Wednesday, October 31, 2012


So you've decided to post to ONTD_P.
Why would you make such a monumentally stupid choice with your life?
You could do literally anything with your time.
Literally anything.
I know what some people are thinking: "Livejournal is fun. This wasn't a waste of my time." Ignoring the fact if you think Livejournal is fun you're an aberration begging for the apocalypse this falls handily into the "my time is free" fallacy. You could maximize your enjoyment by doing something much less annoying with your time.
Like writing fanfiction and emphatically not posting it to the internet, thereby saving me hassle.
But nope, here we are.
This blog is called ♥ Kerri ♥.
♥ Kerri ♥.
That's the internet equivalent of dotting your Is with hearts.
Some of the girls in the class I teach now do that but they're 16 so I cut them some slack.
Some but not a lot because come the fuck on.
So... Am I missing something, or does iTunes not offer full series sets? Like, as far as I can tell, Buffy and The West Wing would cost me $280 each.
Not that I'm planning on buying them, because I own the box sets, but I was just curious. Great way for them to earn money, if they don't sell series as sets, I have to say... 
Yes, just what Apple needs more of.
Also thanks a pant load for cutting all my music off halfway through the song, iTunes. I really appreciate that. Almost makes me wonder why I bothered backing my shit up in the first place--
ha, ha just kidding I'm never buying from iTunes again. Not that I bought from iTunes regularly anyway but you know you maybe lost 5 whole dollars a year from me.
Good job, assholes.
So... My little sister turned 29 today. My baby sister, that is. It just make me realise how close we were born together... Kristy was born in Sept of '82, and Toni in October of '83. I was in January of '81. So not even three full years between the three of us. o_O 
And still dotting your Is with hearts.
Shipping Ollie and his sister, y/y? 
Incest fanfic
why the fuck not
Also, if you haven't already heard it, Skyfall, the new Bond theme, sung by Adele. 
I know what I'm not seeing now.
This song is amazing. It sort of creeps up on you, imo. Her voice is lyrical and haunting, and then you have the solid depth that usually accompanies a Bond theme. I may or may not have listened to it a few times today. :P 
I guess I can interrupt what I'm listening to for this.
Wow this is really not what I want to hear from a Bond theme.
What, is Bond getting sensitive on me?
why does everything have to be for the fanfic audience now?
Why can't Bond just be about being a cool spy and violence and banging chicks?
Can there be nothing cool anymore?
Sigh. Work is so depressing right now! We were really busy, so they've pulled my group to go back on the phones. On the one hand, this is good - commission and overtime, which is something that I'm always for, of course. On the other hand, this sucks. :/ It reminds me of why I was so burned out a few months ago - the constant dealing with people who are kind of entitled (see the guy who demanded I credit him $150 because he's been without internet and email for one day. ONE DAY.)
Pretty sure if I told my cellphone provider the bill was just ONE DAY late they'd hit me with a fine.

I know because I'm Canadian I might be missing some stuff about the Romney platform as opposed to the Obama one.

But is 'I'll give the wealthy tax cuts and that'll create jobs, yay!' really about the only idea that he's suggested?
No he said some other shit.
I'm just glad I have work Tuesday.
I found the one school in the state that has school on Election Day/Veterans Day and I'm going.
Oh sorry bro can't vote gotta go to work.
Oh shit I'm gone from like 9:30-6 can't quite make it sorry mate gotta do this thing--
I'm sure Mittens would understand. I can't be the 46% that are victims or whatever he said and I'm sure Obama would understand because someone has to pay for this welfare state.
Incidentally why does the state tax me?
The state pays me.
I keep seeing stuff about how what Obama is doing isn't working, yadda yadda yadda, but I haven't come across any articles that indicate what he should be doing differently, or what the Republicans will do. 
Give me total control of the state for 15 years and I'll fix everything.
I keep seeing stuff that goes on and on about jobs and how the economy is the driving factor, but then all the comments that I see on articles out there that support the Republicans seem to focus on..less spending,  
I mean Mittens is probably going to be a shitty president too (assuming he gets elected) but that is generally smart. To not spend money you don't have, that is.
Except normally job creation requires more spending... 
>Job creation requires spending
No it doesn't you fucking idiot haven't you ever heard of a free market?
Is there something obvious that I'm missing?
Yeah. If you make it affordable for businesses (protip: your definition of affordable and a corporation's definition of affordable differ) to do business in the US they won't go to China.
The only problem is everyone is living in a fantasy world of magic and unicorns if they think those jobs are coming back.
Because they're not.
So instead we should be focusing on new industries and new opportunities but we're not because OH SHIT THE ECONOMY SUCKS.
Can't take risks with all the money we don't have.
So your options are spend more money we don't have on make work jobs that contribute precisely dick (Obama's solution) or let the stranglehold of the weak and lazy wealthy strengthen to bring back jobs that aren't coming and won't provide a quality of life for anyone that'll do them.
Seriously is this shit that confusing for you retards?
No wonder the economy is so fucked up. It's filled with people like you.
Harry Potter retrospective. Sigh. This fandom will always hold a piece of my heart - a lot of these scenes still give me chills. <3 nbsp="nbsp" p="p">
This woman is in her 30s. I want everyone to remember this.
Trigger warnings for general discussion of the Penn State child abuse scandal. 
I've firmly attached my labels.
Is Sandusky the biggest culprit in all of this? Absolutely. Does he deserve to have the most of our scorn and hatred? Absolutely. Are people such as Joe Paterno and others who kept things quiet deserving of our scorn and punishemnt? Absolutely
Taking the controversial stance here, I see.
It infuriates me to see people bleating about the poor players, the poor school, poor 'Joepa's legacy', etc etc etc.

What part of cover up of child abuse do these people not GET? 
Really the Penn State fans should be thankful I wasn't in charge.
"Well this cancer seems to cut right to the core. Better burn it all to the ground to be safe."
I feel there's enough blame to go around, too. Time to liquidate the entire athletic department and don't let me catch wind that other departments knew about this, too.
But instead I am going to talk about Fifty Shades of Grey, because a whole bunch of my coworkers are reading it and I am becoming increasingly disturbed by this phenomenon. 
I know right the writing fucking sucks.
I can't believe you idiots keep eating this shit up.
What do I mean "I can't believe it"?
I perfectly well believe it.
These books are not just bad writing. These books are a cesspool of misogyny and rape culture and abuse, and pretty much the epitome of why people think that people who like BDSM are fucked up and that there's a lot wrong with it.
People who are into BDSM are people, too.
Some kind of discrimination I'm sure.
There is something wrong with this picture. This is not funny. This is not just bad writing. This is dangerous. How do I know? Because I hear my coworkers talking at work - and they are smart, funny, intelligent women, and they think these books are amazing!
It's one thing to not think that the writing is bad, it's another to not recognize an abusive asshole when you read about him/see him. It's another to find this character hot, because while the protest is often that women would ~see the difference~ outside of a book, I'm not at all confident that they would. 
There we have it. "Women are stupid" straight from a woman's mouth.
Personally I trust women to be intelligent and be able to clearly discern between fantasy and reality.
I'm not sexist, unlike this self loathing woman.
So, George Zimmerman was arrested and charged with 2nd degree murder. I am pleased. I sincerely hope that this plays out for justice for the Martin family. I am crossing my fingers for compelling evidence and a jury that will be willing to examine the case beyond the SYG law.

Reading reactions on Twitter was...a bit frustrating, to be honest.

1. Casey Anthony. When are people going to let this go? There is no definitive proof, and that is why she walked. Nothing was produced that proved that she had had anything to do with her daughter's death.
Death 'round the clock, I say.
Reading the information about that case made me wonder over and over how people could think that she should have been convicted. Yes, it's pretty damn suspicious, but a lot of innocent people have been wrongfully convicted because they looked pretty damn suspicious. That's why these safeguards are in place.
Not to help justice in her need would be an impiety.
- Plato
 So the newest information regarding the Trayvon Martin case says that he and Zimmerman got into a 'scuffle' and that Zimmerman told the police that he 'acted in self defense'.

