54% of rapes go unreported and 97% of rapists aren’t convicted, so if we only addressed those who were that’d be a very small portion of rapists.
Yes make sure you accuse without proof.
The Guantanamo Bay approach to justice.
Better 100 innocent men die than 1 guilty man goes free or so says Warhammer.
"My Fave Is Problematic. Now What?"Who gives a shit?
Oh no tumblr doesn't like what I like. Better change what I think!
How about you roll over and let them stomp on the other side of your face?
Am I still allowed to like them?Fuck off.
Yes. No one is stopping you from doing anything. You can like and consume their work without liking them as a person. You can even like them as a person, so long as you recognize that they do have problematic issues.
This blog has single handedly made me like Nicki Minaj just because she's on it.
How can I be a good fan?Shin Megami Tensei apparently exists to offend every demographic known to man.
Try and make them a better person. If they do something problematic, call them out on it. I recognize that famous people are busy and don’t read every single Twitter reply or Facebook comment they get, but still try it. At the very least, you’ll be educating other fans.
The second they show a hint of kowtowing to these harlots I'm out.
Globalisation: On Cultural Appropriation and Why it Isn’t Always BadOR: WHY BLACK PEOPLE CAN SAY NIGGER BUT CRACKER ASS CRACKERS CAN'T.
This post can also be subtitled “Why certain things aren’t problematic when certain races say them.”
Fuck you I said it what are you going to do about it?
Here's a post about Selena Gomez.
Let me tell you the only thing problematic about her: the tent I'm pitching.
You said that "You’re right in stating that Japan was an imperialist nation, but the Japanese language is only really spoken in Japan."I talk to a 97 year old Korean man via Japanese because Imperialist Japan made him learn it back during the war eat a dick you stupid twat holy shit
Many people still alive today (especially Koreans) were forced to learn Japanese in the days of Japanese colonialism. I'm not trying to excuse English as a colonial language, but your half-assed justification about why Japanese is offensive to millions of Koreans.Koreans sure are bitter about Japan.
Like I'm not telling them to get over it but you know there's no reason for me to be angry at any Japanese person my age. It's not like they personally bombed Pearl Harbor or raped Nanking.
What point are you trying to make here? The people we’re calling out for appropriating Japanese are obviously not Korean. The Japanese have been in the role of the oppressor and the oppressed in recent history. The British and Americans, on the other hand, have not.So that's different because they've been oppressed too.
Time to get over that Unit 731 shit because the Japanese were oppressed too you selfish bastards.
Make sure to always play the victim.
And you know further that 97 year old man isn't butthurt. He resents what happened but he also understands that Japanese people aren't inherently evil. They were under a tyrant and people just don't think that much so they can be swayed easily.
That doesn't make it right but being mad at some 17 year old Japanese girl today is fucking stupid.
In fact just today in my advanced class we were talking about this shit. Some kid was pissed at Japan and I said it was silly and he asked if I hated Muslims because of 9/11 and I said no I'm not.
Why should I hate every Muslim because some goat herder from Saudi Arabia was convinced to blow up a building?
There are far more practical reasons to hate every person I cross paths with. I don't even need to go to ideology to think of reasons to dislike someone.
For people so anti-racist there are about a million posts about blackface.
I bet the KKK doesn't even think about minstrel shows this much.
I saw that you have a post about John Slattery and his use of blackface on Mad Men. Mad Men is based in the 60s when times were much more racist and in the show they acknowledge that what his character was doing was fucked up. Would he, as person and not as a character, be considered problematic even though the show is confronting the racism of that era?If you depict or say anything in a story it means you think it. It is impossible, as a creator, for you to state something you don't agree with.
I have learned that from these social justice warriors.
Wow what does that say about them?
Era isn’t an excuse for racism. Racism was wrong in the 60’s and it was wrong before the 60’s, just because it was more widely accepted during those points in time doesn’t mean it was actually alright.So it is wrong for you to depict a racist character doing something racist because it might offend someone?
It was still problematic because it was still blackface. It’s great that the show acknowledged that his characters behavior was wrong, but he still put on blackface. Satiric racism is still racism, no one should ever participate in blackface for any reason.
Interesting blog, definitely something that people need to read to open their view on the world. I have a question though. My friend isn't Muslim and her parents are not though her grandfather is and he has taught her about the religion and meaning of it and she really identifies with it even though she isn't part of that religion. She also wants to get a tattoo of the Islam sign (crescent and star). Would that be cultural appropriation?The Prophet Muhammad would demand her hand be cut off.
Well, I don’t think it’s very appropriate considering tattoos are prohibited in the faith and getting something tattooed which you don’t believe in doesn’t sound very respectful.Well the Prophet Muhammad was an immense coward.
