No real reason.
Just forgot.
My excuse is I taught orchestra class Monday.
No one was more surprised about this than me.
I knew half the kids so there was this weird pause when they saw me and there was a lot of "wait what are you doing here?" to which I could honestly say "I DON'T KNOW PLEASE HELP ME" anyway we learned Bach.
I conducted.
That's a thing I do now.
I didn't know I spoke French or could conduct an orchestra until recently.
A lot of dudes really flip out in response to the term “creep.” It’s so UNFAIR to call them creeps!A low of women flip out in response to the term "cunt".
The word “creep” is ableist because there are dudes on the autism spectrum who have difficulty socializing and reading social cues and they can’t help being creepy!Ff you call someone creepy just because they have autism and they're making the effort to socialize you are being a cunt.
He has a reason for why he's acting like he's acting.
You, however, don't.
The take-away seems to be that women just need to tolerate creepy dudes because feeling like your personal safety is being consistently threatened (and running the risk of being told “Well why didn’t you DO something about that creep sooner?” if your personal safety is actually violated) is a small price to pay in the service of not making one dude feel kinda sad.I use similar thinking when dealing with cunts.
And somehow I'm an asshole.
I sense women want it both ways.
As is usually the case.
Which is why I really appreciate when dudes who maybe do have problems reading social cues are told they’re being creepy and instead of getting mad at the person telling them that fact, they take steps to change their behavior.Then again I've never had the problem of being creepy.
I dunno.
As someone who was raped after a party, I often find myself falling for rape-apologist language.One problem I'm running into with this blog already is how short her entries are (not the problem) and how much of her already short entry is taken up by a link.
Imagine if half this entry were a link to the blog.
The guy that raped me would be most likely be horrified if I had accused him of rape. The guy that raped me is a good person. In fact, the guy that raped me was someone I found sexually attractive and had been flirting with for several weeks. I remember accepting his invitation for a ride home from a party. I don’t know what I was thinking. I do know that as a chronic drinker it is nearly impossible for others to tell when I’ve had too much. So, doesn’t my drinking to excess, and accepting a ride home from this guy make me at least a little culpable?...
You are culpable.
Being drunk doesn't excuse your bad judgment.
If you'd killed someone in a car accident while drunk your intoxication wouldn't be a shield from your actions.
If you told him no (even while drunk) and he still fucked you then it's rape.
Otherwise you're just a bitch who had one too many.
If I’d driven home in that state and killed someone in a car accident I couldn’t use the excuse that I was too drunk to make the right decision about getting behind the wheel to not be charged with vehicular manslaughter. I’d have made the decision to drink and drive. Period. Impaired judgment would never enter the conversation.Regretting it in the morning doesn't make it rape.
It’s taken me a long, long time to realize that the drinking-and-driving scenario is not analogous to drinking-and-getting raped. To this day I have a hard time not accepting responsibility for my actions that night.
But I am not responsible. I did not make the decision to go out and get raped.I'm not apologizing for anyone.
I am sure the guy that raped me didn’t make the decision to go out and rape either, and that’s when I get sucked right back into the apologists rhetoric.
Jesus Christ all mighty how is the car analogy not analogous?
You are responsible for you.
I'm sorry white women only want responsibility when shit is working out for them but when they make a boo-boo suddenly everything is everyone's fault but theirs but welcome to equal rights.
Because alcohol (or any other drug) does make consent difficult. And it is putting a lot of responsibility on one party to make them decide whether or not their sexual partner is capable of consent. Especially when that party may be impaired themselves.So you entered a situation in which you knew someone might want to fuck you and you decided (while fully sober and therefore culpable) to get drunk and now he's raped you because you had sex while drunk because "consent is too difficult while drunk."
What say right now I go to the hood with 20 dollars hanging out of my pants.
Is it my fault I get mugged?
Not technically but one might wonder what the fuck I was doing down that way flashing money.
I wish it weren't that way for women because they do have to be overly cautious. They have to think about shit a man would never have to think about.
But ultimately that's exactly why they should be more cautious than this.
I wish it were another way but it isn't.
I didn’t listen to my father, I didn’t listen to most of what I learned in sex ed. But, I try not to walk alone at night. I moderate my drinking when I go out to unfamiliar places. I use the buddy system at parties. I make friends with my bartenders and bouncers. I never leave my drink unattended. I never let someone buy me (or bring me) a drink. I have listened to the lessons of rape culture.Just like every single day it's my responsibility to not get shot in a hood school.
And I am sick of it. I am sick of being the one responsible for not getting raped. I am sick of “responsible” and “rape” being used in the same sentence.
You take responsibility for your actions. That's what it means to be an adult.
If women still had diminished rights you could claim some sort of need for a man to uphold your honor but women gave that up collectively in the West so welcome to the real world.
I just did a quick check of the statistics.
A woman has around a .3% chance of being raped in the US.
I'm going to grant rape often goes unreported.
I'm going to inflate the number.
I'm going to say 50% of rapes
that's 1 in 2
goes entirely unspoken.
You have less than one percent chance of getting raped.
Compare that to, say, Liberia, where your odds are 80% and "I have to take responsibility for myself" is easily starting to rank up there with "a guy was kinda creepy today ;_;" in terms of rich white women whining.
This isn't a woman thing, either. Frankly I hear a lot of people whining and no one is really giving me a good reason to care about your problems.
I have problems that rank up there with this bullshit but do you hear me bitching about them?