A few points.

a) Zimmerman is the one who started this whole chain of events by following - against police instruction - Trayvon with no other reason beyond 'he looked suspicious' (or black)

b) Trayvon is not here to defend himself whatsoever because he's, you know, dead. As such we have no idea who initiated the physical contact. I'm sure Zimmerman's story is that Trayvon somehow initiated it, though.
Didn't you just excuse Casey Anthony on similar grounds?
Surely you are interested in justice and not just in seeing your rainbow coalition protected?
If you are not for justice you are its bitter enemy.
c) At the end of the day, Zimmerman had a firearm and Trayvon did not. (For the record, this is why I hate guns.)
>Not arming yourself while wandering through the hood
To be honest, I really don't care if Trayvon got sick of Zimmerman following him and jumped him - the fact remains that Zimmerman had no reason to be suspicious of the boy, was warned not to follow him, and shot and killed him when he was unarmed. That's murder, in my mind. 
I wonder whatever happened to that case?
I should check.
No wait don't care. Just remembered.
Writing about this now, since I didn't get to it last night.

Ahh, I just love the smell of misogyny in the morning, don't you? Or not.

Seanan McGuire is the author of Feed and many other wonderful books, and she has a new book coming out on March 6th. 
That book is legit.
If you haven't read it you should.
I'll admit when it comes to writers my book shelf is 99% male authors but she gets a pass.
There's also a woman Warhammer author that's pretty new and she's been doing some pretty awesome audio dramas. I think she even wrote Butcher's Nails which is probably in my top 10 favorite Warhammer stories.
Those two get a pass at least.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Dick Futtbuck

If you plan to vote for Mitt Romney, "Please Defriend Me."
Please defriend me.

If you plan to vote for Mitt Romney, you are putting a nail into my civil rights coffin, and I'd rather not have friends who think I deserve anything less than equal treatment under the law. Romney supports DOMA (which directly and negatively impacts me, restricting my partner Russ, our kids, and my federal protections and tax benefits under the law), and has noted his support for an anti-marriage equality amendment as well.

While you may see your vote for him as one about the economy (and we can debate who'd be better for that until the cows come home), what you intend by your vote really doesn't matter. Your vote means that you are supporting someone who not only thinks I'm not equal to you, but who works vigorously to ensure my "less-than" legal status. Your vote for him means that you are totally fine with me being treated with disrespect.
Glad to see you made my decision to keep my interests at heart about you.
I don't want to be friends with someone who has their head that far up their own ass anyway. Good riddance.
I wouldn't even vote for Mittens because he vows to cut the education budget.
Not that Obama hasn't--
If you're an educator fucking kill yourself because your choices are especially dire.
Anyway that was the ONTD_P article on to the bullshit:
I want to try Glitch, but it requires me to name myself before I design what I look like, and that’s very backwards to me. Don’t want to be stuck with a name that doesn’t fit forever

I know, I know, my problems are HUUUUUGE.
Whoooo doesn't have their character name picked out far in advance of making it?
I literally have no clue what this is but what?
Character Gerbil? The Cuttlefish of Irrelevant Interludes?

We all know there are plot bunnies, which are prone to grabbing the attention of even diligent writers and lead them off into the proverbial bushes, but I myself have never caught sight of a plot bunny. I’ve never even seen a subplot hare.
I've been writing and playing video games forever and I have no clue what the fuck I'm reading.
Are we speaking the same language?
Am I dying?
Last night I had serious stress dreams about showing up late for jury duty this morning, but the bike ride was even quicker than I'd guessed and I was 25 minutes early. It was very exciting -- we watched a little movie, and sat in two different rooms, and, I used the bathroom three times, and then we were sent home because the first defendant decided to plea guilty and the second never showed up.

The judge overheard me talking to the woman next to me as we left about whether we could play hooky from work in good conscience, and he said "As far as I'm concerned, you were in court the whole day!" 
Thanks for wasting my fucking time with this garbage, judge.
Why can't judges irl be like Judge Dredd?
Oh thanks judge. As far as you're concerned I was in court all day.
Know what happens when I'm in court all day and not at my job?
Yeah I don't get paid.
Imagine I kidnap you for 8 hours so you can't go to your job.
I'd be in jail right now.
But nope, when the US government does it it's perfectly okay.
I bought eyeshadow yesterday!


*checks to see if anyone who knows her in meat-space has fainted yet*
This is what I'm pulling from this blog.
This, by extension, is the best thing to comment on and therefore the most interesting.
You don't even want to know what was on the three pages I skipped.

Starting yesterday, non-state-run stores were allowed to start selling hard alcohol in Washington. I've been generally for this change solely on ethical grounds -- there's a clear conflict in having the agency in charge of regulation be the same agency that sells the product, so separating those seemed like a good idea. For a lot of people, though, it was apparently about the price of their booze.
Oh know what happens when you give up distribution and stick only to regulation?
You've broken up your own monopoly.
Just to reiterate: it's okay when the government does it but not when you do it.
Hey, space-friends!

I have a novel idea slowly, slowly percolating in my brain: I know who the main character* is but not her name. I know how the setting feels but not its details or mechanics. I know how some of the side-characters are related but not how they influence the story (because "Plot? What plot? We ain't got no 'plots' here, no sir!" is still my main story-failing).
... How can you not know these things?
Did you not think about them?
I mean it's a product of your brain. Logically the only--
fuck it.
Not doing this shit tonight.
Wow this blog is really boring.
I guess when you update twice a day every day for years you run out of things to say.
Anyway I gotta get up tomorrow so GOODBYE FRIENDS.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


Totally forgot yesterday was Friday.
Oh well, Saturday update.
I'm sure all both of my readers aren't getting tired of this bullshit.
I can't review this blog because it's like 95% pictures and the entirety of my comments can be summarized in a single sentence: "WHAT THE FUCK?" but I feel I have to let everyone know about this.
I really wish there were more words to this blog because it really is the perfect storm of blogging in 2012.
Transgender My Little Pony fan.
Why not?
Click that and look at it for a bit. I'm not going anywhere.
Anyway let's do this.
I've gotten the impression from reading the stories of other English teachers in Japan that their work environment is not the best, that they have issues with their bosses and whatnot.
Yeah I've read their whining and it can pretty much be summarized with "wow Japan really isn't like America" in which case you really need to stop being such a crybaby.
So I'm thankful that I've found myself in a good position in Japan and have a pretty kick ass job, overall. 
For example: next week?  for 5 days, I'm going to be making Halloween crafts with the kids.  The kindergarten kids are making cute little paper pumpkin pictures, young elementary school kids are making a little stringed paper decoration thingie, and my older elementary school kids are making a paper plate spider.  It's all really fucking cute, negl.  I've done the kindergarten kids craft before, with very cute results.
I get, on average, a 2 hour paid lunch everyday and you don't hear me posting about it.
Well, except just now but that's not the point I was making an example.
Been busy at work - it's been test time so that's always a little bit of weird extra work I gotta get done.  Every year, during the winter parents' week, my students put on a play.  *sigh*  yep, a play.  It's simultaneously stressful and amusing as hell.  First grade kids order food a hamburger shop; second grade kids practice buying a train ticket; third grade kids go to a restaurant, and fourth grade kids go to a department store.  Kindergarten kids either do a fruit market role play or a post office role play. 
Yeah well I might be getting a long term substitute position where I get to help people make a Powerpoint for 7 hours a day.

As far as the secretary drama goes, I think my boss is starting to catch on that the semi-bullying secretary has a tendency to be a bit useless, and recognizes what the other secretary is feeling.  I'm not involved directly so I just see the outskirts of all this, and I'm so freakin' thankful for that.  I have enough stuff to deal with.

