Thursday, June 26, 2014


Sorry I've been busy with things and stuff.
Work could be an excuse but that's really just 8 hours a day.
The real excuse is the Steam sale and vidya gayms.
Also like
going out sometimes
but not too often because let's not go crazy, ok.
Anyway let's do DEAR ANNIE.
Dear Annie: Please print my pet peeve. I am a senior citizen and dislike the terms used by waitresses, waiters and others serving the public. I feel that I'm being patronized when they call me, "Sweetie," "Honey," "Darlin'," "Angel," etc. These words are not endearing and make me want to decrease my tip.
"May I take your order, please?" is all that is necessary. If you know my name, use it. Otherwise, please stop speaking to me as if I were 5 years old. — B. 
I'd like to point out the letter above this that I skipped is about a veteran with PTSD.
Talk about a jump in seriousness of the problem. This guy might be trying not to freak out and murder everyone around him but meanwhile, you know, diner waitresses say shit you don't like.
Like if it bothers you that fucking much don't go there. Go to McDonald's where they don't say shit.
Or hell come to Korea where there's a weird BDSM vibe. The waitresses won't even speak to you unless spoken to first.

Dear Annie: A co-worker of mine sent a wedding "Save the Date" card addressed only to me. I've been married for eight years. When the invitation came, my name was the only one on the envelope, and the response card was already filled out, marked for one person attending. Obviously, my husband is not invited. After speaking to a few other co-workers, I realized I was not the only one. All of the other invitations were the same: no spouses.
My husband has decided it is too awkward for him to attend this wedding.

The consensus among my co-workers is that this is quite rude, and a lot of people's feelings have been hurt. The bride is only 24. She's been here a year, and I have to continue working with her. I'm not sure how to proceed. What should I do? — Minus One

lol weddings
white girl getting to be a princess no one's feelings matter
Dear Annie: I have been married for four years. In that time, we have split up twice, and it wasn't pretty either time. We have kids together. I pushed getting married when I became pregnant at 19. Then he claimed to fall out of love with me, stopped coming home after work and began treating me like his maid. So I left and took our child. He followed me and swore he'd do better. The second time we split, we fought so much that things were being thrown, and our throats were sore from screaming at each other. For the (now two) kids' sake, I said we can't keep fighting and left again.
Here's the problem now. While we were separated, I fell deeply in love with a married man.
Now that you're 24 you're so much fucking wiser.
I'm glad children are injected into this situation.
So let me see if I have assessed this situation correctly:
pregnant at 19 so you push him into a marriage he's obviously not ready for because he's a fucking idiot and 21
in 4 brief years of marriage you've split up twice
started an affair with a married man
oh but wait it's not "we have a kid" it's "we have kids" so this mistake has been repeated more than once--
We would talk about our troubled lives and build each other up. Every time I see him, the feeling is like thunder in my heart. But for the sake of our marriages and our children, we went back to our spouses. That was mainly his choice, and although I hung on his every word with disappointment, I agreed. It's been a year since my husband and I reconciled, and I stopped speaking to the other man. But I wake up with him on my mind, and he's in my thoughts 24/7. What's wrong with me?
The problem is you're stupid.
Dear Annie: People seem to have difficulty unfriending others on Facebook. I'd like to share with your readers how easy it is to avoid that.
You can limit Facebook friends by making some friends "acquaintances." You can elect to share posts with "friends except acquaintances." That way, not everyone will see what you post, but the people in your network won't know whether they are "friends" or "acquaintances," and there won't be any hurt feelings.