Is it cultural appropriation that I am listening to Ice Cube right now and enjoying it?
The album "The Predator" is one of the best albums of all time.
Of course the best rap album of all time is Straight Outta Compton.
Then Doggystyle.
Then probably The Predator.
But the best rap song of all time is Mind Playing Tricks on Me, which is off the album "We Can't Be Stopped" which outside of that one song is otherwise unremarkable.
You know that Christians were actually severely persecuted before they were recognized as an actual religion? They were mostly the ones being crucified, they were tortured daily, they would even be dragged to Roman garden parties and lit on fire for a light source. I'm not saying their hands are clean (FAR FAR FROM IT), but there's not "no history of Christian oppression".Ave Caesar.
Also that's fucking sweet. As someone with Pagan sympathies I am going to claim persecution and cultural appropriation on everything in the world basically because in 380 AD Christians sacked a bunch of Pagan temples.
I think that whomever said that was referring to modernday, because yes, there was Christian oppression going on when it was just starting. But nowadays, you’re more likely to be accepted for being Christian/Catholic/Baptist/Jehovah’s Witness ect than a religion like Paganism. Hope that helped!MMMM I'M OPPRESSED.
Also do I detect you using "whomever" incorrectly to sound smarter than you really are?
Yeah thought you could just get that one over on me huh?
I just spent 8 hours today having fairly advanced Korean students throwing the hardest sentences they can think of to see if they can create a monstrosity I can't diagram.
The answer is that's impossible.
"Whomever" usually indicates a dependent clause, retard.
"Whoever said that was referring to..." stands alone, but "I think that..." doesn't.
Or to make it even simpler:
whoever = he
whomever = him
"I think that him said that..." makes you sound like a caveman.
Characters, songs, etc do reflect on the creator. Characters, songs, etc are also open to criticism on an individual basis. We aren’t over-analyzing shit, the things celebrities are called out on here contribute to the oppression and harm of people.It is literally impossible to create something that you don't agree with.
What if someone is half a race (e.g. I am half Indian, half Australian) but they've never lived in that country, weren't raised in that culture etc? I use some indian words and I wear Indian clothes occassionlly, especially to family events. Should this not be allowed just because I wasn't raised in India/ an Indian society?No that's great. Ask the oversensitive white girls what you should do as a half Indian.
just a question, do you feel that the oppression of italian americans and irish americans during the 18th-20th century could be considered racism?Yeah because Koreans consider themselves white (and Americans, etc) but not Thais.
Basically I'm trying to say race is kind of made up.
Not to sound like a social justice warrior or anything but at some point we're all just spinning our fucking label makers.
While it wouldn’t necessarily be racism (Irish- and Italian-Americans could be white) it most certainly was oppression. Xenophobia is probably a more accurate term.Nah go for it. We're talking about the same culture that produced Julius fucking Caesar and Machiavelli and now the best they can do is go deep, deep in debt and produce guido culture?
Fuck them.
I say this as an American with an unpronounceable Italian last name so kiss my dick if you want to bitch about Italiophobia or some made up bullshit.
In response to another ask, you said food cannot be culturally appropriated. However, it absolutely can - and is. A lot of food, especially in the US, is culturally appropriated. Even hummus. There are a lot of posts about it on tumblr.
Care to give us links to these posts?Yeah link us up in the way we don't.
Twats.Lol show Christers some of the shit I've seen people here do to Jesus and see if that's still true.
Can we just make a disclaimer, once and for all that Western Civilization/Culture/Eurocentrici Ideals and Christianity (for the most part) CANNOT be appropriated because so much of it is oppressive and has historically sought to replace and destroy various other cultures AND succeeded to do so. Especially with regards to Christian holidays and iconography because Christianity as an institution has for a LONG time tried to force itself on other people and cultures.
Bless this message.MMMM.
Tumblr is pretty funny.
if my asian friend brings me back gifts from a recent trip to vietnam, is it culturally appropriative of me to wear/use them? what if a white friend did the same?An Asian girl gave me a Starbucks coffee today. Is that cultural appropriation? Should I have thrown it in her face?
Are there any times when appropriation would be ok? For example, if a person has studied or immersed his/herself in the culture? I had a second question but can't remember now. Dang.I am ready to fall on my sword here.
I don’t think you quite understand what cultural appropriation means. It is never okay.Whew dodged that bullet.
However, taking part in another culture is okay if it is not a closed culture, if you are doing things properly (e.g., not using sacred items as fashion,) and/or if you have been invited by a member of that culture.
Anyway fuck this gay earth I'm leaving goodbye.
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