The boy and I had a big explosion-y fight a couple weeks ago, and got all our feelings out.  It was super dramatic, but it was stress relieving for both of us.  We've been a lot better since then.
>Japanese guy
>in Japan
>dating white woman
Holy shit bro what the fuck are you doing?
When I said "go to Asia and date women that aren't cunts" I didn't mean "stay exactly where you are and date a cunt".
You got it exactly backwards bro what the fuck are you doing?
Get the fuck out of my office you're all fucking fired.
My Japanese boyfriend, who knows English pretty well, has the most annoying habit.
Plz go.
He randomly decides I don't know certain Japanese words, and will use the English word, when we are speaking in Japanese.
I used to do that in Japanese class.
It'd work a solid 7/10 times.

For one, it's so arbitrary.  We'll be having a conversation just fine, and then he'll randomly decide to say "co-worker" instead of 同僚...even though I've given no indication EVER that I DON'T know that word in Japanese.

For two, good god it's insulting to my intelligence.
We went to an orthopedic clinic today to get some x-rays done on my back (cause it's been acting up real bad lately), and because I was cranky and he was doing that in public (which is humiliating), I had a bit of a shout at him.

What was the word that set me off on this particular occasion?

 I know I say this a lot but I honestly have to stop here and ask "who cares?"
I don't mean that rhetorically like I usually do. I don't mean "haha shut up cunt no one cares" I'm legitimately asking here.
Do you even care about this?
I can't imagine even you care about this, woman.
You know, that place I visit twice a week to teach...a place I've visited twice a week for a good two and a half years?  That place I talk to him about all the time?

Yeah, logic would dictate that I KNOW HOW TO SAY 'KINDERGARTEN' IN JAPANESE.  COME. ON.  Seriously, way to make me feel like a dumbass, dude.
Isn't it 幼稚園?
I had to look up the writing because I didn't know it but I knew how to say it--
You know that's a common problem in Japanese.
I dunno.  Maybe it's a common sense approach to me because I'm an English teacher and this is the kind of situation I have to deal with on a daily basis.  I never want to insult the intelligence of my students, because that shits on their confidence and then they might start losing interest in English and quit.  And you know, a good chunk of my job requirement is "don't be so sucky that students hate you and don't want to come."  Well, speaking to them in such a condescending way is one such way to make them hate you and stop coming.  You gotta be diplomatic and speak to them like, you know, adults.  You have to treat them with some respect, and allow them some dignity.
That's a pretty simplified view of it but whatever.
Are you sure you're a qualified English teacher?
I love my boyfriend dearly, and he, generally, is very understanding and smart.  But this is not one of those times when he is any of these things.  Hopefully my little shout at him (and my more gentler version of it I will give to him either tonight or tomorrow sometime) will make him stop doing this crap.
You do realize this is the same society that'll call you fat and ugly to your face if you are?
If your feelings are easily hurt about shit like this you probably should have picked a different country to live in.
Also don't go to Korea because they're even worse about that.
Calling their society "polite" as Westerns often do isn't quite how to describe it. Their manners just differ from our own.
And it doesn't extend as far as pussy sensitivity.
So in conclusion I suggest getting the fuck over it.
I was never good with children.

I never grew up around them, and I never knew what to do as I got older when I was around them.
Dealing with animals came more naturally, but I just didn't know what to do with a baby.

So naturally, I was a bit petrified when I started working with children at my job.
I surprised myself with how soon I got used to them, and learned how to talk with them and interact with them.
Kids aren't so confusing to me anymore.
Kids aren't confusing at all ever.
They just don't know what the fuck. I watched one walk into a coat rack recently.
They don't know if they're coming or going.
 Then they challenged me to a game of Call of Duty.
Also there's a 0% chance I'm giving you my PSN name but that's for legal reasons you wouldn't understand as a 3rd grader.
Just sit down and be thankful you're not on the other end of my LZ deployment.
... He might win, actually. Those 7 year olds are brutal.
Because of that awkwardness, and the anxiety I always experienced imagining the state of being pregnant, for a good long while I figured I would never have kids.  The thought of something growing inside of me is one of my worst fears, tbh.  I'm more afraid of parasites than I am sharks or snakes or whatever.  A baby was just an extention of that.
That's a healthy view of children. I can really see why you picked the occupation you did.
I always gave the caveat that that was how I felt at the time, and who knows how things would change in the future.  People are all too eager to call out women and go 'OH, YOU DON'T WANT KIDS NOW, BUT SOONER OR LATER YOU WILL BECAUSE MATERNAL INSTICTS, YOUR MATERNAL DUTY AWAITS YOU!!~~" and I absolutely hated that, and dreaded the "I TOLD YOU SO"'s that would come about from those who hold such mysogynistic views of women.
Oh I just noticed the hilarious punchline at the end of this entry.
This is going to be good.
I feel like a variety of circumstances have come into place at this time in my life that I now I want a kid.
Seeing the kids at work grow up.  Watching all my friends have kids and seeing them grow up.  Finding someone I love who is damn near an exstension of myself, who gets me and I get him and who I share the same life goals with.  Slowly growing more and more comfortable with myself, my abilities, and my body.  Watching the world continue to turn, and seeing such shitty people populate it.

It makes me want to squeeze out one of my own.
Wow. Not to toot your own horn, or anything.
Jesus Christ.
Aaaaand that's the end of this fucking blog.
Can you believe that shit?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I spent over a half hour hunting for this and you better goddamn appreciate it.
Nope you do.
Meanwhile guess who has a 4.888888888888888888888888888888888888/5.0 rating on the substitute teacher website!
Thanks for that one 4/5, asshole!
Oh also let's back up real quick and comment on the entry I found this shit through.
Study claims women change who they vote for based on whether they're ovulating or not
Needless to say the buttsore was intense.
You can middle mouse click to open a link in a new tab.

C'mon, am I the only one who didn't know that?
I learned this when my mouse first acquired a middle button.
That was what, 2004 or 5 or something?
So yeah, welcome to the stone age, retard.
So smart comments on Reddit exist and I'm saving this one because I want to marry it.

"A big problem here in the US is the combination of drug prohibition, poverty and racism creating fear in the population by creating criminals where there really aren't. A lot of police (and large parts of the population) develop a disdain for suspected criminals to the point they are dehumanized. Even here, you'll see tons of people who are more interested in revenge than justice and don't see criminals or suspected criminals as humans - allowing very extreme forms of retribution to be rationalized.
... Don't do the crime?
I mean fuck off, if you break the law then prepare for retribution.
I'll agree most drug laws are fucking stupid and if it were me I'd sell drugs to the people and tax it heavily but then again not everyone has my incredible insight and wisdom.
I really think birth control pills need to be available without a prescription. That is all.
I really think birth control should be SHOVED UP YOUR ASS :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
My boyfriend remarked to me without any hint of negativity last night that he didn't know skinny people could have cankles in regards to my legs last night. I'm sure it makes me kind of a shitty feminist that I cried over that. The internet tells me that Jennifer Aniston and Miley Cyrus also have this horrible affliction. I just can't believe that 1. I cried over something so stupid (oh no, I don't have well defined ankles!) and 2. no one has ever pointed this out to me before, which kind of contradicts 1, why would someone point out something so stupid and insignificant? But then from what I can tell I'm suppose to be very insecure over this.
Also caring about your appearance doesn't make you a shitty feminist.
You're probably a shitty human being but that's pretty incidental to this current discussion.
Like what does that even say? If you're a feminist you automatically can't care about your appearance?
Can you care about your appearance if you're doing it to please other women?
I mean what the fuck?
I'd be at Comic Con right now if that shit hadn't happened with Eddie and I guess if I was a bigger person, or even a decent person, or just not a big giant baby about everything. That really sucks. :(

