It finally happened. The fanfiction singularity.
So let's take a hop back to Livejournal and whoa it's still shit but let's read about people being scum.
I cannot attest to the quality of this entry because this is ostensibly people just explaining how much people suck so there might not be much to say.
We'll see.
Recap: Assistant Manager at a Thrift StoreI'd walk the fuck out.
It finally happened.
Someone took a deuce in the fitting rooms. Right on the floor. Giant, disgusting pile.
No job is worth the biohazard.
My coworker actually asked if someone let an elephant into the store, to give you an idea of the volume we're talking. It was even on the wall.No amount of money
They left their pants and underwear and stole a pair of ours to wear out.
I'm not sure if it was malicious (there's a group of people around here none too fond of our company, as per local Craigslist rants...) or someone just had an accident... either way, I wish whoever they were would have just asked to use the restroom. We don't have a public one, but for emergencies, I make exceptions. That was an emergency... it took me and my coworker tag-teaming all day to clean it up. It was... horrific.
Bonus Suck: When someone steals a pair of shoes and puts their old disgusting pair back on the shelf. Ugh.
is worth this
what it is with you
At the restaurant I'm helping at, you're only allowed to come in and dine on days you don't work. So, I decided to do just that. On my day off, I got dressed up in my normal every day clothes and went to go eat. I'm standing up front chatting with some friends when a woman approaches me, standing in between my friend and me and says "I need you to help me when you're done chit-chatting."Who goes to work when they don't have to?
This was a common problem on Kitchen Nightmares, too. Hanging out after your shift ends! Like what?
Who does this?
I might hang out at a school to talk to another teacher for a while (up to half an hour one time!) but I'd never just go in when I didn't have to.
I look at my other friend who is standing on the other end of the counter who IS working and raise my brow. Really? You're going to approach the girl in jeans and a t-shirt as opposed to the actual person working? "Uh, ma'am, I'm sure they'd love to help you right over there. The gentleman by that computer there."Well why didn't you handle that yesterday?
"You were here when I got this yesterday. They gave me the wrong bottle of wine. I need to exchange this now." She replies.
No I don't care about this.
This is strictly a wtf but it was so funny i couldn't keep it to myself. It's like a comedy skit but it seriously happened. The customer did not suck, he was great to work with and his problem got fixed. Just some crossed wires lolThat's your fault for not asking if they were talking to you currently on a cellphone or a land line. You have to be specific with idiots.
I am wanting to do a hard reset on his modem which will reboot it and possibly cut off our call.
Me: Are you using a cellphone right now?
C: I have a laptop.
Me: *My bad, easy to misunderstand. Let's try this again* Are you using a cellphone to talk to me right now?
C: I've got a laptop.
Me: *Massive communication failure, let's move on* Your modem is going to reboot once I do this.
C: That's okay, I'm using a cellphone.
I love comic books, and to placate both my wallet and my husband I tend to buy a lot from a second hand book store in the town near me.So I'm playing the new Diablo 3 expansion, Reaper of Souls, and I'm having trouble disliking the nemesis in this expansion.
It's not a big shop, and the comics/graphic novel section is a small section in the back corner. Today when I went in I couldn't get anywhere near it as a couple browsing in the rest of the shop had decided the comic book section was obviously the babysitting section and had left their two young kids sat on the floor, strewing the comic books all over the place. Seriously, the two kids were looking at a comic, then just dumping then on the floor. It was a total mess, and I could see the assistant was getting pretty annoyed.
It became clear pretty quickly that there was no way I was going to get anywhere near the things I wanted to look at as neither child seemed to recognise the words "Excuse Me", so I was about to leave when the kids dad came over, giving me the stink eye and started making comments to his kids that were quite clearly aimed at me along the lines of "Isn't it silly grown ups want to read comics? Ha ha ha!" and "Girls shouldn't be reading comics". So great, not only does he let his kids to make messes in shops, he's teaching them outdated gender stereotypes.
I left and went back later. The assistant recognised me and told me the family didn't buy anything, and she had to put the comics back. And one of the graphic novels the kids had been reading? Kick Ass. Cause that's totally for kids.
Malthael. He's the "reaper of souls" in the title.
His big idea is that since demons and angels won't stop fighting and humans won't stop meddling the only logical solution is to kill a ton of people so he can gain power because, as the angel of death, he is powered by people dying.
There is peace after death he argues and after reading blogs for the last 4 years I'm struggling to find a flaw in this plan.
Assholes like this get their souls sucked out and then there's no more struggle.
Get your imperialist attitude out of hereDon't tell me what to do.
This is a WTF that I can't stop laughing about.YOU ABANDONED YOUR FREEDOMS LONG AGO.
Background: I'm an American, currently living and working in a cupcake shop in Melbourne. I don't know why, but whenever I encounter my fellow countrymen here, they can never tell that I am American. (Everyone else can.)
So an American couple came into the shop yesterday and wanted to buy six cupcakes. No probs. Unfortunately, due to stocking issues with a supplier, we're currently out of six-boxes. So I ask if it's cool to pack five in a box and one separately.That's not an imperialist attitude. That's a dumbass attitude. An imperialist would be well aware of what systems were used to measure what in a different country.
They didn't seem to mind or get angry, but the woman seemed very, very confused.
American Woman: See, in America, everyone orders cupcakes in a dozen or half dozen!
Luckily, her husband set her straight.
American Man: Yes, but it wouldn't be like that here. It's not a dozen in the metric system!
Yes, here in Australia, we only sell cupcakes by 10s. True story.
Dear Asshole with a Cute DogAHUEHEUHEUEHUEHEU
Your Border Collie is adorable, and I don't blame him for what happened tonight, but you sir are a rude idiot.
Yes, I am indeed on my period, it's a perfectly natural part of being female. As such I'm not ashamed of it, but it's not something I like to announce. So when I came to the table next to you and your dog dove nose first into my crotch I didn't find it amusing that you yelled out "Watch out, the barmaids on the rag, he can always tell!" on the top of your voice so all the customers could hear you. I ignored you, but you seemed to think it was so funny and kept saying it to your mates, who quite frankly were cringing at your behaviour. Shame you were already getting up to leave, I'd love to have refused your service.
Grow the hell up.
No love,
P.S. Your friend did give me a nice tip as you left, so thanks for that I guess.
-_- .....This might be a slightly judgmental statement, but if those pizzas were for a a little respect and common decency in an interaction too much to ask?Yes.
Blogs are gay.
So speaking of jobs in Korea let's watch this.
I can jerk off to this.