Friday, June 14, 2013


So I'm going to be straight up with you people. After Wednesday's frankly awesome entry, EVE Online + FFXIV ARR (let's add more acronyms to this fucking game please) beta I don't think today is going to be nearly as awesome in comparison but I'll try my goddamndest. 
This is ihcoyc.
Presumably that's an internet name and not what her mother calls her.
Feminist cant (patriarchy, rape culture, male gaze, sexual objectification &c. &c.) conveys a single message with great consistency, and that message is that Men Are Pigs.
That's the new thing feminists on the internet are up in arms about.
So now you can't even look at women without it somehow being rape.
Blind yourselves, assholes, because your gaze might meet a woman's.
(White women)
I suspect it's a general feature of in-group cants. While I'm a Christian, Christian cant (witnessing, born again, voice of the Spirit, walk with Christ &c. &c.) bugs me too. 
Oooookay we are officially about 50 words into this blog and does anyone have any fucking clue what she's on about?
Shouldn't it be "can't" as in "cannot"?
Who knows?
Who cares?
A Marxist heresy
Oh boy.
I picked a real winner today.
A transgendered friend of mine elsewhere was annoyed that a group of people she described as 'radfems' refused to acknowledge people like her as women. By way of background, you should know that she is a firm believer and fluent speaker of the Cant: (patriarchy, male gaze, rape culture, sexual objectification &c. &c.)

One of the core tenets of identity politics seems to me to be that people acquire greater moral worth by being members of oppressed classes. 
WM wrote:
I maintain that Communism is a religion; it has its own sacred texts, it brooks no contradiction and it selects its major prophets for placement on a pedestal.
It's always been bloody obvious to me that Communism is a religion. Sacred texts? Check. Cult of its prophets? Check. Apocalyptic prophecy? Check. Incorrupt bodies? Check. Liturgy? Check.

This is why atheists amuse me. You can tell the people that there is no such thing as a god. If you repeat yourself often enough, some may take it to heart and make it a movement. For atheism must always be a movement; without constant reinforcement of the faith, people will backslide and accept the supernatural the way people always have.
Oh God do I have to deal with this shit
But even atheistic faiths end up with sacred totems, liturgy, ritual, public worship, mass rallies, and apocalyptic prophecies. All of the oppressive orthodoxies they got rid of God to be free from just came right back. Since we're human, we're stuck with that kind of mummery.
All right you retard step back and behold:
atheism is a religion as much as not collecting stamps is a hobby.
Just because a lot of atheists are zealous mouth breathing cretins doesn't make the idea inherent a religion.
Getting rid of God accomplishes none of the goals atheists say it will. It just annoys your neighbors. People do that mostly because they fancy themselves endowed with a special understanding of precious and saving truth, which is why atheists tend to be evangelical. Why bother? You're right back to square one, and you don't even get to go to heaven.
The only way forward is Zeus, clearly.
I go into a chain bookstore, select the book I was looking for (Better Off Without 'Em by Chuck Thompson) and take it to the counter.

When I get there, the clerk begins a memorized patter about their repeat customer reward program. This cues one of my less elaborate scripts:

"I understand how your rewards program works, and I don't want to buy a membership, thanks."
>not bringing friends to the bookstore
>not talking to them nonstop over the guy trying to sell you shit
I'm old enough to remember cheering when that DJ blew up the disco records at the baseball field in Chicago, back in the late 1970s.

Yes, I hated disco back then. Yes, race was involved. But no, it's not what the anti-rockist diatribes say. I didn't dislike disco because the performers were Black. I disliked disco because it stood in stark contrast to Black music I knew that was more vital and interesting to me. If you grew up with James Brown and the Temptations and the Supremes, disco is going to be a letdown. One of the things wrong with disco was that it was not Funkadelic. 
As a lawyer, I refuse to take divorce, child custody, and other domestic and family law cases. There are a couple of reasons why.
A lawyer with a moral compass?
This is quaint.
I have a tin ear for human emotion much of the time. Now, mere felons, mere murderers are one thing; but a person who has contracted a marriage or begotten or given birth to a child has done something so unwise that I find them hard to relate to. These are simply some of the worst things you can do to yourself from a legal perspective. You'd be better off carefully filling in your address and SSN on the first page of your tax return, then attaching your screed saying that you object to the income tax because the fringe on the flag is the wrong color, and submitting it to the IRS in person, naked except for those guns you're carrying. Marriage and parenthood are simply rotten deals if you have a penis. And you aren't going to change that, either; the only good option is none of the above.
On another site, there was a thread about a newscaster whose first name was "Megyn".

I cringe whenever I see its title. "Megyn". Apart from the fact that "Megan" itself is a faddish name and ought to be rarer than it is, but why on earth did the parents who chose to bestow it also choose to tart it up with an original spelling?

Eccentrically spelled names are only one part of what I'm griping out. I became aware of a problem about fifteen or twenty years ago, when it seemed that every breeding couple was calling their daughters something like Tiffany or Chelsea or Kayleigh or Amber. These were often spelled in highly original ways also. Their clueless fathers had either:

1./ No hand in the selection, or
2./ Were so cowed by the womenfolk that they never visited the back room of the video tape store.
The only solution is not to reproduce with a woman so clearly inept.
Caesar himself said it: "Caesar's wife should be above suspicion."
I say naming your kid "Megyn" is suspicious.
Of course, if you name your child Lashonda or Roveeta or T'Juana or something like that, you may as well be hanging a "KICK ME" sign on her ass. All of these names mean one thing in Greek: "You can't read my tattoo."

I blame heresy.

Specifically, the practice of anti-paedobaptism. Used to be, at least in Christian folklore, a baby didn't really have a name until it was conferred at baptism, and up to then the parents could change their mind. 
Baptism made it official. And that meant that baby names were conferred at a religious ceremony in front of God and the family and everybody in the congregation. In ritualistic, ceremonial occasions like this, creativity is happily restrained.
Hera is the goddess of names and would be patently displeased with these naming conventions in 2013.
When you postpone baptism until adulthood, naming the baby becomes a matter of filling out the form at the hospital. Nobody's looking, and the creative juices start flowing. Odd spellings and improvised names get put down and copied onto birth certificates before the drugs have worn off completely.

If you breed and get a daughter, here are a few suggestions:


Names like that are given to people who go on to be taken seriously. Unless that's not what you want.....
We're in agreement, Christian.
The Europeans need to stop being such milksops about the death penalty.
We're in agreement, Christian.
The interpretation of astrological charts is like looking at Rorschach blots, which in turn is like reading tarot cards, which in turn is like taking a Myers-Briggs test, which is like using DSM-IV-TR. What they do is to give you a symbol set, or a language, in which you frame the human behavioral and mental traits you are trying to describe.
We're in agreement, Chr--
I am agreeing with a blog way too much for my own comfort.
The only question remaining is where you went so horribly wrong in life.
Oh God I gotta read all this
No I don't.
Fuck blogs.

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