Yes I know there's a big lack of context here.
Why bother adding context?
My readers can eat shit.
What is your opinion of the death penalty? How important is this issue in deciding which political candidates you support?
I think it's ace fucking pro and should be applied consistently and swiftly.
Only three first world countries apply the death penalty regularly:
South Korea
and coincidentally those are the only three countries I'd consider living in.
I think it's completely barbaric. The justice system should be about removing people who can't follow the rules of society by imprisoning them, but the death penalty makes it about revenge.
Then there's this asshole.
Sometimes it is about revenge.
So a guy rapes and kills some woman.
I know you're a feminist so this has to get you extra angry (even though I consider all murder equally heinous but that's just me).
Can't bring the woman back from the dead so the only thing you can do is AVENGE THE DEAD.
To take that additional step once someone is already behind bars? I don't get that. I understand that some criminals are particularly heinous and will never regret what they've done. But the point of imprisoning them isn't so they can repent, it's to keep society safe or at least it should be, primarily. 
So you admit the purpose of prison isn't to rehabilitate so why keep them around?
It's not like they'll live meaningful lives behind bars or contribute to society--
you might as well execute them.
Saves everyone resources.
Seeing people actually clamor for the death penalty just disturbs me, especially when innocent people have been killed. It's an issue I consider when supporting political candidates but I'm not an one issue voter. That said, I don't think it's likely that someone who supports the death penalty would feel the same way that I do on a lot of other issues I care about (ex. as far as politicians go supporting the death penalty and not supporting abortion rights seem to go together) so it's highly unlikely I'd ever vote for someone who supported the death penalty. 
For the death penalty
for abortion
And I've made it to the start of this blog, too.
Why are they all so shitty?
So many shitty blogs to review--
So many shitty fucking blogs--
Why are they here? What's their purpose?
I can't imagine the cunts that write them are entertained by doing so--
Can they be?
What a disturbing thought.
Anyway fuck all this shit.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Got that new X-COM game.
Sure like getting yelled at every five seconds about blowing up the aliens.
Oh right. AnywayS.
It figures that the boy I'm dating is turned on by nerdery. Seriously, every time I mentioned I wanted to go see the new Trek movie he kisses me. And then he looks on my bookshelf and finds H2G2 and Firefly and I get THE BIGGEST HUG EVER.

I know this is ancient history by blogging standards but it's really bad so I figure why not.
It's not like this blog has a purpose anymore so whatever fuck it you people will read it anyway.

Hit the caps lock key first.

It's like 3/18ths of one inch to not look like a dipshit.
Honest to God.
Today my evil coworkers, who didn't even stop conversation when I fell flat on my face in front of them, have all taken the day off. They are all conservative. I declare victory.

Also my project on fat activism/fat biopolitics might be shown at this film festival for my minor, and all the people in my class want to take part in it. Now I actually have to write, film and edit the damn thing. But yay I is popular.

Fat bipolitics?
Don't even want to know what the fuck that means.
I get the feeling that my current guy is feeding me lines.

We were supposed to hang out this afternoon; 3 hours later and I had heard nothing. I had sent him text messages and there was no response. I go online, he's not on. I try to do some reading, he's back on, but signs off. He signs back on again to tell me he's not feeling well, it hurts even to sleep and he can't come over. 
I really care about your dating woes.
Wait I'm not allowed to use lines like that because I really did this to myself.
No one is reading 4 year old blog posts except me.
I thought it was sweet and slightly anemic when he was first chatting, but seriously, does anyone say things like this when they're not the star of a made-for-tv-movie? Isn't this the textbook "How to get in sensitive girl's pants 101"? I'm so alone, I wish someone would help me, blah blah blah. And worse, his "deep thoughts" remind me of my ex-friends, where he'd say things to get a reaction from people, who was otherwise totally self-absorbed, and whose life crises meant the end of the world. That's not a good comparison to be floating through my head. 
... Dump him?
Why is this an issue?

I think he's trying to reel me in with fake deepness, and he's covering up something going on for 3 hours. He trolls extensively through my Facebook profile, I know, and that's giving me signs that something is wrong. He laughs at guys on TV who make sure that their partners are sure they want to have sex because "oh my god, you will turn down makeup desperation sex?" His feminism seems regurgitated, aka my post on "I deplore the state of the prison system"--I'm the only one to bring up feminist thought even when it's blatantly obvious or sexist, and then he'll only nod and blandly agree. Something's not right with him. I hope to god he doesn't turn out to be an emotional abuser like ex-friend, because this smells like the beginnings of an emotional roller-coaster.

At least he can cover for himself better than the last one, who forced me into near-nervous-breakdown and had nothing to say but demanded my time. It'll be hard to deal with a smart one. 
His feminism seems regurgitated but I am completely incapable of standing up for myself.
He's the Lifetime Movie character?
You're the Lifetime Movie character. Stop projecting.
Also: do you ever shut the fuck up? I feel like I have to type more to pad out my own commentary so it doesn't seem like the me to you ration is 10:1.
I would never have imagined the words "I deplore the state of the prison system" coming out of the mouths of anyone not giving a stump speech, but I heard it straight out of the mouth of the guy I'm seeing last night. I think I'm either going to be swooning or checking his pockets for notecards saying "how to impress a feminist". 
See radical feminists like to take the "man" out of "woman" so they added a y.
I swear I didn't make this up.
So, I've been reading about the Amanda Marcotte/BlackFemiPower dustup and it's got me pissed. I have written off Pandagon from my list of blogs I visit (though the sole WOC blogger there still has my readership at her own place) and decided to read predominantly anti-racist and WOC feminist blogs. So far I've only made it to The Angry Black Woman, Diary of an Anxious Black Woman and Fetch Me My Axe. 
What must it be like to have this much free time?
Between teaching school and protecting earth from vile xenos I have only enough spare time to save the world from shitty blogs.
I'm basically a living saint is what I'm trying to say.
Kneel before me and be saved, as unworthy as ye art.

I'm tired of this. I'm tired of being alone. I'm tired of being less than I am. I'm tired of not taking risks. I'm tired of being on the outside looking in. I'm most tired of living for other people.
I'm so tired of being alone,
I'm so tired of on-my-own,
won't you help me, girl,
just as soon as you can.
People say that I've found a way,
to make you say,
that you love me.
But baby,
you didn't go for that,
me, it's a natural fact,
that I wanna come back,
show me where it's at, baby.
I hate boys.

So I dated the boy I made out with last semester over the internet most of the summer. You know, get a little steamy fun in while you've got nothing to do. The best part is he's madly in love with me. As in he uses "I love you" as a conversation starter. So what do I do with all this heady power?

Abuse it, of course. I broke up with him twice. 
>Break up with him twice
>it's his fault though!
 Once on pretext, another because I found out he lied to me about how far he had gone, which made me feel a fool for all the "would your last girlfriend let you do this?" conversation during makeouts. And of course when you're usisng someone purely for phsyical pleasure full integrity must be maintained.

Then, two weeks ago, I'm missing him and the dirty things he'd say. I get him to get back to saying such things with a little lying and coertion. Then, right when I'm telling him, at his insistence, a few dirty thoughts of mine, he says, "I think we should get serious with other people."

FUCKER. I am the cute one in the relationship; how dare *he* break up with *me*! And at the freaking worst possible time, too. 
I just gotta say listening to Al Green makes this blog slightly more tolerable than it is.
Mostly because I can just copy this bullshit and pretend to play the bass while not reading it.
I had to meet with my professor yesterday about my grade on it, and he said that he gave me an 18 out of 20 because "nobody can be perfect." His critizisms were things like tersing up what I write and using clearer language.
You, having a problem with terse language?
Oh thank fuck I hit the start of this blog.
Jesus Christ.
Anyway time to kill aliens.
No rest for the wicked.