You also don't have to "unfriend" someone you aren't that close to. There are other categories, as well. I have a special list called "family." I think sometimes Facebook users are too quick to add everyone who asks to their "friend" list. I also believe it is a good idea when posting pictures of kids to make sure they are not tagged "public" so that you limit who can see them. — Facebook Extraordinaire 
Orrr you could do what I do: add everyone then never use Facebook.
Fuck social media.
I mean who the fuck thinks anyone gives a shit about you going to the store?
literally 0 people care.
 I'm living halfway across the planet which is a lot more fucking interesting than your dinner at Outback Steakhouse. Know how many Facebook posts I've made about it?
Dear F.E.: Many people don't bother looking into the more complicated aspects of using Facebook and other social media sites, but it's worth the extra effort to avoid unpleasantness down the road. Thanks for your expertise.
"Thank you for your expertise on this incredibly useless subject."
One day someone will thank me for my expertise on the Elder Scrolls plot or the background fluff to Warhammer.
Dear Annie: The reader from "Baton Rouge, La.," said she wishes she could bottle the innocence she enjoyed on TV back in the 1950s. Well, this innocence has been bottled, so to speak. 
Yeah those were simpler times when people were more innocent.
Remember that episode of Gunsmoke where Matt Dillon had to solve a rape and murder?
Or that episode of The Untouchables where Elliot Ness ended an opium ring by setting their warehouse on fire and mowing them all down with a Thompson submachine gun?
Simpler, innocent times.
Or the entirety of the show "The Westerner"?
Innocent times.
No, stupid, what you remember was when you personally didn't know as much. Times were never more or less innocent than they are now. It's just you were less aware of how shit life is.
See I'm in a unique position. I watched the TV my parents watched but unlike most people I genuinely enjoy the TV they watched so I get a rare perspective of being a modern person but I still know a lot about the TV of yore and I can tell you objectively it was no different than TV today.
Sure they might not have shown as much gore or sex but it was all implied.
If not showing it constitutes innocence then I'd call you a bit of a hypocrite because clearly the idea is there and we're just adhering to some sort of bizarre "don't ask, don't tell" policy that doesn't confront any of the underlying issues.
I think TV was better back then from a purely storytelling perspective. Most of the stories relied on the viewer actually thinking or knowing the first thing about anything.
But I would hardly call it a more innocent time.
The Twilight Zone's weird, schizophrenic paranoia about communism--
yeah TV was definitely more interesting back then.
You can view all shows from the 1950s and 60s as a moral play. The eternal tug of war between our own existential crisis of life in a post-WW2 society with its increasing technology and social obligations and the enemy from without that is communism and the average, middle class American white man in the middle.
Why yes I did write a thesis on this in college and this is my one chance to shoehorn it into something I did after college.
In fact it was published, thank you.
I loved the television shows of the '50s, and a lot of them are now available on DVD and on some of the cable TV stations. I regularly watch "Leave It to Beaver," "My Favorite Martian" and "Mr. Ed." Someday I want to buy "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet" and "The Patty Duke Show."
If she does not have access to cable TV stations that run old TV shows, she can easily pick up DVDs from local stores or online and give them to her grandchildren. — Schenectady, N.Y. 
Yeah I conveniently skirted that issue.
Much like any other time in history most of any media you can consume is shit.
I forget how I pulled that intellectual cartwheel in my paper. I seem to recall finding some kind of research that says most TV shows don't last more than a season and so therefore are just background noise in the greater point I'm trying to make, like a great song on a poorly tuned radio station.
I'm not sure why I'm making so many similes today.
Dear Annie. A young female member of my family has gotten fat, and I asked her the reason for the change. Now she won't speak to me. Everyone says I made a mistake, because no one should ever ask a woman why she is obese. I care about this young woman, and that is why I put the question to her. I don't want her to grow as big as another member of my family, that's all. — Concerned Old Man in West Hills 
Man I fucking love hearing fat Americans bitch about their persecution now.
Come live in my world for five minutes if you want to see real fat persecution.
You're the majority in America. No one cares if you're fat because everyone is fat.
Come to South Korea and hear how people talk about fat people here.
Also America has the benefit of that American independence. In Korea it's considered a moral obligation to do right by your society and if you're fat you're a burden.
So not only are you disgusting and lacking in self control you're possibly a bad person too.
Fat people in America, to me, are like Christians whining about persecution.
I also discovered I still need to check my privilege in South Korea.
You know that was going to be a thing I could use when one of these snowflakes get uppity.
"Oh well I lived in a country where white people were a minority" but in fact most South Koreans consider Koreans and Americans white and that's kind of the end of it.
Koreans, Americans, English people, Australians (they don't really differentiate the rest of the English speaking world as a different country), most of Western Europe (not former Commie nations) and sometimes Chinese people are white.
This does create an interesting situation where black Americans are white.
Basically in South Korea the "enemy without" is SE Asians, Indians and sometimes Japanese people.
You can see how they treat people, too.
Like if I go to Daiso people are friendly.
I might be a foreigner but I'm a productive foreigner doing an important job.
Really, I work hard, I'm educated so I'm just like them.
But if you're Indian or Filipino?
You can see the change in behavior.
Dear Annie: I have two adult daughters, both married now. "Beth" lives nearby, but "Gina" moved across the country.
Beth was diagnosed with ADHD and bipolar disorder when she was in her early 20s. I think she suffered from it during childhood, but was undiagnosed. When they were children, I spent a great deal of time trying to calm Beth down and was aware that Gina did not get the same degree of attention. I tried to make up for it by doing things with Gina outside of the house. I became her Brownie troop leader and went on her class field trips. I made it my business to see that we had calm times together. 
I'm trying to imagine how the issue of ADHD would go down here.
I think it's safe to say they wouldn't consider it a real issue.
Dear Annie: I would like to respond to "Different Gods," the Pagan who doesn't want to attend church with her boyfriend's family at Christmas. 
Lol snowflake syndrome ahoy
We all know the hateful followers of the corpse god are just worshiping Aten under a different name anyway so you might as well go and pay your dues to the Sun Disc in the weirdest, most debased and alien way possible.
That was a point I tried to make to a Korean friend last weekend.
Like hey do you think it's kind of a problem you've replaced a lot of your traditional views with ours and your traditional gods are now anime caricatures to sell Tae Kwon Do lessons to children?
He kind of agreed with me but the problem as I saw it was he hadn't thought of that before.
This was after there was an attempted conversion at a park.
I swear I've run into more religious people trying to convert me here than in America.
I guess in America they already assume you're a Christer but here there's a good chance you're some form of heathen.
 I have been a practicing pagan for 30 years. Though I am devoted to my religion, I am still able to celebrate with family and friends. Holidays are about the season, the sharing and the joy in being alive. "Different Gods" should embrace the holidays as a way to show her love for her boyfriend and his family. Maybe then he might be more interested in attending some pagan festivals.
No, she's a girl and doing it for attention instead of some genuine philosophical view she holds so I wouldn't worry too much about this.
Or maybe I'm a massive hypocrite because I learned in years past the school I work for was unaware how important Christmas was (usually) to Westerners so they didn't strictly get it off
now it's like a few days off and I was like YEAH MAN THAT'S REALLY IMPORTANT TO US WESTERNERS
Dear Annie: I sent my children to a Christian school so they could get a quality education along with faith and good values. Sadly, it hasn't been the experience I was wishing for. This school has more bullying than a public school.  
>good values
choose one
Bullying is not just saying horrible things to each other or hitting. It also is being left out and not feeling welcome. Kids at this school who are not sports stars or whose families don't have money are outsiders. The saddest part is that it is not only the students. There are also parents who refuse to acknowledge the less well-off parents at school events.
Many children have transferred out of this school because of the bullying.

