Meanest Mom is on hiatus--
Only one thing to do I feel.
Victorgreywolf, my old friend.
Okay, so I saw an article today saying how much it would cost to have Kardashian, or Lady Gag-gag to your party. My question to those people who want them is why would you?Oh shit.
Victorgreywolf, master interrogator.
I mean, they are the most revolting people on earth, even more than that Brian James Hellwig or the other way around, (if the Brian James was truem his initals would be BJ. Hmm I bet he couldn't get or give one, lol) or Guy Fieri, and I didn't even think anyone could disgust me more than those people.OHHH DAAAAAANG what the fuck?
who is Brian James Hellwig?
So, why invite someone who will most likely shun you, right? I mean, I would be a better candidtate than Kardashian, or Gag-Gag, and I would almost do it for free.But you are a creepy fuck and you're still not doing it for free.
Almost do it for free. Wow, dude. That's some ego.
As far as celebrities go, release Manson, so he could wipe out more, and the haters will be able to take their spots. Hey, can you be that honest in your way of thinking, and to one old poster, this is the humble me, when it comes to celebs. Deal with it.Deal with it. I'd release serial killers from prison to murder (ostensibly) innocent people.
Okay, so in Denmark, 4 Swedish people from Pakistan are charged with attacking the Danish prince over the cartoons of the prophet mohammad. All I can say is get over it, assholes. If the roles were reversed, and those creepy assholes were drawing cartoons of the prince of Denmark, you would tell us no big deal, right?People in Denmark worship their royalty, apparently.
If Victorgreywolf is to be believed.
I'm inclined to believe him because he's proven an expert on human relations.
Okay, so it seems that a girl in Colombia gave birth at 10 years old, being the oldest mother in the world. Seems someone likes them young. Why didn't the parents force the girl to have an abortion, right?Yes, I'm sure abortions are readily available in Colombia.
I mean, giving birth at 10?! What is the legal age of consent in that country? Anyone know, please tell me.I'm sure this 10 year old girl and her 10 year old boyfriend decided to fuck of their own accord and this wasn't rape or anything.
Whoever got her pregnant there will be in big trouble, I can tell you that right now. seems girls and boys at that age are having sex, right? Damn, what is this word coming to, right?
I get the impression this might technically be him attempting comedy but it's so hamfisted I don't even want to acknowledge this as an aborted comedy routine.
Well, I hope that kid isn't borth with any handicaps, but if a mother is that young, wouldn't the kid be born with SOME level of problems? Wow, that's all I can say, wow. Now, whoever got her pregnant can't deny that they aren't the father, unless she got a used condom off the street, and squirted the cum into her birth canal. In that case, she did it to herself, right?What in the fuck has to be the matter with you?
A 10 year old
finds a used condom--
and decides--
how does that thought even occur to you, Victorgreywolf?
I guess if the parent taught them sex ed, this wouldn't have happened, or would it? People that are stupid enough to do this deserve what they get.How in the fuck did the idea of her finding a used rubber and getting herself pregnant with it occur to you before the idea she was raped?
I know this blog is supposed to be haha funny with the jokes but I'm honestly at a complete loss at how to explain this. What's wrong with you?
Okay, so there was a change in the future of video games, because of people who buy used games that have them have cheat codes and stuff. Man, that is so stupid. Also they say that it will only be online. Well, who cares about something as frivolous as online, right? Answer is, not me.... So what he's actually describing is current trends in games where they give you free DLC if you buy the game new in order to persuade you to not buy it used.
Because the used game market actually causes way more loses to game companies than piracy.
The systems that were planning on doing this were the XXXbox, as I like to call it, and Sonly with the next playstation.This motherfucker, man. I'd really rather read some dumb girls' ignorant opinion on gaming than this jackass'.
It seems ridiculous, if you ask me, and since you are reading this, you DID, so there. :P
Anywho, it is ridiculous with the online things they do. Hey, computers are for online, not video games.
Why don't they either get rid of the online part of game systems, or do like the XXXbox 360 does, and make it an option, such as if you choose to have an internet connection, you can. (I wonder if the PS3 has that option or not.) Just don't put an online part in the games, and this way, you can avoid the problem.Of course the PS4 will require you to register your key online and then the game is tied to your PS4 so good luck doing this with no internet connection, retard.
Also yes, just get rid of online. Hey all you people who play games, guess what?
Victorgreywolf says no more online components. Eat shit, losers.
Had lots of fun playing games with your friends online?
Video games are a good way to spend free time, and get rid of alot of stress, no doubt, but online? Come on.Come on. Online games just cause stress.
Like when I had to level woodworking today, fuck. That was some intense shit. I definitely didn't almost fall asleep doing it.
As far as this story goes, it would be best to remove the online option from the system, and have it like it was before, just for fun. What's wrong with that, right?
What's wrong with it?
Are you fucking stupid?
Hey movies, let's go back to black and white. What's wrong with that, huh?
Hey transportation. What's wrong with a horse and buggy?
Hey medicine. What's wrong with a jar of leeches?
Ha, ha oh Christ he released a standup comedy album.
Gotta hear this--
I can listen to free clips of it. That's good because I reckon 30 seconds of VGW is all I can take.
"Observational comedy" he calls this. Lots of people confuse observational comedy with shit you thought that isn't actually funny and guess which camp Victor falls in?
Now, if a woman wants to sell her body, she isn't throwing her life away, she is doing what she wants, and to those who object to it, you're only jealous, because no person wants you that way, and you can't deal with it, as the case with that woman who chided her. I don't think she could get a street customer to give her a second glance, and she made her daughter cry for it.Yes. All prostitutes are doing it because it seems like a fun time.
That's actually why anyone does the job they do, in fact. Like me and putting salad on a shelf. I took one look at my teaching certificate and said "you know, I think I'd really enjoy putting salad on a shelf instead."
Living the dream.
How has technology benefited the world? Or has it worsened it?Remember this award winner?
This is best a mixed pro AND con. Sure it has helped people improve their lives, but at the same time, it makes bullying easier, and people to talk about you, and you can't physically respond to them, so it is at best a double edge sword.Greatly increased our lifespan and our quality of life but BULLYING WHAT?
Okay, it seems that some young teenage girls are posting video pictures of themselves on youtube, asking complete strangers if they are ugly. I don't understand the reason behind it, but I think it is ridiculous to be quite honest with you, especially since beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so the answer to those questions they ask are at best mixed.I don't understand why they'd do that.
Because young teenagers are especially well known for being rational creatures.
Okay, so it looks like MSNBC and a few other television stations are now covering women who want to work at the legalized brothels in Nevada.I dunno. Some people might have a few questions about an economy where women have to do that to make a living but whatever. You're the expert on social issues, Victor.
Man, what I don't understand is what is the big deal about it. If a woman wants to sell her pussy or vagina, whose property is it? THEIRS, and theirs alone.
Now, to those women who are in the category who hate it, let me ask you this:Oh yeah that's rich coming from the guy with a million rants about how much he hates celebrities.
Are you feeling angry every time you see a man that you are attracted to with someone you hate? Shouldn't you be taking notes, instead of hating someone.
Anyway fuck this I'm going to bed.
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