Friday, October 19, 2012

I don't know what to do anymore

Writer's block is fucking gone--
browsing latest posts is fucking gone--
can't go to ONTD_P because it's the same 4 cunts screaming about garbage--
Only one thing to do, I guess.
Read ONTD.
Blogging is so last year.
“The stakes on this could not be bigger. War, peace, Supreme Court, women’s rights issues, whether we’re creating jobs in this country or getting shipped overseas, whether our kids are getting the best education they can. All that stuff is at stake. There is no excuse not to vote… And I hope you vote for me!”
>for education
Jeff Foxworthy, devout Christian and host of "The American Bible Challenge," said in a recent interview that the game show, which is the Game Show Network's (GSN) top rated-original series, allows Christians to put their faith into practice.
Better be praying for that comeback, Jeff.
Foxworthy recently said that the reason he appreciates this game show over others is because it puts the Christian faith in action, with the winning contestants giving their monetary prize back to the community in some way.

""Everybody has a longing for something to fill that void in their life," Foxworthy told news website Zap2It.
Yeah, now that you mention it. I've had a "Bible quiz show" hole in my life for a long time now and thank fuck this has come to fill it.
Although Foxworthy has grown supportive of the show, he was initially hesitant to host the show back when he was offered the opportunity in early 2012.
"Has my career sunk this low?" To which he promptly responded: "GUESS SO!" and here we are.
"My first answer was no. I was thinking 'you can't do a game show about the Bible,'" Foxworthy said during an August taping of the show for GSN, as previously reported by The Christian Post.
Can't do it. 
That's straight out of Leviticus: "thou shalt not host shows based on the Bible."
It says that in there.
Read it sometime.
What do you want to bet the comments are bemoaning how shit this show is while conveniently forgetting they watch Glee?
You fuckers.
I don't watch any TV so I'm free to make fun of all this crap but people in glass houses etc etc.
holy crapstick.

this is an actual show. what.
I mean there are entire channels basically devoted to reruns of CSI and Law and Order so why the fuck not?
Bible quiz show.
oh i thought like best recitation of the bible. lbr tho it'll never be as interesting as torah and quran recitations.
But the Torah is in the Bible--
I guess those are the books of POCs and the Bible is for boring Anglos so hence her displeasure with it.
what about the part about the woman recollecting her past lovers with giant dicks who came 110 times harder
What the fuck?
Then a lot of people are asking her what the shit she's on about and she responds with:
Ezekiel 23-19-20: Yet she became more and more promiscuous as she recalled the days of her youth, when she was a prostitute in Egypt. There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses.
Is that really in there?
Holy shit it is.
I need this whole story.
What's the shit surrounding this?
20 For she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses.
21 Thus thou calledst to remembrance the lewdness of thy youth, in bruising thy teats by the Egyptians for the paps of thy youth.
22 Therefore, O Aholibah, thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will raise up thy lovers against thee, from whom thy mind is alienated, and I will bring them against thee on every side;
Oh shit.
God just cockblocked a dude. 
Zeus would never cockblock a motherfucker.
He might light you on fire after you do the deed but at least you won't go home with blue balls.
Also "bruising thy teats".
Someone likes it rough har har har
23 The Babylonians, and all the Chaldeans, Pekod, and Shoa, and Koa, and all the Assyrians with them: all of them desirable young men, captains and rulers, great lords and renowned, all of them riding upon horses.
Wow what a slut.
She sure fucked a lot of dudes.
Babylonians, Cladeans--

I'm not even sure what the fuck a Pekod is--
Shoas and Koas, man.
Fuck blogs, man. I should go through the Book of Ezekiel sometime.
Shakira reveals her baby's name!
Holy shit the amount of fucks I don't give.

And now she’s spilling the beans on the name they’ve chosen!
I had to read 3 paragraphs to get this far.
You're welcome I didn't include them.


As in Jessica Biel.
Why the fuck not?
And no, it has nothing to do with a certain actress/bride-to-be named Jessica. The name, of Catalan origin, is a nickname for Gabriel, which means “God is my strength.”

So what’s your take? Is Biel a cute name, strong, trendy or just meh?
So why not name him Gabriel?
Gabriel is a perfectly respectable name.

You could call him Biel like a cunt all you want then but on paper he'd have a respectable, manly name.
A name given to Space Marine captains.
Even ONTD doesn't give a shit. What a worthless post.
You're talking about people who lose their shit if two fictional gays kiss on TV and even ONTD can't muster enough fucks to post on topic about this.
I gave more of a fuck than they did and my only purpose before I even knew Shakira fired a baby out of her twat was to make fun of the kid's name.

Mass Effect 4 details and news revealed 
Over 20 hours of hot gay sex!

meh, i've lost all hope for bioware.

cyberpunk 2077, for anyone who's been keeping up with that, looks rlly good though. cd projekt red have my total trust after the fabulosity that was the witcher 2.
Wait, what
Someone with sense posting on ONTD?
How can someone on ONTD like The Witcher?
That's the game series where you fuck bitches and they give you trading cards.

It reduces women to a commodity to be traded.
Even I found that a bit sexist.
Surely one of these ONTD Snowflakes should burst into flames when they play it?
Also CD Projeckt is making a cyberpunk game?
Shouldn't ONTD be deeply offended at this level of awesome?

Anyway I'm going.
Fuck blogging.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Cunt with a blog who fancies herself a writer.
Prepare for the usual~
So, I wrote another Sherlock fic a day or so ago, and got what I consider a very big compliment - I was describing music in it, but didn't say the piece or the composer until the end. Someone reading it said that as they were reading it, they thought that it sounded like I was talking about a Philip Glass piece. Which I was. To me, that's a huge compliment, that someone could read the static words I wrote on a page but just know which composer's music I was describing. ^^;;
Whoaaaaaa cunts have similar taste in music holy shit!
Why would you even waste time describing music like that?
Is there a reason for this pointless exercise in description?
I get that description helps the reader imagine the thing and it's important to do but you have to do it well.
That means not describing every fucking thing.
So, I used to be a big fan of minimalism when I was in college - I loved it. I had copies of a bunch of Glass and Adams operas, and other works.

The tapes I'd made as a high schooler from the CDs at the local library were left to sit in my brother's basement with half my stuff when I moved, and my CDs that contained many of my operas was stolen my first week in Japan by someone in my training program.

So I fell out of listening to modern classical.
Do tell me more.
So I decided to listen to some modern classical again, and...yeah, I missed this, and Glass has really put out some amazingly beautiful pieces lately - pieces of such haunting and etherial beauty I've been moved to tears (his violin concertos. Oh my god. Concerto I, mv 2).
Maybe you should learn to spell ethereal.
This is the most exquisitely beautiful piece of music you will listen to today. It just is.
That's a bit presumptuous.
Let's see.
8:33 of violin music. I can probably make it through this--
So far it's sounding like the Deus Ex: Human Revolution soundtrack.
Now it's not.
Nope, lost interest.
What was that douchey term you used?
"Exquisitely beautiful."
I think the most "exquisitely beautiful" music I heard today was this.
I'm thinking about quitting my acappella group. I mentioned it to D, and he wound up telling one of the other main people in the group, and that partially led to them deciding to not have any rehearsals last month. I won't lie; I was glad to have that pressure gone and my Thursdays free. D e-mailed me yesterday to ask what I was going to do (and invite me again to a fireworks festival in Osaka this Saturday), but I just don't feel anything but apathetic.
 >Fireworks in Osaka
hey if you're tired of living your life I'll take it.
All I've felt is bland apathy and occasional flashes of aversion to everything the last...I don't even know how long. The only things that have made me seriously happy for even a bit have been the fact that it's finally warm, when I feel the sun on my skin. In general, though, everything has been a colorless blah, which isn't the kind of depression I'm used to (it's usually a lot more dramatic, to put it mildly). 
Wow so sorry the weather in Osaka isn't up to your standards.
Average yearly temperature in Osaka: 70.
So, um, yeah. It's kinda been forever and a year since I updated, ahaha.