I was taught that you treat others how you want to be treated. Each child is an individual and should be respected as such. I am sure other parents have these same concerns, but no one speaks up. I ask that all parents set a good example for their children and pay attention to what they may or may not be doing. Is your child being a bully? Are you teaching them to judge others by what they look like or how much money they have? Is this your school? — Sad Parent in Nebraska Dear Nebraska: No school comes with a guarantee that the behavior of the parents and children will be exemplary. Bullying occurs everywhere. It is important that you teach your child how to deal with intimidating behavior from others and that school administrators and teachers are aware of the problem so they can address it.
turn the other cheek.
Look just because you're weak doesn't mean you need to instill that into your children.
Dear Annie: My husband and I are both in our 60s and have had a mutually loving and enjoyable sex life. We were intimate once or twice a week. Until now.
"Bill" recently was diagnosed with prostate cancer, and we have elected to do nothing aggressive. The doctor suggested "dutiful watching." Bill has some erectile dysfunction, and so he has all but eliminated sex from our bedroom. What used to be once a week is now less than once a month.
All I need is the cuddling we used to have and the touching and caressing. But I can barely get him to hold my hand. Sometimes, I wake up during the night and find that Bill is also awake. But he won't respond to my sweet caresses.
Bill refuses to talk about it. How do I assure him that I love him from the inside out? I don't care if we don't have sex. I just want the affection he used to show. — Sleepless in Seattle 
Bill, man, I say Lone Wolf it. Just go into the woods in a few months.
Dear Annie: Thanks for printing the letter from "Saddened." I am so relieved to know I am not the only husband with the same dilemma. It's hard for a male to confess he has these feelings and needs without sounding like a nag. I wish there was an answer.
Everything the writer said is the same at my home, including my deep love for my very uninterested wife of 44 years. I would show her this column, but it would only start tears. If she would just initiate holding hands or give me an occasional kiss, that would be so cool. I know she truly loves me, but she feels no need for physical intimacy. — O. 
"That would be so cool"?
You've been married for 44 years. Can you try not sounding like a 12 year old?
Also your uninterested wife?
More like uninteresting wife. Your own fault for marrying a boring cow with a heart of granite.
Emotionally needy man hooks up with withholding ice queen.
Sounds like a Lifetime special.
Dear Annie: I had to respond to "Not a Prude" and "Another Woman Speaking Out," who said they are disgusted with the appearance of females on national news programs wearing low-cut blouses and short dresses. All of my male friends and I have our own opinion on this subject.
There is nothing more attractive and sexy than a smart, knowledgeable professional female in today's business environment.