The NRA held a press conference today detailing their plans to prevent more mass shootings in the United States. Mass shootings now happen with some regularity, and your standard run-of-the-mill shootings where only one or two or three people are hit happen daily. As of posting this, 97 people have been killed since the Newtown killings (I’m sure that stat will be out of date in minutes, so check out this live tally). The NRA’s response? Put armed security guards in schools, and create a national database of mentally ill people (what this database will be used for is unclear). A few thoughts:Super soldier program.
The only way forward.
There actually were armed security guards at Columbine high school when that mass shooting went down. Two of them. As it turns out, two dudes with handguns are no match for a dude who is wearing bulletproof clothing and wielding multiple weapons that spray a rapid fire of bullets.10% shots.
Schools are not the only problem. Mass shootings occur in movie theaters, shopping malls, and basically everywhere large groups of people congregate. Are we just going to arm everyone everywhere? (NRA: “Yes.”).I'd be okay with that solution.
I'm a fan of extreme solutions.
The NRA is unclear if they want armed guards or armed police officers in schools, but if we’re talking cops, then we’re also talking several billion dollars in taxpayer money to cover this plan.Oh, well.
Don't want to spend money to ensure the safety of the next generation.
So what I'm getting from you so far is you're okay if a girl gets killed in school but not okay if she gets raped.
Personally I don't want either.
Police officers are in many schools in the country, and not with good results. The psychological impact of turning a learning environment into a place where police roam the halls is pronounced; it doesn’t make students feel safer, it makes them scared. And it means that students are regularly arrested. In New York, the NYPD are in many schools, and they arrest an average of 11 students every day. A full 95 percent of the arrested students are black and Latino, and their arrests take them out of school and put them in the juvenile “justice” system. Kids are hurt, not helped, by increasing policing in schools.If you're arrested and put in jail I assume (perhaps erroneously) that you did something to land you there.
Maybe criminals shouldn't be mixing with students.
Y’all know that cops kill people pretty regularly, right?...
Not putting cops in schools wouldn't prevent cops from being murdered.
Unless this is some sort of bizarre I, Robot argument where not hiring cops prevents cops from getting shot because there are less cops to get killed.
The NRA plan puts loaded weapons in schools. What could go wrong with hundreds of curious kids (and many rebellious and anti-authoritarian adolescents) in an enclosed space with a few loaded weapons nearby?The average kid I run into on a daily basis at a school is basically more a threat to himself than anyone else.
Maybe arming them would make them not so fucking awkward.
Also most kids aren't that anti-authoritarian.
They're mostly anti-people up in their tits and in that regard we're the same.
Other people have suggested that we arm teachers. A week ago, the right was painting teachers as union thugs; now we want to give them guns on the taxpayer dime. I happen to like teachers quite a bit, but teachers are human beings and frankly some of them are violent and shitty or simply irresponsible, and I don’t particularly want all of them walking around school grounds with a gun on their hip.But you want them around your children for 8 hours a day teaching them things.
Makes sense to me~
What are the chances that no teacher ever leaves their gun unattended, or that no student manages to steal the gun, or that the gun never goes off by accident, or that no teacher mistakenly perceives a threat that isn’t there?Guns don't go off by accident.
That is such a statistical outlier that I can say it doesn't happen.
Most teachers are deeply paranoid about their personal effects.
I know personally I don't leave my lunch unattended.
My lunch.
I worry about my lunch getting stolen.
I'm 25.
If I had something capable of killing someone you can bet it would be on my person at all times.
Also when I hand someone a paper there's like a 50% chance they'll miss the paper entirely.
We're talking about people under 22. They barely count as humans.
They don't have motor skills yet. The next kid that can disarm if I have a gun on him will be the first.
And a teacher perceive a threat that isn't there?
You're talking about people who regularly talk down kids who are twice their size and have no impulse control.
I think if you want a group of armed people you could do a hell of a lot worse.
Also a fair number of teachers are ex-military.
I mean Jesus Christ I can't emphasize this enough: you trust these people with your children for 8 hours a day.
Ban video games, too. Not that it affects women seeing as, you know, we apparently don’t play games.That was a comment.
I can't decide if she's serious about banning video games or not.
I think it was just her excuse to be a bitch about women's rights.
I said it before but way to take 29 first graders getting axed and making it about you, you self-absorbed twat.
This is why I have 0 sympathy for women like this. They talk about women's rights like it's some grave injustice but how many of those first graders were girls?
They don't give a shit about them. They just care about themselves.
Which is fine but be honest about it. Jesus Christ.
Yesterday, I did a HuffPost Live segment on paying and dating — specifically, if you’re on a mixed-gender date, who should pick up the check? Back in the day paying was a dude’s responsibility, but now it’s less clear.It isn't.
You go Dutch.
Welcome to personal responsibility.
Fiona Apple has postponed her South America tour to be with her ailing pitbull Janet. She writes a heart-wrenching, wonderful letter which will feel familiar to anyone who has ever loved and lost a pet or even a person. If you feel like reading something sad and beautiful, is here.Can't say I care about Fiona Apple.
I feel bad for the dog.
Mostly because Fiona Apple owns it.
Every Sunday you can self-promote.
Wonder if I should.
Oh shit I clicked on a link and it won't let me go back now.
I could go back to where I was but no I'm good.
1 comment:
Another comment from what looks like the only guy that reads this blog.
Your tags crack me up ("touch your collective vaginas" is a phrase I could probably Google and NOT get porn, just direct links to Edie finding corpses), and you are doing one hell of a service of providing equal parts scadenfreude and good advice.
People suck sometimes. Sometimes those people include over-educated, under-experienced, self-entitled, bleeding-heart women that don't know when to shut the hell up.
Keep it up.
-A Fan
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