Things have been....going, yeah, we'll go with that. Korea was awesome; work is a boring slog, but hey, pays the bills. Healthwise, things are bleh, but that's pretty par for the course.
But in fun news, guess who bought herself an iPad? Guess who loooooves her iPad? Guess who is typing this right now on her iPad (with a bluetooth keyboard, natch)?

My iPad has been my best purchase EVAR. :DDDDD
Ok no longer jealous.
Apple user.
I'll be heading back to Japan in a couple hours. I had a lot of fun in Korea and am definitely going to miss Seoul and my friends here. I'm definitely going to have to make a trip back here.

Nope, not jealous.
What did this cunt do to deserve this existence?

 No I'm over it.
Hey, everyone!

At long last, I am on vacation!
What do you need a vacation from?
That'd be like me needing a vacation from talking about how badass the Odyssey is. While telling cunts to stop talking while I'm explaining to them why they need to learn about how awesome this shit is.
That's my job.
Cunts who don't listen.
So yeah, my job is exactly what I do anyway.
I already reviewed this blog.
Also I reading my reaction it was the same as it is now.
Well at least I'm consistent.
I was more bitter back then because I was working at my shitty grocery store job.
Now I'm just incredulous.
oh yeah.
She has all these health issues and shit--
No I'm out.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Oh this fills me with confidence.

You know how Nero (allegedly) fiddled while Rome burned?
I kind of get that vibe from president Obama right now.
Anyway that's just a preview for what we're reading today:
I just can't get enough of this tripe.
Brad Pitt's Mom Invited to Jennifer Aniston's Wedding
Of course, Jane recently made headlines herself after writing an anti-marriage-equality letter urging Christians to vote for Mitt Romney after Barack Obama came out in favor of gay marriage this year. Brad made it very clear that he doesn't share his mother's views, saying, "Gay marriage is inevitable. The next generation, they get it. It is just a matter of time before it becomes a reality."
ONTD, being mostly women, fucking loves weddings and looking pretty but they also fucking love fags so how is this going to go down?
I know that sounds sexist but I didn't actually say anything sexist.
I just described what will invariably be the reality of the comments.
anti-gay marriage, pro-romney and team jen...look at your life, look at your choices
"Team" Jen.
Because that's a side you can take.
People have vested interest in this. I want you to remember that.
Aaron Carter Has An Opinion About Justin Bieber's New Music Video 'Beauty And A Beat'
This headline really makes me want to read the story.
CHICAGO — Teen readers across the country chose _______ as their favorite book in the annual Teens’ Top Ten vote, sponsored by the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA). Teens voted online between Aug. 15 and Sept. 15, with the official list announcement during Teen Read Week™, Oct. 14-20.
Yes I need to be up to date on this crap because I'm invariably going to be quizzed at some point in the near future.
Look, kid, one of my favorite books is Neuromancer.
You haven't even heard of it I'm sure but suffice it to say we read different things.
And that's fine. You're a 14 year old girl and I'm a grown ass man but don't be surprised when I'm not that familiar with Hunger Games.
Ton of crap I don't know--
Divergent by Veronica Roth.
This looks fucking stupid.
Also, the amount of pink in that B&N photo in the post is pissing me off. In an unrelated note, I just had an argument with a friend about Bill Maher being a misogynist. She said that since he has female panelists, he's not sexist. lol. I CAN'T TODAY. 
Well, you know, it is ONTD so we can't go 5 posts without whining about sexism.
Even if it's 100% unrelated to fucking anything.
Too little, too late? Tom Cruise could be set to leave Church of Scientology in bid to win back Katie Holmes
He's one of the most high profile supporters of controversial religion Scientology, but A-lister Tom Cruise could be leaving the church in a bid to win back his ex-wife.
Oh shit son. But you're like a Super Saiyan in that religion!
'He lost Nicole and now his wife and daughter. He has always used the Scientology techniques but he has now realised they don't work in marriage,' said the source.
They don't work.
Adele's 'Someone Like You' might have been an international chart success, but it's now entered at number 22 of the funeral music chart.
If I die and any of you cocksuckers play that shit at my funeral I'm coming back and haunting you.
The study also found that a quarter of funeral homes refused to play a track on the grounds of taste – usually because the clergy disagreed with the choice – for example John Lennon's 'Imagine', with the lyrics "imagine there's no Heaven."
Well, Christer, I'm pretty sure it's my fucking funeral and not yours so you play whatever the fuck I tell you to.
Figures show that pop music has replaced traditional hymns at two-thirds of British funerals. In 2005, hymns accounted for 41 per cent of funeral music requests, but in the past 12 months the figure has fallen to 30 per cent. Only 4 per cent of mourners requested classical music.
So I guess if the tame "Imagine" isn't getting funeral play on the grounds it's "tasteless" Hells Bells by AC/DC is really out.
1. Frank Sinatra – 'My Way'
2. Sarah Brightman/Andrea Bocelli – 'Time To Say Goodbye'
3. Bette Midler – 'Wind Beneath My Wings'
4. Eva Cassidy – 'Over The Rainbow'
5. Robbie Williams – 'Angels'
6. Westlife – 'You Raise Me Up'
7. Gerry & The Pacemakers – 'You’ll Never Walk Alone'
Well I guess it's time to fall back on my second choice, then.
Al Green.
18. Righteous Brothers (and various) – 'Unchained Melody'
What about Al Green singing Unchained Melody?
In a powerful and moving ad released by the Obama campaign, hip-hop mogul Jay-Z pays tribute to the nation's Commander-in-Chief Barack Obama and the historical impact he made as the first US African-American president.
If Al Green endorsed Obama I'd vote for him.
Clearly taking the huge success of E.L. James’ Fifty Shades of Grey into consideration, Penguin Books’ Berkley imprint has signed a big deal with an unknown author of two Twilight fan-fictions.
Gabriel’s Inferno and Gabriel’s Rapture are presently available in e-book format after initially debuting on fan-fiction sites. Paperback editions are due out in the next few months with an initial run of 500,000 copies.
Oh good.
I was worried Dante's Inferno had been lost on the fanfiction audience.
Glad to see nothing is safe.
According to GoodReads (where the book scores a 4.06 out of 5 stars), “Professor Gabriel Emerson [the lead character] is a well respected Dante specialist by day, but by night he devotes himself to an uninhibited life of pleasure. He uses his notorious good looks and sophisticated charm to gratify his every whim, but is secretly tortured by his dark past and consumed by the profound belief that he is beyond all hope of redemption.
Sounds like garbage.
When the sweet and innocent Julia Mitchell enrolls as his graduate student, his attraction and mysterious connection to her not only jeopardizes his career, but sends him on a journey in which his past and his present collide.”
You fucking idiots will read anything Jesus Christ you might as well just watch TV if this is the kind of trash you shovel into your brains.
if you write dumb erotica stories you can sell them for like 2.99 a pop on amazon and barnes & noble and make a moderate amount of bank. i mean it's still one in a million to get some kind of big book deal but people are making money off self-publishing. read this thread and EDUCATE YOURSELVES
Oh Christ.
Yeah, link a Something Awful article.
Now I feel well prepared for the dangers ahead.
I don't even know where to start with this.
You can write erotica and sell it on Amazon.
I'm willing to accept this as a legitimate market but what I'm unwilling to do is accept Something Awful has a grip on it.
Not gonna lie, I bought a couple (non-fanfic) dumb erotica stories just so I could understand the difference between erotica and "regular" romance (sex is the plot vs sex in the plot). Erotica isn't my thing but those amazon self-published authors got my money regardless... though I used a gift card ;)
Wow that's a flimsy fucking excuse if I've ever heard one.
So many goonettes gettin' rich off erotica. Ah, if only I had the chops to write erotica.
I'm a little uncomfortable with ONTD crossbreeding with SA. Where are assholes like me going to go?
I didn't mind Inferno but Rapture was fucking unbearable! WHY ARE ALL THE LEAD FEMALES IN THESE BOOKS ALL THE SAME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

162 pages into my novel I'm writing with my aunt... fuck this shit
Every book I've read with a female lead has either been really whiny and I wished it was focused on any other character but the main one or she was cool kind of in spite of being female.
Like that's something to overcome.
I think a non-hack writer (me) is going to have to write a character who is cool and incidentally female.
Stand back, plebeians. I'm about to unleash writing skills that have been dead for 400 years.
I'd explain my writing technique to you but--
remember in Dragon Ball Z when Goku went Super Saiyan 3 and it was a "holy shit I can't even comprehend how awesome this is let alone figure out how he got that powerful" moment for all the characters?
That's me and writing.

