Also it means increased levels of assholery and douchebaggery. So batten down the hatches and we'll weather this storm yet.
Is it weird that I'm writing a series of essays on my characters and their relationships in my original fiction? Maybe it is, but I'm finding sorting through their motivations and different actions and traits really enjoyable.
Whoa I think I just fell asleep with me eyes open.
But unfortunately I can't do any of that (with the exception of the essays) until the cold I have clears up, because I have this strange inability to write dialogue when I can't talk properly. Strange but true.
Wow that's really-- really-- Zzz.
What else...? Um, well, my mission to fully sort out my book collection is progressing nicely. I've decided that as I have so many books (about 800 actual books and a good few thousand on my computers) it'd be a good idea if I compiled a list of them so I didn't end up getting the same one twice or whatever.
Huh. You know reading that many books might be impressive, but they're probably all dreck like Twilight (my best seller) so who gives a shit? You might as well be watching TV.
It's going well, but considering I downloaded the entire Project Gutenburg collection which is over 13,000 free books it's taking a little while! Lol.
Ha, ha-- wait I don't get it.
I love Project Gutenberg :) It made me realise just how much of a nerd I am though when I noticed it had these books by this sixteenth century theologian/philosopher and I got all happy XD
lol XD die.
All I'm going to say is I love the fic I'm writing. LOVE IT.
And that's all I'm saying for now. Lolz.
Anyway, I was really, really good and I only bought four books which are:
History of Britain Pocket Companion
The Interesting Bits - History You Might Have Missed
The Age of the Dictators
The Nature of Despotism
You went to the largest bookstore in Europe and that's what you came out with? Holy shit I could go to my local fucking Border's and get 1000 incarnations of those things.
I'm really interested in seeing what the last one is like.
The Nature of Despotism... I'm guessing it might have something to do with despots and their psychology, huh?
I'm around, sort of, but damn as near zombiefied for the moment due to work. Fics will be forthcoming (eventually) but not for a couple of weeks.
Jeez, leave me waiting, you cocktease.
Now there's a post and I don't understand half the words in it. I guess this has something to do with her writing, which was as I suspected (shit). Fortunately nothing escapes my eagle eyes, and I found a link to her shitty writing. It is here.
I'll pick what sounds like the most interesting thing-- ehh- The Assassin sounds promising, if anything here can be called promising.
Tales of the young Havelock Vetinari, detailing his father's death and his first day at school.
Whoever that is.
Oh, apparently (after some googling) this character is from Discworld, which I never read, so fuck it.
Oh my God this reads like the world's biggest bore is talking to an assembly of the world's biggest bores. Here's a hint if anyone reading this is thinking about writing: write about interesting things.
Let the bad reviews commence!
You get bad reviews on You have fucked up on a website where any mention of Naruto is A+ would read again.
I lost the story I was working on. My computer crashed and it's gone...all of it. I was really happy with it too. It's one of those situations where swear words aren't really enough so you just give the computer a disappointed look, sigh heavily and put it in the corner for a while so it can think about what it did wrong.
Maybe I don't know how to write fiction, but it seems to me stories should take (if they're going to be of any substance) a while to write. It shouldn't be "WELL I LOST WHAT I WAS WORKING ON I'M DISAPPOINTED IN MY COMPUTER NO BIG DEAL." Unless you just started.
I have been coming up with so many ideas recently. It's totally cool, but I don't have enough time to write it all down. Damn you, brain of mine!
It's great though. I've just started this new original fic and it's going really well.
I wish I could have this much confidence in all of my ideas.
The only problem is that I'm thinking up dialogue quicker then I can write it down, which is a problem I have a lot.
Which would be a huge problem for you from my limited experience with your writing, because, like Twilight (my best seller) it seems 95% dialog driven. Not good dialog, either, so you're even bad at your supposed strong point.
How does it feel to be a complete and utter hack?
Thats what my writing needs: the click where it all goes into place and you just know it's good.
Wouldn't everyone who writes need that? Most people struggle with it and shit but no, you just sit there and wait for the failed fanfiction express to come pick your lazy ass up and take you to uninspiredville.
And I know this is going to work: I know the characters, I know the world, I know the plotline. I'm taking my time with this one, writing as and when necessary and I'm going to polish it until it's exactly the way it plays out in my head
Congratulations you just described how to write fiction. Glad you learned this critical first step in the world of fiction writing after you've already been writing for years.
I just wrote two and half thousand words in an hour and a half. For me that is nothing short of fucking phenomenal.
Jesus Christ all mighty. I doubt the prolific Stephen King averages that. I know that's quality.
Two and a half thousand words For those of you unfamiliar with how many typed words are on an average sheet of paper (understandable, most people don't count words) that's about 6-7 pages. That's about 41 words a minute, a little under one word a second. Know what definitely didn't happen in that hour? Thought.
It's at this juncture I'd like to point out to my fanfiction-writing friends that writing isn't like grinding in an RPG-- you can't get better at it just by doing it. It's an active process of learning and discovery.
Okay, I've just completed Fallout 3 and...
Did I call this RPG grinding thing or what?
The game presents itself as pretty free-roaming, like GTA or something: You have a main story, you have side-quests, you intermingle them, etc,
>Fallout 3
>like GTA
I know people who would be raging right now.
Also I like how she talks about how bad the ending was (and it was) then goes on to complain basically about how there's no new game+ (the game ended without a chance to continue or restart with her character intact, she has to start completely over) but fails to mention that the ending made no fucking sense in the first place.
This is something I'd think a writer would pick up on: the super mutant in your party (immune to radiation) won't go pull a switch that'll fill the room with lethal radiation, instead leaving you (not immune to radiation) to do it instead. Similarly, the Ghoul could have done this.
Also I know this will come as a shock to this casualfriend blogger, but before-- ehh-- 1999, most games didn't have a new game + option. Beating the final boss resulted in a game over screen. The end. You win.
Now there's a post entitled "Dear American Voters..." followed by "thank you". You Brits are real pretentious with that shit, let me tell you. Although I guess no one really gives a shit who you vote for in your quaint little elections so whatever.
Actually, come to think of it I'm not sure why anyone gives a shit about our elections since you're invariably going to elect a fuck up no matter who you choose, but the party is fun and the colors are bright so that placates the masses.
I eventually managed to write my daily quota of word vomit last night
Great. Speaking of, I'm out of things to say.
Piss off.
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