If that female happens to be good-looking with a nice figure and great legs, it is an asset she needs to use. I suspect most of us guys would not watch a news program if the women, regardless of their abilities, were fat and ugly or wore only long pants and suit jackets. That's just the way it is. — Bob in North Carolina 
>attractive women in the news
>watching the news
what is happening
Dude even Korea can't get hot women on the news.
This is a country of 7s and 8s.
Can't get one 8 on the news.
I walk by like 20 on my way to work in a given day.
I think it's safe to say news casting, collectively, needs to get its fucking act together.
Dear Bob: Well, we give you points for honesty, but your attitude is the very definition of sexist. Women in the media are role models for young girls and should look professional — just like the men. Preferring a newscast that presents women as sex symbols indicates a mindset that hasn't evolved since the 1950s. 
Oh yeah some vacuous slut just reading a teleprompter is a role model. If my daughter took that as a role model I'd fucking kill her.
Women have spent decades trying to banish such old-fashioned thinking. 
Yeah the fucking hypocrites.
Don't look at my tits and ass even if they're on full display and I have writing on my ass but if Captain America goes shirtless that's just some good old fashioned fun.
Fuck off all of you.
Have you heard about this Anita Sar--Keesian something bitch?
She's whining about video games.
Really she's just stealing peoples' money but she's also bitching about video games--
because Tumblr feminists have identified this as more of a problem than rape in India or female illiteracy in the Middle East and Africa--
And her latest complaint is there aren't enough female protagonists in gaming.
By sheer coincidence, I'm sure, one of the things you could vote for on the Steam sale is "games with female protagonists" and that has been an option for like 3 days and it's always different games.
But anyway, like, if that's such a problem for you how about you make a video game with a female protagonist.
Most games you can make your own character anyway.
Make it a bitch if it's that much of a problem.
I usually do.
In fact when given the choice I always do.
Today's parents would not appreciate others judging their daughters' professional capabilities by whether they also are eye candy. 
I would be.
Because I know. People like pretty people.
I'd say oh good
at least she won't be checked by that.
The fact that some women are willing to debase themselves in order to be hired and admired by men like you does not make it appropriate or acceptable and only underscores the pressure many women still feel to conform to such outdated attitudes. 
Debase themselves?
Are you joking?
The news is a fucking joke anyway. It's entertainment.
No one wants to be entertained by an ugly bitch.
And if you are naive enough to think the news is serious or this isn't the case then you probably shouldn't be in a position to offer other people advice.
They're looking for worldly people who won't piss up their own nose and I'm noticing a dangerous pattern of that not happening with you, Annie.
Does it occur to anyone that you can turn a profit on some of these Steam sale games by buying them, letting them idle while you do something then selling the trading cards?
I just made 37 cents selling duplicate cards I have from "Long Live the Queen".
Long Live the Queen, incidentally, looks like a game for faggots or pedophiles but is in fact a simulation of what it would be like to be Machiavelli.
This company has a bad habit of doing that.
Oh this game?
Yeah looks like an anime game for 6 year old girls but is actually a cutthroat stock market simulator.
Thanks for that.
Now I get to explain to all my friends why I'm not actually gay.
Long Live the Queen?
Oh you have to raise an underage girl who has no parental guidance to be queen?
I'm sure that involves a lot of molestation you fucking ped
Yeah you'd think that until you're negotiating royal houses trying to kill her and war and civil war and peasant uprisings and plots to have her assassinated.
Suddenly it's like no time for molestation bitch you gotta take lessons in foreign policy immediately because that diplomat from the country stronger than ours is coming and I can't have you sassing off.
It is kinda bullshit though because sometimes you'll get skill checked in a category you didn't expect and the only way to prevent that is to have that happen and then know it's coming so you can avoid it.
The one especially egregious example that stands out to my mind is a box of poisoned chocolates halfway through the game where, if you don't have her trained in production or trade, poison, dogs or divination she'll just pop one in her mouth and keel over.
The ridiculous thing is teaching her about dogs is useless as far as I know because that's the only time it comes up.
I've never trained her high enough in poison to stop her from dying so your options are divination or production + trade and there are other production + trade checks so I hope you trained that early on or you're kinda fucked now.
Like how am I supposed to guess she was going to get a box of poison chocolates and without the trade skill she'll just eat them?
If there was a prompt I could have told her not to eat it because I'm paranoid enough an hour into this game to just assume they're poison.
Yeah good game otherwise.
If they made a sequel I'd suggest maybe less bullshit random skill checks and maybe have you raise the loli for more than a year.
It's less satisfying getting her from year 14-15 and then just have her become queen.
It'd be way better to take her at like 7 and then end at 15 so that way I can fully appreciate the Machiavellian nightmare I've created.
Anyway what was I talking about?
Oh I inadvertently discovered the greatest way to make toast recently.
Bread here is longer than toasters so I end up putting it on a low setting and putting it both ends in for twice as long
goddamn that's good toast.
Crispy and toasty with no burn.
And people speculated I'd have been starved by now.
Fuck anyway I gotta go.
Want to play vidya before work.

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