What's it about?

I have two screenplays and a novel to write. Fuck me.
Nervous detachment from a post-civil war 2 American rump state and an increasing disillusionment with society as a whole.
I think.
I just decided that should be the thesis on a whim from 3 seconds ago.
The book I'm writing with my aunt? It's about a woman who has her shit together despite a fucked up and abusive upbringing, she's a big wig for a local professional hockey team and left all her baggage across the country. She meets a guy who is a genuinely good guy in a "meet tragic" situation sparks fly and real life drama ensues.

We're trying to write a "real life" relationship... not billionaire dom meets virginal innocent sub and enter into a fucked up relationship lol.

I'm obviously bad at summing things up...
I think it should feature a war veteran.
How do you create a badass war veteran?
Let's see--
robot arm, robot eye--
Personality like, huh--
well let's do like the guy who wrote Fist of the North Star did: I'm combining John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, James Arness and Bruce Lee into one dude.
I wasn't kidding. Stand the fuck back. 
And what's his problem?
Russian mobsters.
Holy shit this is the best idea ever.

because they're all based off of bella swan
Oh right. Female lead.
Oh boy.
This is hard.
Okay so this isn't hard. I just have to abstract it out--
Bella Swan is a shitty character so I'll just create the opposite of her.
So instead of high school she'll be a grown adult--
and instead of deriving meaning from her otherwise parasitic existence from fucking some sparkling asshole I think she should instead be striving for her own life goals--
maybe she could be the child of a crime boss but she wants to start her own mob?
And she could be from Hong Kong because--
fuck you I said so, that's why.
And there could be some sort of sexual tension with the main character but he doesn't want to get his legs broken by the Triads so he can't hit it and quit it--
man this is genius.
See how easy it is to write good stories?
All you have to do is have talent.
You know what? I'm kind of over being pissed about this. All writers have to start somewhere, and it's not a crime to be inspired by someone else's work.
I'm heavily inspired by cyberpunk but I'm not calling my story Neurosorcerer. 
if they wanted to option out some original stories from fic writers, it's w/e. but they're just straight up publishing fanfiction and they aren't even hiding the fact that it's fanfiction cause they know it has a built-in fanbase. it's so cheap and lazy. i think either these publishers are idiots, or they think we're idiots (or both)...either way, i'm offended haha
The beauty of writing a good story is you don't even need to come up with a plot. I just gotta spend about another week on these two characters and it almost doesn't matter what they do and it'll be interesting.
Think about the movie Pulp Fiction. Practically nothing happens in that movie and it's still great.
And I can't actually find the post I was referring to in the opening.
Well Obama weighed in on the Mariah Carey/Nicki Minaj feud.
So, you know, the hard hitting issues.
I'm a fucking substitute teacher and I manage to have more important things to do than know they're feuding.
You're the fucking president, man. Have some dignity or something.
I'm going fuck this noise.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I'm lazy.
The first sexual and reproductive health centre to offer abortion services on the island of Ireland will open in Belfast next Thursday.
The level of fuck I don't give is incredible.
 Kirk Cameron told Liberty University students last week to be brave and speak up when asked about their views on homosexuality and other topics, Right Wing Watch reports.
A couple in Hong Kong is suing a Boston-area education consultant for the $2 million they say they paid him to get their two sons into top prep schools and, ultimately, an Ivy League university. The suit is seen by some as an example of an "arms race" in education.
This is actually the story I wanted to comment on.
I frankly, like everything I've quoted so far, don't care but the comments are gold:
2. Fuck the whole system (in US and in China and everywhere else in the world) that pressures parents to try to buy their children spots at the top schools. I won't judge these people for doing everything they can to get their boys into the best school possible, but I judge the Hell out of the system that created the impulse.
Well we've eliminated the concept of achievement in the US so we have to separate the wheat from the chaff somehow.
I can't believe the number of classes I've encountered where the concept of failure was so foreign to them they didn't fear not doing the assignment at all.
I know so many people who spent their entire educational careers in private school and who could afford to take the ACT/SAT five times if they needed to and have all of these expensive ECAs and whose well-educated parents helped with their homework who insist that the only reason they are successful is because they worked harder than everyone else and that a "meritocracy" would be totally fair.
A meritocracy by definition isn't fair but it's objectively the best form of government there is.
I don't know who in their right mind would argue a meritocracy is fair since a meritocracy can be summarized by the quote "so according to his ability, so according to his needs" but whatever.
The only people who defend a meritocracy tend to be the best/smartest/whatever anyway so I don't even know why we're discussing this.
The funny thing about a meritocracy is that even if you want one, you can't have one without socialism.
That's fucking stupid and you know it.
People who defend the notion of a meritocracy tend to side with consequentialism anyway so I doubt they'd care how someone got to be the best only that they are the best.
I know personally that's how I view things.
OMG my ex was like that.

"I EARNED ALL OF THIS ON MY OWN!!!!" Nevermind that his parents paid for his car (oh I'm sorry that was his sister's old car so it doesn't count),
Or maybe they do.
If they're stupid.
I know I didn't earn all of my knowledge on my own and I'm grateful to my parents for what they did for me but that doesn't make me not the best at what I do.
God, I hate when people use the argument "I deserve to be rich and give nothing back because I work hard for my money". The woman who cleans your toilet for minimum wage works just as hard as you do, only she gets less for it.
But anyone can clean a toilet.
I'm not saying what she does isn't important or she isn't worth respecting for doing it (Christ, I could barely cut cleaning vegetables) but there is a reason why nurses make more.
It's because you wouldn't want anyone giving you injections.
I'm wondering how the parents got that much money with so little common sense. Simple mathematics should tell them what they were promised was impossible. Harvard has a fknite number of openings. Not everyone who applies is going to get in no matter what. I'm not even buying the "they're foreigners" argument because Hong Kong isn't exactly some back water village. They wanted status more than they wanted the best education, and someone took advantage of their greed.
Yeah why are you people defending Hong Kong in this?
You want to talk about ultra-capitalism, Machiavellian politics and a harsh meritocracy with class struggles stretched back further than the entirety of recorded US history look no further than Hong Kong.
I mean fuck, we're talking about a country where piracy is a major source of income.
Because it makes money.
Is it morally wrong?
They admit it is but it's what makes cash so whatever.
Am I the only one whose first reaction was, "Wow, what a couple of excessively rich, entitled douche bags" (the parents, not the kids)?

It does sound like they were scammed, and the guy who did it should pay for that. But at the same time, the idea of someone trying to buy their way into Harvard and then being offended because their kids had to go to some other *GASP* *clutches pearls in horror* Ivy League schools instead totally blows my fucking mind.
But by the earlier logic they should have been accepted because they had the most money.
Maybe the wheels of this unfair meritocracy don't grind quite like you think?
Imagine the pressure First and Second Son have been living with their whole lives. I'm guessing there were no As for effort in that home.
I mean should there be?
I'm not going to beat my kid for failing but I'm definitely not pretending like it's the effort that mattered.
Olive Garden, Red Lobster Scale Back Employee Work Hours to Avoid Paying for Health Insurance.
Though details were scant, the company did say there were no immediate plans to expand the "test," which is aimed at "help[ing] us address the cost implications health care reform will have on our business."
Sliding minimum wage.
I've been saying it for months.
Starting January 2014, when most major provisions of the Affordable Care Act go into effect, companies with over 50 employees will be required to provide health insurance to employees working over 30 hours a week. Companies that flout the law will be fined $3,000 per uncovered employee.
Let me employ my formula to see how much minimum wage should be at one of these fine eating establishments--
He raked in 4.29 million last year.
I'm not going to factor in options and kick backs and all that crap because I do have to go to bed soon--
$18.34 an hour is what I've calculated.
Darden, which, ironically, bills itself as "the world's largest full-service restaurant company," made headlines last year when it started a "tip sharing" program requiring the waitstaff to share its tips with all other employees. According to the Associated Press, "That allows Darden to pay more workers a far lower 'tip credit wage' of $2.13, rather than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour."
And under my administration paying less than 50% of the stated minimum wage equates to slave labor.
Slavery in my country is a capital offense.
Let us hope the next CEO of Darden Restaurants exercises more caution in his economic strategies.
I don't get why companes are so fucking cheap that they will do something like this and screw their own employees.

Oh wait, it's because they're fucking cheap.
You seriously don't get it?
How fucking deluded and sheltered are you?
They do it because they fucking can.
People need actual protection. That's the point of the law. To protect the weak from the strong.
And because they can. :(

People need jobs so badly that they have no choice other than to put up with this kind of crap. Ugh.
And under my system there'd be no need for unions because they're protected by the state.
No union dues, no abuse from the unions--
there'd be no real need to force your employer to pay for healthcare because additional reforms to the healthcare industry itself (actual reforms, not nonsense Obama is deluding people into thinking is a good idea) would ensure any citizen could pay for his or her own healthcare easily--
Places like Red Lobster would only want to hire the best waitstaff and such, ensuring a top quality product from them--
every single person wins under my system.
Elect me emperor now.
It's the trickle down theory.
The only difference is either money or blood trickles down.
My sister worked at Sonic Drive-In when she was in HS and they did the same thing. Sounds like it's been pretty common for a while.
Sonic minimum wage--
A paltry $7.74. High school work.
Ever since public employers like school districts and colleges were allowed to shift their workforce to unbenefitted hourlies and adjuncts back in the late 80s, there has been a steady erosion of fully-benefitted full time employment. Government practices tend to lead the way. We need a labor movement for the permanent part time/temporarily full time workforce that more and more of us are forced to be a part of.
Don't worry, plebeians: I have already solved all your problems.
If you think my wage solution was radical and brilliant wait until you see how I'm balancing the budget.
Or my science program.
Or my space program.
Anyway time to go now.

Monday, October 8, 2012


I can't believe how fucking boring you people are.
Anyway Obama is about to pillage Social Security and I'm glad I'm not like 35 and been paying into this garbage for a while because goodbye, retirement.
Hope you fuckers are taking it easy now so you can survive to maybe spend the two pennies the government hasn't found and taken from you when you're 90.
Long ONTD_P story about this and of course ONTD_P somehow manages to blame everyone but Obama.
I know it's not completely his fault or even mostly his fault but I feel there's enough blame to go around.
Okay, totally turning in my geek cred because it took me this long to notice that the guy who plays Captain America was also the Human Torch in the Fantastic Four movies. Oy.
You may have noticed that unlike elections past, I have not commented much about recent events. Not much point; my invective seems to be reserved for Facebook and Twitter these days, where it's so much easier to use my new iPhone to comment freely on the latest lunacy coming from the right, which should be tipping off the edge any time soon.

My political opinions have never been a secret, nor will they ever be.
Kind of reminds me why I don't post on Facetube.
For any of you who are Star Trek and/or Supernatural fans and you don't mind reading demented fanfic of the type that must be written elsewise it will drive its creator nuts, please add or bookmark my writing journal 
Supernatural Star Trek crossover fanfiction.
I see myself reading that.
What Leary took down with him was the central illusion of a whole lifestyle that he helped create. A generation of permanent cripples, failed seekers, who never understood the essential old mystic fallacy of the acid culture, the desperate assumption that somebody, or at least some force, is tending the light at the end of the tunnel.
I feel the need to defend my namesake here.
He wasn't a well man by any definition but as they say, madness and genius are two sides of the same coin.
From my own reading of his writings he was a man who well understood man's need to evolve beyond his current ability.
This was a fairly new idea when he said it and definitely unpopular so I feel he was a trail blazer if nothing else.
In fact one might say his desire to find the light at the end of the tunnel within himself was a new idea to the west and he certainly adapted it to his own end.
So no, I disagree. I think he was perfectly rational for doing what he did even if it didn't make much sense to plebeians like you.
Our lovely HR person left today. Her husband's gon' on down to Houston and she's gon' with him, and I will miss her.

I just wonder what that West Midlands accent will become once she's ensconced in Houston. Hmm.
And I understand where he's coming from, Timothy Leary. People often fail to understand my transhumanist leanings mixed with Greek mythology.
Sure, it doesn't make sense to you but if you had my faculties it'd make sense.
For those of you still hanging with me and who were around back in 2008 . . .

Aren't you glad I'm not spewing my political wargarrrbl around anymore?
Look! I'm slightly less of a twat now!

Tonight we went to see Sinbad; we've had the tickets for a few weeks, and after this last week some good old-fashioned laughter was much needed.
Well if you needed to laugh--

Do the clothes you wear to work or school reflect your personality, or are they a 'costume' to fit into the image of who your boss/colleagues/teachers expect you to be?
The second part.
>dressing to impress their teachers
If that were the case I'd see fewer Lil Wayne T-shirts.
What would you wear instead of 'the status quo' if it were up to you?
Who gives a shit?
plz go Lil Wayne
Because why the hell not?

Find the nearest book to you, turn to page 45, and read the first sentence: this describes your sex life in 2012
"When a unit is fighting more than one enemy unit, all such units are said to be involved in a multiple combat."
Also the 4th edition Warhammer rulebook was closer than the 6th.
I don't know why.
Well, I was hesitating mentioning this yet, but might as well:

I've been a Trekker for about two decades now, off and on and never that fervent compared with some of my fellow ers/ies. 
Two decades ago you were a Trekkie?
Two decades ago I was busy being 4.
I think you're too old for this fanfiction stuff.
When you make a sockpuppet account to pretend to be a Latina bisexual to bolster reviews on your misogynistic self-published crapfest of a novel.
Not a complete sentence.

It's so stupid and pathetic it's beautiful.

Edit: Review is gone, but apparently it TOTALLY OMG WASN'T HIM: Now some idiot apparently used my name and gave me a glowing review to make it look like as if I sockpuppeted myself. Really? Really? And you honestly think people would be that stupid to fall for it and think that was me? Really? Really?

You know, except for that whole credit card identity verification thing.
I don't even know what this post is about but it all sounds very e-drama filled.
What is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?
I dunno about nicest ever because I don't think about the compliments people have paid me too much but a class declared me the best substitute teacher ever today so that was p. nice.
That was the nicest compliment I heard today.
I am pretty awesome, not gonna lie.
Second to that was my fiction writing teacher in college, novelist Maureen McHugh, telling me that I have the chops to write professionally.
I skipped the first because who gives a shit--
and you don't write professionally so--
I don't really know what Maureen McHugh's point was.
Nine years ago today the world lost the greatest bass player who ever lived.
Pretty sure Flea is still alive.
I've recently begun a study of North Korea motivated mainly by pure curiosity and a kind of low-level horrific fascination. I'm not particularly interested in the minutiae of the politics but about the broad society itself and the particulars of a society compared over and over to Nineteen Eighty-Four (little-known fact; the proper title of George Orwell's magnum opus should be spelt in letters, not numbers).
Little-known fact for people who can't be bothered to check the cover, maybe.
Anyway fuck this blog it's time play some Pokemon.